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Winning Every Battle and Losing the War

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2024 @ 11:28am by Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: Back Home
Location: Earth, San Francisco, Starfleet Command
Timeline: Earlier today
6630 words - 13.3 OF Standard Post Measure



“Good morning, everyone. Please be...good morning. Please take your seats and we’ll get started.”

It was Wednesday morning in San Francisco. Another gorgeous day in paradise. The Janeway press conference center was busy and bustling. The usual cast of characters from the press were there. And each in turn would have their pound of flesh. Or at least try to. Starfleet had well trained, well-seasoned press officers and this was not their first rodeo. Markella Ree, a Bajoran by birth and an excellent Starfleet Officer by any other measurement, came out last from the doorway. She followed six other officers and she was the first to go to the dais and bring the room to order. After a bit of noise and commentary, the room came to order.

“Good morning, everyone. We have a couple of guests today. Our Ambassador to the Federation Council Dalin Somafel is here along with our Special Envoy for Seppit IV Mot Perri. Ambassador Somafel is going to kick it off with some opening remarks. They’ll take a few questions about the conflict in Seppit IV, and then I will return for the remainder of the briefing. So, Ambassador.”

Ambassador Somafel stepped up to the lectern. Behind her stood all the other speakers for today. She was dressed with a keen eye for fashion and looked elegant and sharp. She was from Doria and had a thick Dorian accent but was perfectly fluent.

Thank you, very much and good morning, everyone. Let me just start by welcoming Special Envoy Mot Perri back from Dachis just last week but also welcome him back to the Starfleet Command and the Office of Regents. Last week, Mot traveled to Adra Refugee Camp right along the southern border of Seppit IV and the large desert area. It’s a trip that I know quite well. I was at that same refugee camp just a few months ago. I also visited the camp twenty years ago.

Hundreds of thousands of Seppit refugees had fled for this camp in the months prior – ninety percent of them women and children. And among those refugees was a six-month-old baby, born only days before the fighting broke out on the nearby moon of Seppit. When I saw her, she was suffering from acute malnutrition – so small, so fragile, I thought she was a newborn. There is so much about her story that I don’t know: how she arrived at the SFMC hospital, whether she ever left the hospital. But I think about her today as her world nears a grim milestone: one year of horrific civil war on Seppit, in the skies above Seppit and even in the Seppit system; I often wonder how she was born as her world spiraled into conflict; how she was carried into Dachis, that’s one of the last major cities with intact infrastructure, and her Marine protectors walking miles and miles to reach a semblance of safety. It bothers me how she spent those formative few months in a hospital too small and weak to even cry as military doctors tried desperately to nurse her back to health; and how now she reaches her first birthday having only known violence, hunger, and displacement.

Today should be a historic occasion as we mark the five-year anniversary of the revolution that toppled the Ovaat Decn-Bat regime and his thirty-year reign. Five years ago, you could practically taste the spirit of freedom, peace, and democracy in the air as women and young people took to the streets demanding change. And yet that baby I met is not growing up in a free, peaceful, democratic Seppit IV world. Instead, she’s one of millions whose lives have been upended and forever altered by this war.

Today, nearly 25 million Seppitans live in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection; three-quarters of them face acute food insecurity. Nearly eight-million have had to flee their homes in what has become the Seppit system’s largest internal displacement crisis. We’ve seen reports of gang rape, mass murder at the hands of the Decn-Bat Forces militia, of girls sold into sexual slavery, boys being made into child soldiers, of urban areas destroyed by ground assaults and arial weapons, and entire villages burned to the ground from orbit. And yet, as these communities barrel toward famine, as ancient, preventable, treatable diseases like cholera and measles spread, as violence continues to claim countless lives, the Federation and unaligned, neighboring worlds have largely remained silent. And that must change, and it has to change now. The membership of our united Federation community must give more, it must do more, and it has to care more.

This is a matter of life and death. Federation experts warn that in the coming weeks and months, over 200,000 more children could die of starvation. The UFP, for our part, plans on significantly increasing our presence in the region and in the days to come. Behind me and in support of this mission, are representatives from Starfleet, the Bureau of Planetary Development (BDP), Starfleet Command Fleet Operations for Alpha Quadrant South, Starfleet Marine Corp, Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, Starfleet Corps of Engineers and members of the Diplomatic Corps.

More than just lacking basic supplies, however, aid workers have been systematically obstructed from delivering supplies like food, medicine, portal power packs, industrial replicators to those in need. From the beginning, brave people have been on the ground, often putting their lives at risk, to save people on Seppit IV. But at every turn, combatants on both sides of the war have undermined their work. That includes the Seppit Government Forces, rogue pirate elements and the counter coalition of what remains of the Decn-Bat, which has impeded the major UFP safe haven aid crossings from Seppit IV into Federation Terrirotry.

And that’s where doing more comes in. Should the SGF and the Decn-Bat not reverse course immediately, the Federation Security Council must intervene to ensure lifesaving aid is delivered and distributed, including, if necessary, through a Starfleet protective aid corridor mechanism. What’s more, we must continue urging the warring parties to stop the fighting and get back to the negotiating table, as well as urge those outside supporters prolonging this conflict and enabling these atrocities to stop sending weapons to Seppit IV.

Finally, I want to talk about the lack of care, the lack of attention, the UFP has paid to Seppit IV. Just five years after a revolution that offered a glimpse at a free, peaceful, democratic Seppit system, people are losing hope. Aid workers have begun calling this conflict the forgotten war. Seppit children are asking why the Federation has forgotten them. And let’s be clear: I don’t believe the dearth of attention is because people are ignorant or unfeeling. In fact, I believe it’s the opposite. I believe it’s because there are so many terrible crises, so much violence and pain, that people don’t quite know which way to turn.

And this is where I need the help of all of you – the members of the press who join me in this briefing. As we mark one year of this conflict, please don’t let it go uncovered. Don’t let stories like the ones I heard in Marine medical camp on Seppit IV go unheard. Don’t let perpetrators of this horrific violence go unexposed, from the generals who started the war to the backers who continue to fuel it. Don’t let the feeling that we have forgotten the Seppit people become a reality, because we need – we need to reignite that spirit of revolution, the hope and promise that characterized this day five years ago. I’m counting on you, and the people of Seppit IV are counting on you as well. So, thank you, and Special Envoy Perriello and I will now take a few questions.”

“Ambassador Somafel, I represent FNN (Federation Network News), first of all, thank you for bringing this important news to us…to we…my fellow press and I. It is an important area and I agree, too little attention has been paid. I am curious, earlier you mentioned that you were on the ground and saw this calamity in person. What is your special envoy’s role and has he seen similar atrocities as you have? I have a follow-up question as well. That is, Seppit IV is a border world with the Romulans? Have you or has the Romulan government given you any indications that they can offer some support too? And, why has Starfleet been behind this instead of in front of this crisis?”

The Bolian, Mot Perri came to the lectern and answered, “I can share with you what I know. First. We do sense a great deal of urgency to resume talks. And in fact, talks are already ongoing in the sense that we are negotiating every day and trying to align key actors inside and outside with a plan that would end this war. We appreciate that Andoria, just as an example, has committed to hosting a new round of talks and that those will be inclusive talks. We hope that that will be a date that we can be able to announce soon and build momentum coming out of the gatherings in Paris and start to have a sense of when that date will be. But in the meantime, we are not waiting to continue to try to put pressure on the parties to come to the table, and we do think that there are some signs – while many, many signs point to the war getting even worse, in some ways it’s gotten so bad and it’s starting to have such regional implications that it’s also increased, I think, some of the diplomatic appetite to try to find an end to this war. And we’re going to try to use every lever we have to build that into enough political momentum and political will to end this war.

To that end, we have had no indications from Romulus that there is any interest is seeing an end to the hostilities. In fact, quite the opposite. I can’t go into details or operational aspects; but I can tell you that by not acting to stem the flow of weapons to Seppit IV, the Romulan government has indicated to us on the ground what side they have chosen.”

Another reporter stood up and asked, “Can you tell us more about this ‘corridor’ of safe passage that you mentioned? If you cannot stem the tide of weapons to Seppit IV, why do you think you’ll be successful is delivering aid?”

Ambassador Somafel answered from the lectern, “Look, on the cross-border concept, we know that it is a concept that can work. It worked in Hydria II, it’s a proven model and Starfleet can deliver. We hope we don’t have to go there. We hope we don’t have to push for a resolution to go there. And for that reason, we’re engaging very actively with the SGF (Seppit Government Forces) as well as the Decn-Bat and other parties on the ground to see how we can work with all of them to facilitate getting needed assistance into these areas that is so desperately needed.

But if we’re not able to work with them, if we’re not able to get their cooperation, then we have to find another way. We can’t sit back and not look for other opportunities to see – to get assistance to people who are in desperate need.”

Another reporter stood up and asked, “Hi, thanks for taking my question. You talked about other parties fueling the conflict. I wonder if you can name them. What are you telling them? Because I think some of them are Federation partners?”

Somafel answered, “With all of the other parties, the other states who have been identified as possibly fueling this conflict, we have had direct conversations with every single one of them to press them to cease their support and fueling of this war. My own people from Doria have even been named, I think you guys even reported spotting Dorian pirate groups. They’ve been named in the press. We’ve seen the Ethberns be named in the press. We’ve seen Orions be named in the press. There are others who have been identified in the press as well. And with all of them we have constant engagements, and I know that Mot has had those engagements as well.”

Special Envoy Mot took the stage again and said, “I think we’ve been making very clear to all partners across this region that escalating the war at this time is something that is going to not only have increasing costs of life and damage to the planet itself – more than what there is already - but actually risks destabilization of the entire Alpha Quadrant Sourthern region. We see a conflict that in some ways has been between two sides that shows signs of being increasingly factionalized in ways that brings in some of the tribal militias that have stayed neutral and affects the ability of some of the neighboring star systems to – that have tried to stay out – be constructive and not get more involved to get pulled in. And right now, is a time that every arms shipment, every bit fueling this conflict, is something that pushes us closer to not only famine, but to a failed state. To a failed planet and a huge displacement of people and migration. And the flip side is this is a situation in which everyone in the region can benefit from a peaceful and stable Seppit IV. The Seppit people are extremely clear about what they want. They want a return to the constitutional transition begun with great courage just a few years ago. They want to petition the Federation for full membership and they recognize the challenges that that will be. At the very least they have asked to be admitted to the Federation under Protectorate status. And as everybody knows, many member worlds have come into the Federation under that umbrella. Uh…one that comes to mind is Fontalis. A very distant world, many issues, social issues, statehood issues, an ancient Monarchy. The Fontalan people decided it was more desirable to be part of the Federation than to be out of it. The same thing is happening on Seppit IV. They want to see a unified, Starfleet trained, professional military that is accountable to the people. They want to see not a return of extremists and former corrupt officials. And they want that full UFP access.”

“One more thing I’ll say…the Ambassador and I were talking about this before we came in here. We both had the privilege of working with a really top-notch negotiator by the name of Ambassador Andrinn Orin of Trill. He helped get this on the UFP agenda before he left Earth. A year ago now I think? We lost him and maybe the whole crew when the starship Elysium went missing. That’s a whole other…talk. One that makes me feel very sad. I only mention it because Andrinn and the Orin symbiont gave the Seppit people the hope that they could make this happen. Orin helped get us started. And I sure don’t want to be the one to give up now. And I think they’re going to be looking across the region at who stood with the Seppit people at this time of great crisis, and who was pouring fuel on the fire. And those consequences for those that are making the situation worse need to increase, and I think we are seeing particularly around this anniversary on the fifteenth that finally some attention is being paid to this issue, and we need those actors to know that Starfleet and the Marines…. we’re watching. And we need that not to just be one day, but that people continue to cover the sheer scale of this – this tragedy, but also cover the inspiring stories. If you look at the emergency response rooms, you see young Seppitans who’ve created, from spare parts and solar energy, working replicators for simple foodstuffs. These young engineers in local kitchens, because of their tenacity and ingenuity have allowed small kitchens in the worst hit areas to completely disrupt the kind of barriers being set up by the belligerent actors to get food and basic supplies to the people who need it. Right? OK? It’s not them seeing a starship, y’know…landing in their backyard. It’s not seeing a detachment of Marines kicking ass. It is the Seppitan people themselves. Certainly, encouraged by Starfleet. Strengthen and…inspired by SFMC ground forces. But Starfleet and the Federation have made it clear that we will support you, but we won’t fight this war for you. These are stories of courage and of innovation, and ones that are literally a lifeline for many of the Seppitans left behind.”

Markella, the press host from Starfleet said, “We have time for one more.”

A reporter in the front row asked, “Just to follow up on this point about the direct conversations with ‘other parties’ fueling the conflict, does that include Romulus? And we’ve reported that Romulan-made phaser rifles and photon grenades have had a big impact on the course of the war. Is – so is that something that you’re – you’ve communicated directly with the Romulans on? Are they included in those ‘other parties’? And what would be the message?”

Somafel answered directly and sternly, “We’ve had numerous discussions with our allies in the region. The Andorians had direct contact with the Decn-Bat. And in those discussions with our allies, we’ve encouraged them to encourage other worlds like the Romulans not to engage. I won’t get into what discussions we may or may not have had with the Romulan government, but in our discussions with other allies in the region we’ve also asked for their assistance in pressing each other as well as others to stop fueling this war.”

Markella took the stage and thanked the Ambassador and the Special Envoy, “Thank you both for in person letting us get a better picture of the challenges you are facing. Thank you, Ambassador.”

The two diplomats stood behind the dais and just off to the left of the stage with Markella spoke, “Okay. So before we get to questions, I have just a couple opening comments about the situation on Denab III.”

The Janeway Press Conference Room, named after Admiral Kathryn Janeway, could comfortably hold about two-hundred persons. It was now full. Standing room only. Markella acknowledged the steady stream of arriving correspondents and the number of holo-cams that were coming on. Denab III was big news.

“On behalf of the Office of the President and the United Federation of Planets, Starfleet Command as well, we continue to be concerned about the risk of escalation in the Denab star system – it’s something we have been working to mitigate and contain since the asteroid bombardments and follow-up attacks of opportunity by certain factions on Naussica. And specifically, about the threats made in recent days by Jenda II against the Denab system and the Denab people. You saw Federation President Gam make clear yesterday that we stand in strong support of Denab’s security against these threats. Federation Security Council Member Linke has been engaged in diplomacy over the past twenty-four hours through a series of sub-space calls to our Federation counterparts, including Hakkan Minister Fidna, Vulcan Foreign Minister WaYi, and Tzenkethi Foreign Minister Fabin Rhan to make clear that further raids of opportunity is not in anyone’s interest, and that UFP member worlds should urge Jenda II not to escalate. We have also engaged with our allies and partners over the past few days and urged them as well to send a clear message to Jenda II that escalation is not in Jenda’s interest, it’s not in the region’s interest, and it’s not in the Alpha Quadrant’s interest.

Separately, Councilman Linke spoke yesterday to Prime Warrior Veeop to reiterate our strong support for Denab for the duration of his both natural crisis and crisis of opportunity against them. On that sub-space call, the Councilman also emphasized the importance of Denab meeting the commitments that First Minister Keehn made to President Gam last week to improve the delivery of emergency food, medical and security assistance into the populated areas impacted by the asteroid storm, and to put in place enhanced deconfliction and coordination measures. Starfleet Engineers, Starfleet Security and SFMC ground forces are on the ground on Denab. Our teams, including our Special Envoy to the Denab Disaster Zone Edwin Matthews, have been meeting with Denab, UFP, and other allied relief organizations this week to push forward on all of those fronts. And while we have seen progress, it is critical that that initial progress continue and that it be sustained. And that is the message we have been delivering consistently to the government of Jenda II. Do not take advantage of this situation and cease any more hostilities towards Denab and its people while they get back on their feet.”

Markella closed her PaDD. The room was silent a moment, “I’ll take your questions now.”

Immediately, hands went up and a lot of people were trying to vie for Markella’s attention. She handled it all with easy grace and tact. She raised her palm and said, “I will take your questions, but we’re not going to shout in here. We have a limited amount of time to get through this and your questions and so I would urge all of you, be respectful and listen. Now. The gentleman from Fontalis.”

The Fontalan reporter stood and blushed, he hadn’t thought that she would call on him. And he had a difficult question, “Thank you. All right. I didn’t want to raise this with the previous two speakers, because obviously the Seppitan situation is a situation in and of itself. But so much of what they said very powerfully about the conflict on Seppita could also – or does also apply to what’s happening on Denab. And when they say – when the ambassador and special envoy talk about how every arms shipment leads that region closer to famine and a failed state, do you not think that that same logic applies to Denab and Jenda II?”

Markella said, “I would say that we are incredibly concerned about the aid emergency situation on Denab, and that’s why you see all these people behind me on the dais. This is why you’ve seen the United Federation of Planets and Starfleet working to get more urgent assistance in and it’s why we’ve been pushing the Jenda Government so hard to let more aid assistance in and to improve their deconfliction and coordination measures so there isn’t such a loss of life. So that the archaeological sites that are all over Denab, which is the patrimony of the Denab people are not looted and sacked when the Denab people and their government are not able to…to…to watch their backs as they normally are able to. President Gam and the Security Council have made it clear…in no…ambiguity…Starfleet will help the Denab people get back on their feet. We are there to help, to render aid, to provide stability and security. I can tell you that a Task Force has been assigned and, perhaps, in just a minute Starfleet Ops can talk to that point.

Before that, I want to make one more point. On the political front, it’s why we have been pushing with like minded governments in the region to develop a plan for post-crisis governance on Denab so we don’t see a failed state, so we don’t see anarchy on Denab, so we see a path forward for the Denab people’s legitimate aspirations. That is very much the policy that we are trying to pursue and that we have been engaged in from the moment we learned of the disaster. From the Federation President on down. Our message has been clear. We want to help the people of Denab and we want to keep Denab safe from those in the area that see a chance to cause pain and sorrow to the Denab people. I believe….do you want to say something here…?”

Starfleet Operations Command sent Captain Pena to be at this press briefing. He now stepped to the Dais. Another few reporters jumped in during the momentary transition to the lectern and shouted,

“But is it correct then, though, that the Security Council believes that every time Starfleet intervenes with energy, Marines, arms….whatever to Denab, his ultimately leads us closer to famine and a failed state – that that does not apply —"

Captain Pena stood behind the lectern and took control of the situation, “You have a very —

The reporter interrupted, “I’m talking about Denab— in the asteroid impact areas?”

Pena tried again, “You have a very —”

And was interrupted again, “I get that, but — no double-talk. Why is Starfleet policing sovereign worlds first on Seppit IV and now on Denab?”

The Captain remained calm and collected, “You have a very – it is – they’re – it is a very different situation on Seppit IV, where you have a brutal civil war, two warring parties trying to seize control of the government; and now on Denab, where you have the Denab government directly asking for help – from the Federation – from Starfleet - and doing their level best by responding to a natural event, and a natural disaster and at the same time an attack of opportunity by Jenda II against its people and trying to achieve a legitimate response to a disaster event and a security and defense posture. That does not change at all the severity of the people’s situation, which is why we have been working so hard to improve that emergency and…and…let me finish….and the rapid response situation for the people on Denab.”

And then things got heated.

Another reporter asked, “So you don’t think that Romulans, pirates…Dorian pirates weapons shipments to Seppit leads us, the Federation, closer to famine and —"

Captain Pena was interrupted, “We have continued to support Seppit’s right to —

The reporter again interrupted, “Is that correct? Captain?”

And the room came a little biit unglued as many reporters were talking, “We have —

“I just – I don’t know.”

“Let me say —"

“It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other what you say, but —"

Captain Pena prevailed, “They are different conflicts, but the – I’d say —"

“Captain, I know they are, but I’m just asking you —"

“I would say — don’t….you keep interrupting me…”

“If the Romulans and sending weapons to destabilize….they made the point on Seppit – they are making a point now Captain —"

Captain Pena kept his cool, “And I’m answering the —"

Again he was interrupted, “ — and I just want to know if you have – if you feel the same way about the disaster on Denab. Why is Starfleet sending Engineers, Marines, a task force...? These are really simple questions. Captain.”

Pena answered very professionally, “They are very different conflicts, but the emergency disaster situation on Denab is dire, and that is why we are working so hard from the UFP President, the Security Council, Starfleet Command and on down to get more aid and assistance in, and it’s why we are working to improve deconfliction and coordination so we don’t see such a high number of civilian casualties as we have seen over the past six months.”

Markella took the center stage again, “Thank you Captain. I’m sure that all of us enjoy a spirited dialogue during these press briefings. I don’t want to run short on time. This might be a good moment – as good as any today – to let Major Willow make a statement? Major Willow Martin, SFMC. Major?”

A woman in her forties, dressed in her Marine uniform took up behind the lectern. “Hello everyone. I have a brief statement from the Commandant. Then I’ll take any questions:

At the direction of the Federation President together with the Federation Security Council, Starfleet Marine Detachments based onboard the USS Hale and the USS Santa Barbara performed interdiction duties in defense of the Denab homeworld. Dozens of unmarked, non-transponder vessels that are identified as pirates or, unmarked ships from Jenda II, seeking to exploit the chaotic conditions on Denab, were stopped by SFMC forces on the ground, in the air and in orbit. Our forces remain postured to protect SFMC troops, starships and starbases, together with our other partners in the area, and to provide further support for Denab’s defense, and enhance regional stability.

We condemn any reckless attack of opportunity against the people of Denab. Starfleet Marines are, even as we speak, being deployed to Denab to protect and defend the historical and culturally significant sites on the surface that are of significant importance to the people of Denab but also to the people of the Federation. Furthermore, we call on Jenda to immediately halt any further incursion, including from its proxy forces, and to deescalate tensions. We do not seek conflict, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of Denab or any member world of the United Federation of Planets. To that end, the Marine Commandant has activated Marine Rapid Response Forces to be immediately deployed to the Denab system.

I am grateful for the professionalism and the skill of the brave Marines who took part in today's actions and who continue to stand guard to prevent further conflict. I will continue to monitor the situation closely and to consult with Federation President Gam, the Federation Security Council and our allies in the Denab system.

I can answer a few questions?”

Hands went up and Major Willow selected one.

“Thank you Major. I wanted to ask this question actually to the ambassador, but the Romulan mission here in San Francisco said that basically if the UFP – or the Security Council, rather, condemn the attacks and the sale of weapons to both factions on Seppit IV, this could’ve been avoided. So, is this your understanding, that actually you don’t condemn it because you cannot verify whether it is really the Romulans getting weapons to the Decn-Bat? Or to the SGF? And also, do you think that the Seppitans can go and attack any other diplomatic mission if this is proved to be actually a diplomatic mission, and you don’t expect them to retaliate? Just explain those points?”

Major Willow took a moment, head looking down at the top of the lectern, forming her response and then said, “So a few – a few things in order. First of all, I think that’s a pretty flimsy excuse from the Romulan Government. If they don’t want to widen the conflict on Seppit and they don’t want to be accused o also being involved in the attacks on Denab, they don’t need permission from anyone else – they just have to make the decision not to do that, and that’s the decision that they should make. Let me tell you, the Commandant, the entire Command Admin of the Marine Corps, takes absolutely no pleasure in putting our people into harm’s way. We are doing this now and have been doing this interdiction efforts on Seppit and on Denab because, number one, it is the right thing to do. But also at the direction of the President and the Federation Security Council. And we have the direct request from the recognized governments both on Seppit and on Denab.

Now, with respect to your second question, no, we do not want to see attacks on diplomatic facilities. We oppose attacks on diplomatic facilities. We continue to assess the exact status of that facility you mention on Denab. Marines are there to protect the diplomatic mission of any Federation member world. There is already a Marine Security Group or MSG that are specially trained Marines to guard diplomatic posts. This is an elite group of Marines that can get assigned both to Starships and Starbases. I think that the Elysium was mentioned earlier? That ship is an example of a detachment and an MSG to protect the diplomatic mission onboard her.”

A few more hands went up and it started to get ugly again, “Major, I was struck with what the ambassador said, the similarity. You could change the word “Seppit IV” for “the Denab people” or “Denab” and it’d be exactly the same, with one difference. I mean, you don’t have any control over the conflict on Seppit, but you certainly have control —

Major Willo answered, “No, that’s – let me just say —"

“Major, can I just finish my question? I have not asked my question.”

Willow nodded and smiled and nodded with a laugh. The whole room seemed to take the tension down a notch with that, “Fine, fair enough. Go ahead.”

“Thank you Major. You may not think so but, and I know its hard to do these briefings, we have a job to do, and you have your job. No disrespect Major. So, my question to you is: why has the UFP not taken its – IDK what to call it….the moral high ground and its ability, its enormous political power, its vast Starfleet, its formidable Marine Corps and its leverage to end this conflict on Seppit, as it can? We have seen this happen in the past. We’ve seen it happen on Vendaar. We’ve seen it happen with this President and this Council seven years ago…before Seppit even started to fall apart. The incident I am remembering is when SFMC deployed an exiditionary force to Romulan Neutral space? The whole ordeal that was the Tarpeans? Marines were not only dispatched but several rescues were done and of course, the Federation then learned about the tarpean camps. So…2391…yes thank you. So, my question to you: why has not this President, this Federation Security Council, Starfleet Command or the SFMC administration taken that step to end this conflict on Seppit or even Denab now?

Major Willow answered, “So first of all, what’s your agency?”

“What?” he answered.

“What news agency do you represent?”

“LOW” he answered. League of Worlds was a kind of non-aligned news network. A direct competitor to FNN.

Major Willow nodded, “So, you, OK, so you are familiar with how we all learned about the Tarpeans. A very different kind of comparison you are attempting to draw. These two terrible events are…they are very different conflicts and very different situations, and that’s incredibly important. The conflict on Seppit IV is two warring military factions, following a coup that overthrew a democratic government, who are fighting for control of the Seppit system. There is a lot of firepower and wealth and power for whomever wins that prize. That is a different question than the conflict on Denab that was started not by Denab, but by Jenda II – wait – listen – Jenda is on the record for launching a massive attack on Denab after Denab suffered a completely unexpected asteroid storm that killed over 1,200 Denabans and citizens of other foreign worlds. And Denab has the right to hold Jenda II accountable for those attacks, as we would, the UFP, as other member worlds in the region would, as any sovereign power in the system would if it were the victim of such an opportunistic attack when they are literally on their knees.

That said, we are trying to bring this conflict to an end. You have seen us work to try to achieve a ceasefire, an immediate ceasefire of at least six weeks that would allow Starfleet to evacuate and render aid to so many refugees on Seppit. And that we have said consistently we would like to see that kind of aid and comfort widen into a broader end to the conflict. You have seen us work on post-conflict governance to try to find a path forward for the Seppit people’s legitimate political aspirations. And you have seen us work to address the very, very severe needs of the Denab people in the disaster zones and the immense loss of life and infrastructure that they now face. That’s why Marines are providing Security, we bring our Engineers to help clear the way. Starfleet Command is sending Engineers to help the Denab people rebuild and get back on their feet. So, we are working to try and do exactly that.”

All this time, a man in his fifties was quietly taking notes. His grey hair and trimmed beard showed both age and wisdom. He was dressed modestly and in simple clothes. A plain black suit and white shirt underneath a frock coat. It was when he spoke that the noisy din of the room grew quiet. No one knew what agency this man represented, he had press credentials from a news organization that had, until this time, gone unremarked and unnoticed. He said, “The Federation Charter, the Articles of Unification. Common Article 3 prohibits ‘at any time and in any place whatsoever’ violence, including murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, torture, and outrages to dignity against protected persons—that is, ‘persons taking no active part in hostilities,’ such as civilians, the wounded, and prisoners of war. ‘Such persons are, in all circumstances, entitled to respect for their honor and religion, and must be protected against insults and public curiosity. No physical or moral coercion shall be exercised to obtain information from them or third parties. Reprisals against protected persons and their property are prohibited.”

The room was silent.

Major Willow asked, “Is that a question?”

“It is a statement. A statement that is meaningless unless we enforce it. Tell me, Major, do you believe in it?” he asked.

She took a breath, “I do. Of course, it is my oath and sworn duty to uphold the Federation Charter.”

He stayed seated but lifted his head to look at her and met her eyes, “Even if you start taking losses? Even if the Seppitans and the Denabans don’t want your ‘help’?”

“I follow my orders. As do my Marines” she answered and looked at Markella.

Another voice from the back of the room, a member of the public now, Emma Woolheater moved closer and asked, “And what of the Elysium? Where is Starfleet when one of her ships and her crews are missing?”

Elysium was lost some months ago now…”

Emma interrupted, “Not lost! Missing.”

“…yes. Missing. Starfleet has conducted a thorough search for her. These things happen” was the Major’s reply.

Markella saw the look on the faces of the gathered crowd and said, “That’s all the time we have for today. And with that, we wrap for today. Thanks everyone.”

And the press briefing quickly came to an end.


Captain Samuel Woolheater
“Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas”
Division VI, MARDET 62nd Company "Spartans", 1st Platoon CO
=/\= USS ELYSIUM - NCC-89000 =/\=


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