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Posted on Mon Apr 29th, 2024 @ 12:03pm by Lieutenant JG Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Counseling Complex
Timeline: TBD
956 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Savar heard the department had a new counselor and, in an effort, to make himself be more outgoing he decided to reach out and welcome the newest member of the counseling team to the fold.

Making his way the short distance between offices he arrived at the new counselor's office. He saw the name on the door. Lt. jg. Rowena "Rena" Campbell. He committed the name to memory and pressed the door chime.

Rena heard the door chime, and stood up, smoothing out her tunic.

"Come in!" She said. She looked tot he door. Oh no! A CO!! She glanced down at her uniform-it looked good. She smiled. "Hello! Come in, and make yourself comfortable," she said. "I am Lt. Junior Grade Rowena Campbell. Please, call me Rena." She said.

Hearing a voice call out to come in Savar came through the door, "Greetings." He said evenly. "I am Savar, a fellow counselor, I wish to welcome you to the Elysium." He finished as he remained standing. "I hope you are finding everything to your liking."

Rena nodded. "I am well," she said. "Thank you," she said. "My boss, huh?" She said. "SO. What do I need to know to fit in well here?" She asked. "I don't want to step on any toes!"

Savar looked at her, "I am not your boss Lieutenant. I am a fellow counselor. Your boss as you put it, is Lieutenant Commander Keela-Salik. She is the department head and chief counselor. Lt. Tate Sullivan is the assistant chief." He finished evenly.

She nodded once. "Gotcha, my apologies," she said. "Well, it's nice to meet you anyway. How are you doing today? How can I help you?" She asked, sincerely.

"No apology is necessary Lieutenant. You are new here and were unfamiliar with the leadership format of the department. As to how I am doing I am well. I trust you are as well. As for helping me, I came to offer my assistance to see if you required anything."

Rena smiled lightly. "No," she said. "Not yet," she explained. "As you said, I just onboarded, but I am sure I will have a million questions as I get settled in." She was sure of that. She always believed that asking question led to learning more, and learning more made her a better counselor and officer.

"Do not hesitate to ask your questions Lieutenant er Rena." Savar replied changing to using the lieutenant's first name and hopefully making the conversation more informal. "You learn by doing as well as by asking. All of us in the counseling department as well as the rest of the crew and the command team are available for you to ask any question you may have."

Rena smiled. "I appreciate that,' she said. "I am not so proud to admit that I am still a junior officer and beginning my career and I still have a lot to learn," she said.

Savar nodded, "You are welcome, Rena. We have all been where you are. We have all been junior officers, wanting to make good impressions and to fit in.
Remember to be yourself. What I am about to say next, I know you know but it bears repeating. When you have a crew member, offer meaningful advice. One the crew member can use, offer alternate options. Do not offer as the humans say a silver bullet. That can lead to making a problem worse."

Rena nodded. "That's excellent advice," she said. "Thank you," she said. "I have learned that but it is good to be reminded sometimes that we can't just "fix" people. Usually, we just lead them to the solution for them to fix themselves." As frustrating as it was at times, she KNEW this. "And also for acknowledging that we've all been beginners. Sometimes, I feel much further behind than everyone else," she said.

Savar listened as Rena replied. She seemed to be sincere which was needed to be a good counselor. "You are not behind at all Rena. Yes, this a new ship and crew for you however, your skill as a counselor remains intact. Use your skills and ability to help your patients and make their lives better."

Rena nodded. "Thank you for that vote of confidence. And I appreciate you introducing yourself," she said. "It makes me feel better that we can work as a whole team; I know that the crew will need us-whether personal issues or combat related.

"You are most welcome Rena. You are correct in saying we can and must work together not only for the benefit of our department but also for the benefit of the crew. As for introducing myself, it was my distinct pleasure." Savar returned politely.

She smiled. "Well, I won't keep you much longer," she said. "It was nice to meet you; I look forward to more!" She said.

"You have not kept me, Lieutenant. After all, I came to see you. I am sure Commander Keela-Salik will also pay you a visit. She is the department head." Savar replied along with a nod.

Rena nodded. "I look forward to meeting her!" Rena said. "Thanks for your help today. Can I get you anything before you go?" She asked.

Savar inclined his head in a nod, "You are welcome, Rena. I have no doubts you will be a valuable member of the counseling department. As for getting me anything. No, no thank you, I should be going. I am having dinner with my wife and children."

Rena nodded. "Enjoy your dinner. Family time is very important. Thanks again!" She stood up to show him out, and then decided that she should go have a meal, as well.


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