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I'm okay, you're okay, we're okay

Posted on Mon Aug 14th, 2023 @ 2:35am by Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: Whavi- Tonelly Quarters
Timeline: MD 3 12h00
621 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Away teams were currently assembling to head out and inspect the graveyard for any parts or materials that could be used to reinforce the Elysium to help her quickly make the trip to the nearest star base for repairs. Baeryn felt a bit of jealousy at not being with them, she silently wished she could join knowing how exciting it would be to explore the unknown. Immediately after her bridge shift had ended Baeryn returned to her quarters and a sleeping Ana.

It was still difficult to be apart from her for more than a few hours at a time. Let alone the amount of time it would take to complete an away mission. Baeryn felt guilty for even entertaining the idea of leaving the ship. She knew one day she would need to come to terms with the distance and entrust David to protect Ana in her absence. Today just wasn't that day.

Baeryn stood in the doorway watching Ana sleep in her crib gifted to them by Captain Richardson. She had yet to extend her thanks. The crib doubled as a self sustained escape pod. The peace of mind the crib gave her was immeasurable. After a few moments Ana became restless, moving her small head back and forth and wigging as best she could swaddled in her blanket. Swaddling was supposed to comfort sleeping babies but Ana liked her freedom.

Approaching the crib Baeryn whispered “Hello little one” and slowly began unwrapping the blanket. The moment she did, Ana's tiny arms extended upwards in a stretch and stayed there. Her eyes remained closed but something told Baeryn that Ana could sense her close by. She always could.

Seeing Ana return to state of content, Baeryn moved to a rocking chair close by the crib, picking up a PaDD from a stand nearby on her way. She opened and browsed a few reports. Reviewing things she had already gone over. There were a few issues she needed to address with her department but felt she was being nitpicky. The team was doing the best they could, with who was left…

The dark thought led to another and then another until flashes of memory started to replay in her mind of the night it all happened. Of being thrown from the bed, 8 months pregnant, completely unprepared. The sound her back had made when it collided with the door frame.She remembered the alarms blaring, the lights going out. The blocked off exits, the bodies in the corridor. Not knowing what had happened, not knowing if they were under attack. The fear the memory brought back caused her lungs to start to constrict upon themselves. She remembered the descent down the turbolift, and then her memory going blank when she fell into the coma.

A small sound came from the crib and Baeryn lifted her head to see two wide ocean blue eyes peering out at her. Her anxiety and fear slowly started to dissipate as she held eye contact with Ana. She knew her daughter could sense her feelings, even if she didn't know she was doing it or how. Baeryn felt shame for the free fall she let herself experience so close to her daughter. It was surprising her feelings had not caused the child to cry, instead Ana seemed to bring Baeryn back, helped her reel in her fear and remind her that not all had been lost.

Bayern put on a smile and rose from the chair, setting the PaDD down. “I'm sorry my little love, Mommy didn’t mean it.” Baeryn scooped Ana into her arms, kissing the child's head as she rocked her back and forth, reassuring her as much as herself they were okay.


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