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Telling Phoenix a Dark Secret

Posted on Wed Aug 9th, 2023 @ 8:33am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Ice World
Timeline: Backpost
1036 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary had gone back and forth on telling Phoenix about McKay and her ill-advised attempts to live forever. Finally, his mind made up to tell her, he just had to find the time to tell her in private or a very close approximation. He could just imagine her reaction to the news. The anger she would have, her eyes going silver like they did when she was well and truly pissed. Fortunately, she hadn't been onboard the Elysium when McKay was conducting her experiments. So, if this all went to hell, she would be spared most if not all of any serious repercussions. It would be his and Rin's heads on platters.

The key would be getting Phoenix when she was alone, could talk and not stressed which pretty damn near impossible. With her family, new husband, crew and ship repairs all wanting a minute of her time. He tried to be a buffer for her. Handle as much as he could, and he did when Phoenix had been injured and was recovering. Finally, an opportunity came along. He was in the command building early one morning, taking care of some mundane tasks as well aa reading up on the progress of the repairs for the Elysium when Phoenix walked in. He was surprised but not overly so. Phoenix liked to be involved in the workings of her ship. "Good morning, Phoenix. There's a fresh pot of coffee if you would like some."

"Hmm no thanks" She replied holding up her own thermos. "Hot Chocolate this morning. How are things going?"

"Good thinking. It has to be better than this coffee." Gary joked. As to how things are going, you know, reading the latest repair updates. Ship is close to being reboarded Phoenix. Very close. The major systems should all be back online. Though, minor repairs such as repairing quarters and bulkheads will be ongoing and truthfully probably never be finished. It will take the Elysium being drydocked and undergo a major refit to accomplish that."

"Oh for that." Phoenix replied. "I wish I could reach Quinn." She added as an afterthought. "Having a Q to teleport us home right now would be useful. We will have to send out scouts for metals and such when we get back to space."

Gary nodded at Phoenix's statement. "It would be nice but we'll make it. I have every confidence in this crew." He paused and knew now was a perfect time to fill Phoenix in on Mckay's doomed experiments. "I need to talk to you on a classified matter that took place while you were 'away.' with the Black Watch."

"oh? that was months ago" Phoenix was curious. "What happened?"

"Lt. Mckay was involved in secret unauthorized experiments which cost her, her life." He said by way of opening statement.

Phoenix frowned. "I thought she transferred off." She admitted. "No one said anything. Arrianna never said anything. "

Gary was never one for throwing someone under the bus. "I don't know if Arri knew what Mckay was doing Phoenix. This was all very secretive." He replied with a frown.

"What did she do then?" Phoenix asked curiously.

"She tried to play God." Gary replied bluntly before continuing. "She wanted to live forever and to that end, she injected herself with nanites to achieve that goal."

Phoenix forbore to roll her eyes. Instead she sighed into her drink. "Tell me those nanites have been destroyed since her death?"

Gary shook his head slowly, "Not quite. They have been placed in Type D containment. Airtight, non-organic, nor corroding materials as the nanites are hostile to organic matter. Access codes needed on the container itself. Rin and I have the codes. We have all of Mckay's research as well. It was separate from the main computer system. She has been reduced to metallic dust."

Phoenix sighed. "I swear what is it with Science officers on this ship? Are the labs cursed?" she rubbed a hand over her eyes. "When we get back home, those files are to be destroyed."

Gary nodded at the order. "It will be done. I assure you of that." He then offered a suggestion. "Maybe we should perform an exorcism on the science labs. You know cast out evil spirits." It was said as a joke to lighten the mood. He now hoped Phoenix saw it that way.

"Might be an idea. I think there are witch doctors in New Orleans that we can hire." Phoenix was serious.

Gary nodded, "I'll look into contacting some when we get home. Or maybe someone in the crew knows something about getting rid of evil spirits."

"Yeah, still, seal off her lab, and make sure the science crew know its off limits. Starfleet will want to look at it,"

Gary nodded, "I'll go back up to the Elysium and take care of it and then tell the science department. Oh, I'm sure Starfleet will want to look at it. They will be crawling all over the place." He pointed out.

Phoenix nodded. "As we make our way back, we should do a hunt for technology, if its at that level."

"I think our hunt for said technology should be done below the radar. That is not make a big deal out of it. Just something else added to everything else we're searching for to help us get home. Maybe even a little bit quicker." Gary added.

"Oh I agree, but we do not know what is out here, and what level of tech there is, if we find someone more powerful than us...." She said softly. "Its happened before."

Gary nodded, "Oh, I agree it is best to be prepared then caught off guard. Especially with us alone and no help available. We have to be prepared for whatever comes our way."

Phoenix nodded. "We get who is left home. I swear that is my goal."

Gary took a sip of his coffee which was now cold and made a face. "Yuck." Before he addressed Phoenix. "That is our goal Phoenix." He gently corrected. "We are united in that goal."

Phoenix nodded. "Well back to work."

"No rest for the weary or the wicked." He added with a smile.


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