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Moving Back In

Posted on Sat Jul 22nd, 2023 @ 9:15am by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: USS Elysium, Temporary Lalor-Richardson Quarters
Timeline: MD 1 / 0630 hours
1050 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Phoenix had insisted that her cabin not be given priority, thus the family was split between two cabins.

Miran and Tristi were placed in a cadet cabin on the cadet's deck, with stern warnings about behavior.

But she, Mattias and the twins were assigned a simple two room cabin on deck 18. Phoenix opened the door and carried William into the room, knowing Elizabeth was busy wrapping Matt around her little fingers. "Well it's smaller than normal, but it works," she said with a smile. It reminded her of the room she and Miran shared when they first came on board.

True to her thought on the matter, Mattias was indeed being charmed by Elizabeth, even if she didn't know she was doing it. He carried her into the first room and looked around. "Still bigger than what we shared back on the Monty, my love." He leaned over and gave Phee a gentle kiss on her right cheek. "So long as you all are safe, that's all that matters to me."

Phoenix smiled. "We are all safe and it's good to be back." She pointed to the small room. "The twin's room is in there, they will have room to play there." She lowered William to the floor and he set about crawling around the room. They were so close to their first birthday.

"Which puts us out here, by the front door. Not ideal for privacy, but, it keeps them better protected." He lowered Elizabeth down so she could explore alongside her brother. He didn't worry about them getting anything, as they had been assured by Ops and Avalon, that there was absolutely nothing loose or laying around tgat the twins could hurt themselves on or pick up and put in their mouths. Aside from their toys of course.

Standing back up, he slid his right arm around Phoenix's waist, pulling her against his side as they both watched William and Elizabeth. "They will grow up way to fast on us. Just watch, one day, we will blink and they'll be off on their own adventures as adults."

"Oh that's scary. They turn one at the end of the month," She leaned against him with a smile.

Arching an eyebrow, Mattias chuckled softly as he started to gently nuzzle Phoenix's neck. "Now, there was an important significance to that milestone," he playfully teased as he nibbled the spot he knew drove her wild. "Remind me...what was it again?" He of course knew, he was just playing as he continued to tease her body.

"Hmmm not sure, let me think... oh yes, the possibility of falling pregnant happens to rear its head."

"Well now!" He exclaimed playfully. "We will just have to take the time to fully investigate that situation, my Queen." He spun her around in his arms, then scooped her up easily, as he held her close to him and gazed lovingly into her silvery-blue eyes.

Phoenix laughed and kissed him gently. "Later darling. Let's get the twins settled and unpack. After dinner we can have fun."

A knowing grin crept across Mattias's face. "Thy wish is my command, Your Highness." He then pulled her back up onto her feet and gave her a soft kiss, then he released his hold on her. "Do you want to square away our stuff, or the twin's things?"

"Twins," she replied. "I will get them settled with the holo-nanny." Phoenix kissed him and moved off to unpack the twins.

Mattias returned the kiss, then watched Phee make her way into the twin's room. He let out a soft, contented sigh. It had taken them a very long time to get here, but they had made it. Now, he would do every thing in his power to protect his family from any harm. He rationally knew that he wouldn't be able to stop every threat, not in their way of life. However, he would gladly do everything in his power to see that they were safe.

Moving over to where he and Phee's bags were, he started to unpack them, putting things away as best he could, with the smaller allocated space.

Phoenix meanwhile unpacked the twin's bag and was glad to see their cots were set up already. She hummed as she did her unpacking. It was strange not to have Miran and Tristi in the same cabin but she figured they were responsible enough, and she had explained to Tristi that there would be no fighting.

Once Mattias was finished, he quietly peeked in on Phoenix and the twins, leaning gently against the open door frame as he watched the three of them. There was a soft, loving expression on his face as he did so.

Phoenix was sitting on the floor, watching the twins, who were sitting up and playing with balls around them. She was just enjoying the quiet time with her children before she had to get back to work.

"Now that is a beautiful sight," Mattias said from the doorway.

She turned and smiled at him warmly. "You could join us you know."

Mattias's smile grew even brighter as he shoved off of the doorway and moved over to sit next to his beautiful wife. After putting his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her in against his left side. He turned his face towards her and gently kissed the top of her head. "They truly are beautiful, Phee!"

Phoenix smiled and snuggled close to him. "They are perfect, for us."

Mattias nodded in agreement with his beautiful wife's statement. Elizabeth and William were in fact, quite perfect indeed.

For the next few hours, the small family spent a fair amount of quality time together. Then later, Mattias and Phoenix worked together to feed the twins their dinner, then they gave each one a bath in turn. Once they were in fresh pajamas, Mattias and Phoenix put them to bed in their separate cribs. Mattias stood next to Phoenix as she sang an Erisian lullaby to them.

Once they were asleep, their parents stepped back out into the main room and spent the rest of the evening together in peaceful quiet. They both knew that it was a fleeting thing. In the morning, they would have to face the world outside their little bubble.



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