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Surveying the damage

Posted on Sun Jul 16th, 2023 @ 5:27am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: USS Elysium, Deck 2-Diplomatic Suite
Timeline: MD2, 0645hrs
869 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrinn had been working with various parts of the crew to make sure that everyone from the surface of the planet made it back to the ship safe and sound. All that was remaining were some of the marines, who were helping to clean up the remainder of the materials that the crew brought down to the planet with them for survival.

Since it was pretty well done on the planet, Andrinn wanted to take a look around the diplomatic suites on Deck Two. He knew that they wouldn't look pretty, but he wanted to look them over before any of his staff even considered going back. Andrinn, at that moment, felt a bit of what Commodore Lalor was feeling at that moment when she looked over the entire ship. He felt a twinge of sadness washing over him, knowing that nothing could have ever changed, no matter what happened or who did what to try and stop all of this from happening.

The turbolifts were running on reserve energy mode, which meant that it took a bit longer for them to get to their final destination. Plus, they must've had to divert around some sections that weren't wholly fixed yet and the various teams onboard were working on them.

However, once the doors slowly parted ways and Andrinn was able to step out onto Deck Two, he could finally see everything that had happened, at least in the Diplomatic Suites. There were still some smoke scars on the walls from where the power had arched along them after the filament hit them. Reo had mentioned in passing that the walls would be replaced once we had the energy for it and once we were able to ascertain how close we were to the Federation.

Andrinn walked over to them and touched them. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to touch the scorched walls, but it made him feel better. The various counselors that Andrinn had talked to over the years had told him to make sure that he stayed grounded in the moment and to never forget to just take a moment to breath. This moment allowed him just that and he was happy to have a few moments back on the ship to do that.

But, what would have made this moment even better would have been to have Sam with him. As far as Andrinn was aware, Sam was still down there on the planet helping the other marines to clean up the planet of their various supplies brought down. Andrinn smiled for a moment before tapping his combadge, saying, "Computer, record a message for Sam Woolheater to be sent once he's back onboard."

The computer chirped a few times before it finally replied back, "Record after the beep." Then, the computer beeped and allowed for Andrinn to begin recording his message for Sam.

It took Andrinn a few moments to think of something to start out with, but he knew that the simplest thing was the best. "I love you....Please be careful while you're out there saving the galaxy mister," Andrinn said, wiping a tear away that was forming within his eye. Andrinn told the computer that he was done with the recording and the computer replied back, "Message saved and will be sent once Captain Samuel Woolheater returns to the Starship Elysium."

Andrinn smiled as he began looking around the offices some more. He couldn't help, but smile at that moment because Andrinn realized that while some people were lost, it could've been a lot worse than it actually was. Andrinn hadn't looked at the final report of how many people were lost, but he knew that he would have to help write some of the letters back home to the people that were lost, as well as sending them off to the various consulates once they were back in Federation space.

As Andrinn rounded a corner, Andrinn saw the office where he sent the first message after this whole incident began some time ago. It was to Sam and Andrinn couldn't help but chuckle a little bit when he realized what room this was. He just sent off another message to Sam, making sure he looked after himself, just as he called out to him in that dark moment for the ship.

Andrinn knew that this was just a new beginning and that his entire team would be working hard to make new friends in this part of space. With that, Andrinn walked out of the office and headed back towards the turbolift and back to the cargo bay, where he had been helping an engineering crew make sure that the cargo bays were set up properly for the stuff that they needed to collect for this part of space and to repair the parts of the ship still in need of repair.

Andrinn walked into the turbolift and the doors swooshed closed behind him. As he sat there for a moment, he whispered to himself, "Thank god for the people in my life and on this ship. Computer, Cargo Bay Four."

With that, off Andrinn went to another adventure.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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