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Time together

Posted on Fri Aug 30th, 2024 @ 9:39am by Deanna Kelea & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sthilg family quarters
624 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

A smile was on Sthilg face as he felt his eyes open. He felt like the happiest gorn in the galaxy as he gently slid his wife off his belly making sure her head was on a pillow before he stood up slowly. He looked at her belly where his twins hopefully rest peacefully.

Deanna slowly stirred feeling Sthilg’s movement as he stood up. “Getting up already?” She smiled happily.

" Sssomeone has to make breakfast my love. " The lizard replied as he looked back at his wife.

“Then the least I can do is help you.” Deanna smiled as she moved to get up.

" Jussst....." Sthilg began before realising it was a pointless battle to fight. " Okay. What would you like beloved?"

“The works!” Deanna grinned. “I’m already famished, our son and daughter certainly give me an appetite especially first thing in the morning. I think I may try some Gorn delicacies this morning as well.”

" I'll whip up a foressst omelette." The gorn replied with a smile. " Could you put the coffee on?" he asked his wife as he typed in a command into the food replicator.

“Of course” Deanna nodded as she tied her dressing gown. “I know you were going to tell me to stay in bed, but once I’m awake it tends to become uncomfortable if I stay lying down for too long. Especially with these two awake.” She grinned.

" How are they?" the gorn said softly as he gently placed a hand on his wife's bump.

“As far as I can sense they’re fine” Deanna smiled. “They’re very active, I guess they must be struggling for room inside of me. Speaking of which when will they be expected to arrive? It would normally be 10 months for a Betazoid, around 9 for a Trill but what about Gorn?”

" Gorn birth is often at sssix monthsss for the egg and another sssix in an incubator. Hybrid birthsss tend to be around the mothersss normal due date." Sthilg replied reassuringly as started preparing.

“You see I know practically nothing about Gorn pregnancies” Deanna grinned. “I want our children to know all there is to know about their heritage, all 3 sides of it.”

" i understand beloved. The Gorn aren't exactly open about are mating habits." Sthilg chuckled as he worked. " It's fairly sssimple. The male gorn matesss with the female which fertilisesss the egg. After sssix mounthsss the eggsss are laid and placed into an incubator for the lassst sixth mounthsss. " He let out a chuckle as he tipped one ingredients into a frying pan. " Not the horror ssstoriesss the Ferengi made up about usss is it?"

“Not in the slightest” Deanna grinned as she shook her head, clearing the table ready for their breakfast. “Your people have such a fearsome reputation. Yet you’ve proved it all wrong, and I for one am glad.”

The gorn smiled as he blew her a kiss before returning to his food preparation.

Setting the table Deanna smiled as she took her seat ready to eat. “The food smells divine Imzadi.”

" Good health ssstartsss with good food." He replied as he placed a plate down in front of his Imzadi before placing his own down before quickly getting the orange juice and tea.

“Indeed it does” Deanna nodded as she waited for Sthilg to return before starting her breakfast.

Sthilg smiled as he sat down feeling a warmth he long thought lost. " To usss my dear." He said holding up his glass for toast.

Deanna gently tapped her glass against Sthilg’s. “To all of us Imzadi, to a happy family life.” She sipped her drink.

" To us." Sthilg said tapping the glass with a smile on his face.

Life was good.


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