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Two becoming one

Posted on Sat Jan 6th, 2024 @ 3:17am by Daise'Erei'Riov Thomas Pierpoint & Erien Seren Gemini (Kelea-Salik)

Mission: GSN Havraha
Location: Romulan ship - Pierpoint's quarters
1664 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

In Pierpoint's quarters the lights were on although Pierpoint himself wasn't home. In the bedroom his bed was already being kept warm by a certain Veresian female, since her arrival onboard she'd immediately become Pierpoint's favourite plaything. She kept him entertained for preferential treatment, including her current position aboard the ship. Her clothes lay in a neat pile on a chair in the corner of the room and the thin sheet was all that covered her naked skin.

A few minutes later, Thomas entered the quarters. He made his way to the bedroom where he saw Seren already in bed waiting for him. He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss her. "Good evening Seren." He purred as his lips found hers. He enjoyed Seren, she kept him happy, along with the facts that she was intelligent and attractive. It formed a winning combination. He could talk to her, vent on a variety of subjects and she listened and paid attention.

Seren returned Pierpoint's kiss, smiling as their lips parted. "Good evening Thomas, I thought you'd like not having to cook so I left some ready prepared food in the chiller for you." Her fingers gently trailed through his hair and along his neckline before reaching his clothing, waiting for his say so to start helping him out of his clothes.

"Considerate as always and correct. I do not want to cook." Thomas answered, "Have you eaten?" He asked as Seren ran her fingers through his hair. Before she reached for his clothes. Momentarily distracting him from his train of thought. "I'd like you to join me whether you have eaten or not." He continued. As he leaned back to await her answer.

"I'd like that, thank you" Seren smiled as she relaxed a little. She was never sure what mood Pierpoint would come home in, there were times he was difficult to please. "Would you like us to eat now, or later?"

Thomas smiled at the question. "I think i would rather us eat first. Then we can relax in bed on full stomachs. How does that sound to you Seren? Does that thought please you?"

Seren nodded. "It does" she slid out from underneath the sheet, revealing her naked body as she moved to pick up the Romulan version of a silk kimono from the chair. It had been a gift from Thomas when she'd first become his woman.

"Excellent. Let us move to the kitchen nook so we may dine together and enjoy each other's company and conversation." Thomas answered as Seren put on the Romulan version of a kimono.

Tying the belt on the kimono Seren slipped on her flip flop type slippers and followed Thomas to the kitchen, fetching out the food she put the part of it that needed warming on to warm up before setting the table for two. She wanted to please Thomas, she didn't like it when he was displeased with her.

"What would you like to drink with your meal Seren? We have a limited variety of beverages to choose from." Thomas informed her as he watched her prepare their meal.

"I don't mind, please choose for us." It didn't take long for the pre-cooked food to warm bringing it to the table she dished it out onto their plates. "It's a dish from my home world, similar to what you would call a stew. I used the vegetables and meat we found at our last resupply stop. I hope you like it."

Thomas poured them both a glass of Andorian Ale. it was as potent as Romulan Ale but still was a pleasing drink. "I am sure I will like it Seren. It has been awhile since I had stew with meat in it. Tired of the vegetables by themselves." He groused.

Seren nodded as she took her seat, as always she ate first more to prove that she hadn't put anything in the food to taint it than for any other reason. "It tastes delicious, as good as if it were made at home."

"It smells delicious." Thomas admitted as he placed a fork into the stew and placed it in his mouth. "Hmmm." He grinned happily as he swallowed, "Tastes delicious too. Well done Seren."

"Thank you" She smiled as she politely tucked into the rest of her stew, pausing part way through to drink her Andorian ale. It wasn't a drink she was used to yet, but she was learning to like it. "Thank you for the Andorian ale."

Thomas nodded, "You are welcome Seren. I hope you enjoy it. I am still learning what food and drinks you prefer. It may take me awhile, but I will get there." He paused, "This meal needs music. I wish we had music to accompany us."

Seren smiled. "You've said before now that you enjoy making our own music in the evenings" she smiled a wry smile. Waiting for him to finish his stew she moved around the table to his seat, gently sitting upon his lap her arms around his neck. "I'm your entertainment, would you like me to dance for you?"

Thomas kissed her softly as she sat upon his lap. "Not dance for me, dance with me." He corrected. " You are much more than entertainment Seren. So much more."

Seren was surprised, was Thomas actually falling in love with her. His attitude towards her had started changing lately. "I'd like that" she stood up her eyes meeting his. "One moment.." she moved to the computer tapping a panel as music started to play. "The one last surprise I had for you. It's just instrumental."

He stood, his eyes closed as the music washed over him. After a bit he opened his eyes and smiled brilliantly at her. "It is perfect Seren. Absolutely perfect. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. It is greatly appreciated."

"After everything you've done for me, it's the least I can do Thomas." Seren smiled as she held onto him, dancing together to the music she actually felt as though there was a brighter future for her.

Thomas nodded as they danced around the room. Perfectly content with Seren in his arms as the music flowed over and around them. He was in a word ... happy.

"Thomas, tell me something" Seren was taking a risk, but she needed to know. "Am I reading this wrong, or are you falling in love with me?" she had said it, now she was about to find out to the truth. If it was a mistake she'd soon find out.

He didn't answer right away as they still danced around the room. As the music wound down, so did their dancing. He looked into her eyes as he spoke. "You are not reading it wrong Seren. I am indeed falling in love with you. You have nothing to fear from me."

Seren's eyes widened in surprise, she'd never expected Thomas to actually fall in love with her. She looked at him through misty eyes, not sad tears but happy ones. "Good, because I'm falling in love with you too." she leant in for a loving kiss, letting it linger with her true feelings.

"Good. I am happy to know you are falling in love with me as well." Thomas replied quietly as he met her kiss with equal passion. Seren should be able to feel his desire and true feelings for her with her abilities.

As their lips finally parted Seren lead Thomas across to the sofa, pushing him down onto the sofa she smiled as she straddled his lap before undoing the ties on her kimono letting it fall open. She was his, and his alone everything she was, was his to enjoy.

Thomas smiled up at Seren. His arms extended to pull her down atop him. "I am so lucky to have found you, to have you come into my life." He whispered as her kimono fell open exposing Seren's chest. "Most impressive Seren." He grinned at her.

"Everything I am is yours now, as Veresian custom dictates when a woman declares her love for a man she shall forever be his." Seren smiled. "That's if the Captain allows it."

"I gladly and willingly accept all you offer me Seren." Thomas replies. "As for the Captain allowing it. That could be a problem."

“Then what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, or us” Seren looked at Thomas with a determined gaze. “After all i’m just your entertainment, why would she care about that? We just have to keep up appearances when on duty.” She leant in for a passionate kiss, then whispered in his ear. “Take me to bed...”

Thomas continued to hold Seren in his arms as she spoke to him. "I couldn't agree more Seren. We'll have to keep up appearances. It will keep us safe. As for taking you to bed..." He bent down and scooped Seren into his. "Your bed awaits you my lady." He whispered into her ear.

Seren held on gently as Thomas carried her to his bed. He had surprised her this evening, she'd seen the type of man he was in the way he acted towards others. He enjoyed being superior, having others look up to him, yet he was treating her with a respect and kindness she'd rarely seen him exhibit.

Thomas carried Seren to his, no, their bed. He knew she was surprised by his actions towards her. He was surprised by his actions. Yet, something had come over him since Seren entered his life. He cared deeply for her. He shook his head slightly. He would try to figure it out later. For now, passion awaited.

Seren was only too happy to help Thomas out of his clothes, the floor strewn with his clothes instead of being folded neatly on a chair. It was going to be a night of passion that she was going to enjoy more than usual.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor on Sat Jan 6th, 2024 @ 3:45am

Well well, it seems the Human is playing with fire. Mishka is Tal Shiar. She has eye's and ears everywhere, be careful who you trust. A well written JP where both writers contribute equally, I hope we get more on these two love birds. Unless a certain Riov gets wind.