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In the mind of the gorn.

Posted on Fri Aug 9th, 2024 @ 7:35am by Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Medbay
487 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

In the ship's medical bay storage, the old gorn saw bones gave out a slight sigh as he ran his figures over his head. His white eyes looked back to the padd in his hand and the paper copy he'd be jotting info down.

Ships medical supplies was always something he had to worry about even in a normal patrol, but now stuck trillions of light years from home he had to keep a very close eye on it.

No chance of bulk re supply so he had to rely on the ships onboard replicators. As long as they held up and they had a quiet spot he could keep it topped up, but if they failed, broke or were stolen........

That was something else he had to keep an eye on. The last thing he needed was his crew stealing any drugs or other medicine to try and dull the pain. He had no idea what his daughter had to be dealing with.

He sighed again putting his padd and paper down as he reached for his coffee flask. Giving it a shake he noted how light it felt. He was drinking more coffee than he was normally doing.. Well, he normally told himself he was drinking not what he was actually drinking.

What he was a doctor he needed the caffeine.

Shaking his head he picked up everything and tucked it into his lab coat pockets. He could handle this later.

It took the lizard few steps to make it back to his office to where his coat ended up on the hook by the wall and his large frame down into the chair. Another sigh spaced his lips as he felt the artificial leather against his back.

His white eyes were drawn to the screen which had a new list of tasks. Prescriptions to be signed off on, operations to plan... etc...etc....

He sighed again rubbing the tirdness from his eyes. He needed sleep. He was starting to feel his age. Signing off he headed for the door.

It took home longer than he thought to reach his room. The turbolift seemed to take forever to arrive and to move. Stepping into his room he dropped his jacket on a chair and headed for the bathroom.

Splassing some cold water on his face he looked at the face in the mirror. Had he always looked this tired? No, and it wasn't the mission. Reaching under his shirt he pulled out the tube he kept his photo from the future in. Nothing had changed since last time. He ran his clawed figures along the texture at the children he longed to hold in his arms and see them become the great people he knew they would be.

putting the photo back in the tube and securing the lid he walked over to his bed. He was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.


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