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Peace can be hard sometimes, Part Two

Posted on Sat Sep 16th, 2023 @ 6:10am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Zander
Timeline: 2280, 0330 hrs
834 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


The next night, Andrinn and Eric were working the Delta Shift together again and it was rather quiet between the two gentleman. There were more whispers of the Federation and the Klingon Empire trying to make peace. So much so that there were talks about the Klingon Ambassador visiting the President of the Federation.

Andrinn sat down as he undid the part of his uniform holding the overcoat in place. He let it slowly come down to make sure that it could be put back up into place, in case a more senior officer were to come along into the Diplomatic Suites.

Andrinn looked over at Eric, who was sitting across from Andrinn and was reading some of the newest updates from Earth. There were more disgruntled looks coming across Eric's face and Andrinn asked, "More news about the Klingon/Federation treaty that you were talking about last night?"

Eric didn't even look up as he just shook his head in the affirmative. It was almost like he wasn't sure what to say, or didn't want to say something that would come across as offensive, especially to someone alien like Andrinn. When Eric finally looked up from the PADD in his hands and finally began talking, Andrinn knew that it was something more than just a bit of diplomatic stuff.

" sister.....just got killed onboard the USS Yorktown after a skirmish between the Yorktown and the freaking Klingons. Do you see why I don't trust those...monsters?" Eric finally replied, trying to keep his composure as he looked away for a moment to wipe away a tear. Andrinn walked over to the table near him and grabbed a tissue for his fellow Ensign, walking it over to him to allow him to use it.

Heading back to his own seat, Andrinn sat back down and thought about how he wanted to reply to Eric. Andrinn knew that it was important to say the right thing for Eric's sake, but also make sure that he learned that not all Klingons were deserving of anything short of the best life possible. There was just a learning curve between the two cultures and it was going to take some time for both sides to learn.

Looking back up at Eric, Andrinn asked, "What did your sister do onboard the Yorktown? What department was she in?"

Eric was quick to reply as he said, "Well, she was one of the best communication officers onboard the Yorktown. She's about five years older than I am, but we were close as two peas in a pod. Did you know that she was one of the first cadets since Uhura to be able to pass five language course tests within their first year at the academy? God, she was amazing with languages and knew how to pick one up at the drop of a dime. Now, she's just gone. I don't know how I'll talk to my parents about it. They'll be destroyed at the core."

"Well, the first thing that I want to say is that I'm sorry that your sister passed away. At least, she was doing what she loved and she was able to see the galaxy. Just like we are! As for your parents, just rip the bandage off and see how they're doing cause they're probably going through a mix of emotions, just like you are. Might hurt otherwise, waiting to tell them because you're unsure of how to talk to them. Plus, they're family," Andrinn said, trying to still walk that tight rope and unsure if any of it was helping.

Eric just chuckled a little bit, even smiling for a brief moment. He looked over at Andrinn as he replied back, "Andrinn, you know something? For someone who is over 150 years old and looks like he's 20 something, you're quite wise. Those years have really done you well and I'm glad that we get to work together. I guess that I'm just upset because of everything that the Klingons have done to my family from my parents to my sister. I'm just ready to see what will be included in the first draft of the treat between the Klingons and the Federation. I'd like to add a few things, but I know that it won't be in the final draft."

A few beeps came from Eric's PADD that he forgot that was in his arms, causing him to jump for a moment. It was a new incoming news article that came from the Federation Diplomatic Corps and once Eric read it over, he handed the PADD to Andrinn. Andrinn read the first part of it and knew that more change was on the horizon.

"Thank goodness that we aren't on Earth right now," Andrinn said, just swapping looks between him and Eric. Andrinn laid the PADD down and the two men began working as required by some new orders included in the download.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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