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Posted on Sun Jun 18th, 2023 @ 12:23pm by Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece] & Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Planet side survivers camp
1156 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Gen'tetra stretched quietly as she walked through the camp, dressed in a Simple, and comfortable jump suit that at seemingly offered no insulation from the bitter cold of the camp, her white furred tail flicking with annoyance as she walked. She'd spent the better part of an hour arguing with her superior to the finer points of Hers and his Duties here on this world. An Argument she'd ultimately lost with the Rather Terse Comment from him of: Do everything you can to help Star fleet off this rock. She grimaced as she walked, her thick fur keeping the bitter cold out, and letting her stand among the other crew members for the first time since she came aboard the Elysium with out the Complicated armor system she wore.

Nicholas was standing off to the side, waiting to get into the recreation tent. It was a packed house tonight, as word had spread that someone had dug out a karaoke machine. As silly an item as it was, the crew, Starfleet and civilian alike, were coming out in waves to both have a turn and enjoy the spectacle that unfolded from each performance.

As he waited, he saw a face he thought he recognized from old intelligence reports. "It can't be..." he said to himself. Moving over to the famous Arten Snowrunner. "Warrant Officer Crystalcliff? Is that really you?"

With a bristle of frustration that ran through her fur Gen'Tetra, turned her gaze around the Tent, her bright green eyes focusing on the Lieutenant. "Apologies Sir, Have we met?" she asked with a slow tilt of her head, her large ears twitching as she adjusted her posture to square herself with him.

Giving the diminutive officer a friendly grin, Nicholas shook his head. "Not officially, no. Though, after reading all of your reports on the Star's Eye...well," he chuckled slightly. "I feel like we have." He then corrected himself and extended his right hand in greeting. "Lieutenant Nicholas Reece. I'm in Intel, specializing in Infiltration."

Gen stiffened up, her tail bristling behind her as she looked him over. "Heh...most humans can't really...tell our kind apart," she said with a bit more cheer in her voice. " know me from the diplomatic incident then?” She chuckled quietly. “I suppose being the face of the team who stole some sensitive schematics from half a quadrant away would have some recognizable impact.”

Nicholas grinned a conspiratorial grin. "More so that i was highly impressed by how you did what you did. If there were more Star's Eyes out there, just imagine what we could learn?"

The alien gave him a coy, fanged grin. "Well, for one we'd probably give the Romulans a heart attack, since they'd never have a private moment if the Federation had one Stars Eye, let alone twenty," she said playfully.

This made Nicholas chuckle again. "While that certainly would make things more interesting," he paused an a lop-sided grin crossed his face as he continued. "It would put infiltration spooks like me out of a job!"

"Well, it would still need analysts to go over the data," she said with a shrug. "Subspace data is notoriously difficult to read the more complex it becomes."

He grimaced playfully. "Oh joy, paperwok.' He chuckled softly as he continued. "I do much better out in the field, moving through the weeds, down amongst the people I am investigating."

She smiled warily. "I suppose that's why I always felt more comfortable in a Lab...I didn't have to deal with as many people...facts and logic don't lie...or judge.." she sighed. "Or talk about you behind your back.." she added grimly.

Nicholas conceided the point. "This is true. Nor do the facts try to kill you if you are discovered where you shouldn't be."

The line to enter the Common Tent moved and Nicholas stood aside to allow Gen'Terta to enter first.

She gave him a soft nod and stepped in. "So were you one of the Spooks who found out about Stars Eye? Or just heard down the grape vine?" she asked trying to be pleasant.

"Just heard," Nicholas replied with a friendly grin. "I was...occupied elsewhere, during the discovery." He answer was deliberately vague.

Gen'Tetra gave a soft snort as she stood in line. " least I don't have to berate you for how the federation handled it," she said coyly, her tail flicking about behind her.

He snorted softly. "You could berate me, though it wouldn't help anything. I don't make policy. I go out into the weeds, not stay back at HQ."

She gave him a soft smile, her bright green eyes flashing with amusement. "Where as I prefer the quiet and solace of my lab," she said with a mirthful chuckle.

Nicholas chuckled in return. "To each their own, as I've been told for years." He let out a soft sigh before continuing. "Though, my times being out in the weeds is behind me now. At far as HQ is concerned." He smirked playfully. "I'm sure I'll see some alien weeds along our trek home from here at some point."

Gen gave him a genuine smile. "I'm just happy to be on a planet I don't need Armor to survive on.." she said with a chuckle. "I feel bad for Sandtail...but It's nice to not feel like I'm melting at what you humans call room temperature."

This statement caused Nicholas to chuckle again. "Well, we can't all be lucky enough to have such a handsome coat of fur to keep us warm against the cold." He gave her a playful and friendly wink as he spoke.

She gave him a smile. "The fur helps, but as Sandtail and those Sequus demonstrate, it's not always a guarantee," she chuckled softly. "Though...Again, You're not so bad for a humanoid."

He gave her a gentle bow. "Why, thank you for that! I do aim to be a good example of my species." He gave her a friendly smirk as he spoke.

She Smiled in return, an odd expression on her muzzle before she let out a sigh. "It's ...nice talking to someone who speaks my language...In a manner speaking," she added quickly. " often find myself being the outcast of the crew..since the cold...and my...reserved nature often make me out to come off as cold as the quarters I keep."

Nicholas gave Gen'Terta a soft grin. "No one should ever be completely alone." He offered his right hand to her. "You now have a new friend in me."

The Vulpine alien stared at his hand for a moment, a flicker of uncertainty flashing across her face as she tenatively placed her own hand, the velvety pads and silken soft fur a stark C
contrast. "Indeed I do...and you I," she said with a gentle shake of his hand.



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