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Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 12:26pm by

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Base Camp
Timeline: departure time
734 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

After the rescue, Anya went back to camp. She’d scored a few good hits but would have loved a shot at the main bad guy. But maybe she’d get another chance. He’d escaped, and she was certain he’d be caught sooner or later. Now that his identity was known, there was little chance he’d be able to establish another operation, at least not inside Federation space, she figured. She walked up to Sami, hoping the other woman was in more of a mood to talk. “Hey”, she said, a little nervous.

“Oh…” Sami said, she’d hoped she’d be done packing and on her way back to Elysium before Anya arrived, “Hi.”

“Sami, I’m sorry I screwed up”, Anya said. She knew she had, and while apologising was never easy, she preferred the honest approach. “Please don’t hate me.”

“I wish I could.” Sami sighed, “But I can’t even not love you. But, whatever, you’re just another woman who I wasn’t good enough for, not the first time it’s happened, but it will be the last. At least here. I’ve transmitted my application to the Academy, I’m leaving.”

It looked like Sami was set in her decision, and it wasn’t Anya’s place to try to talk her out of it, was it? Besides, the Academy was a good step in her career. “I wish you the best of luck”, she said. A set phrase, but true nonetheless.

“Thanks.” Sami replied, “I’m sorry it had to end like this.” I really am, she thought, because we could’ve had something special together.

Anya wasn’t so sure. Yes, Sami was hot and she knew she was missing out on a lot of fun, but she felt the two of them weren’t compatible otherwise. She was angry at herself for not catching on sooner, and possibly steering their relationship in a different direction. But, it seemed, it was too late. “So am I. I did not want to hurt you.”

“Well, the only place you get everything you want is at Big Sam’s Deli.” Sami replied, quoting her father’s old commercial, “Besides, you did what was best for you, anything else is my problem. Look, so you don’t think I’m ungrateful, thanks for your help down there.”

“Oh, that’s just the job”, Anya said. “Nothing worth mentioning.” Yes, she’d made sure nobody on that roof got killed, together with Fernando, who had covered the other side, but Anya considered that nothing special. It was her chosen profession, after all. “I’m glad we all came back. I’m still thinking we should have shot Dunphy for good.”

“Probably so.” Sami agreed, packing the last of her things into her bag and tossing it over her shoulder, “I know Gallia’s pissed that she didn’t shoot the bastard when she had the chance. Anyway, I guess I should haul ass if I want to make my beam out. We’re leaving the tents here, letting HG and refugees use them, just taking our personal stuff.”

Anya didn’t bring any. And by the time she’d returned to the tent, the gift that Sami had brought for her had disappeared. “I agree, it’s time we get off this rock. Maybe, on our trip back, you might find it in your heart to forgive me for being stupid?”

“Nothing to forgive.” Sami shrugged, “It’s not like you’re the first one to reject me. There’s nothing here that makes anyone want to invest in me, that’s not on you, that’s on me.” She fished around in her bag, finding the box and handing it back to Anya, “Here, it’s yours.”

“Oh, I thought someone had nicked it”, Anya said as she took the box. “Sami, you’re a great woman. You’re also nineteen. Don’t give up on yourself, or your prospects. Maybe I’m just too old to have seen it in you.” She opened the box and peeked inside. “Wow, this is beautiful.” She took it out and held it into the light. “At the very least, you’ve got great taste.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Sami replied sadly. Her ‘great tastes’ had never done her a damn bit of good. Great job, melonhead.



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