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Frozen Rage

Posted on Wed Oct 25th, 2023 @ 4:55pm by Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Warrant officer Gen'Terta's Quaters
637 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Warrant officer Gen'Tetra Crystalcliff stared down at the desk before her, her large triangular ears pressed forwards with irritation, her body rigid with frustration, Not only were her quarters far to warm for her personal tastes, but now her most recent simulation was showing negative. With a frustrated sigh she lifted one of her hands up to stroke her lightly furred brow, her long vulpine tail twitching and swaying in frustration behind her. “Computer, run permutation Crystalcliff L-233 Delta,” she said with irritation oozing into her heavily accented voice. “Cycle Sub-space variance through the ships primary Deflector grid at a frequency of 4.0042 cochranes,” She said as she folded her arms across the thick chest plate of her Uniforms armored core.
The computer beeped in confirmation of her instructions, and the simulation started again. Her quarters were small, as was expected for her rank and position, but the cramped living space did not help the irritation that she felt at the moment. Sub-space was one of her Primary areas of study, and a study that she’d long since considered herself a master for, and yet now, with a fault in the USS Elysium’s Primary long-range communications grid having shown up, a fault that looked suspiciously similar to an anomaly she’d encountered during her time on the Arten Confederacy Spy Station Stars Eye.
She Grimaced as she thought back. The anomaly had managed to wreak havoc across the Stations titanic sensor domes before she and the other Defense fleet scientists had managed to compensate for it, and the thought of a repeat performance on a ship thousands of lightyears away from a lab specifically designed to tackle subspace engineering problems was one she wasn’t looking forwards too. “Come on you stupid…” she cursed as the simulation ran through its parameters. “Work this time, by the moons of Cordia, work,” she growled through gritted fangs, her hands clenching to fists.
The simulation came to an end, and as the computer beeped she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them once more, her long black tail wrapping around her waist. She looked at the simulation data, and let out a loud groan as her long ears flicked downwards in dismay, as The typified LCARS voice announced. “Permutation Crystalcliff L-233 Delta has failed to stabilize Subspace detection grid, total system collapse predicted.
The explosion of frustration that followed caught even Gen by surprise, a tirade of curses that failed to translate coming out more like the howls and barks of a mad wolf then the words of any sentient creature, her rage boiling over to the point where her armors environmental system kicked into a higher setting to counteract the rising body temperature her frustration was creating.
Finally, her rage abated, her breathing coming in hard, labored pants, the fur on her face slightly matted with sweat. With a growl she wiped her hand across her brow, taking a few steps across her room and pouring herself a glass of water, the ice in the pitcher cracking as it chilled the cold water further. "Moons of Cordia damn it..." she said. "I need to get that whelp up here to fix the heat of this blasted room," she growled as her thoughts turned towards her superior, Staff Warrant officer Reo'Thanra Sandtail, and his infuriating game of espionage that had Landed himself, and more importantly, her, on this damn federation ship.
With a shake of her head, she moved over to the computer, quickly saving her work before turning and making her way to the door. It was still early, only a little after 13:00 ship time, so if she hurried she'd be able to catch Reo in his office, and potentially leverage him free of his obsession to work on her Environmental regulator. If She hurried.


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