Running Apology
Posted on Mon Dec 2nd, 2024 @ 10:06pm by Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Gunnery Sergeant Luxa Gami [Naxea]
Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Marine County, A'janie Church
Timeline: MD:1 -1330 - before - You want to walk? lets walk.
1588 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure
It was another uneasy walk into Marine Country for S'hib, his mind burning hot from his earlier encounter with an A'janie Sister... he'd never got on with those devoted to faith he had quietly noted on many occasions, wondering if perhaps it stemmed from his own people and their blind devotion to the Priestesshood of the Mortuary cult; However, that was a different problem all to itself, one of many on his ever-growing list.
But for now, he had to focus on the one at hand, which he could hear yelling at other Marines.
Gami was overseeing the Marines practicing their hand to hand combat on the parade deck as a young Marine PFC was slammed hard onto the mat. "Jenkins! Focus! I swear a Ferengi could kick your ass!"
S'hib looked out over the Marines, watching them sparring as he approached Gami from afar. "Sergeant, may I have a word?"
Gami looked over at S'hib, pausing in her response. 'Be civil, Luxa,' she thought. "Sergeant A'Rei. Take over."
"Aye, Gunny," the Andorian replied.
Gami approached S'hib, crossing her arms. "The Colonel said to play nice, so what is it that you need?"
“Oh that was nice of her,” S’hib said in a mocking tease as he came to a stop and folded his arms behind his back. “But no, I’m here to collect Slee so I’ll be out of your mane shortly, though I did just want to say that I apologise for my previous comments…” He licked his wide lips, swallowing despite his mouth turning as dry as the Red Sea.
“And that I appreciate you looking after my daughter.”
S’hib looked visibly uncomfortable as he spoke, not because he didn’t mean what he said; far from it, the truth just hurt, hurt his pride.
"Well, she's the Colonel's daughter as well and is practically family," Gami began. "Besides, she likes it here," she jutted a thumb at Sle'anna sitting near Marines that were formed around the mat where Marines were practicing their hand to hand. Sle'anna was giggling with her eyes glued on the action.
"I know she does," S'hib said, looking over at Slee. "And it's because of you..." He added as he walked by, slapping her gently on the shoulder as he did.
"You'd make a good mother you know." He said, knowing it would ruffle her feathers somewhat, even if it was a compliment.
"Yeah, no, not happening," Gami protested. "However cute this one is," she gestured at Sle'anna. "She's still a handful." However, inside, Gami knew she'd actually make a terrible mother. She wondered how the Colonel did it. How do you care for another when you're a Marine assigned to a Detachment? Fighting was all Gami knew.
"If you think she's a handful now..." S'hib quipped, his tone cheery despite the foreboding warning. "I mean, let's be real you women are scary no matter the species, but Sequus mares..."
He paused, shaking his head slightly as he sucked in air between his teeth. "I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts..." He added as he knelt, her arms reaching up for him as he approached. "Come on you..."
Sle'anna squealed as her father picked her up into his arms. Everything was so different looking when he carried her. These people always seemed to be having fun tumbling into the floor. She let out a laugh as one person was flipped onto the mat by another person.
Gami grinned as Sle'anna's laugh. "Looks like a future Marine," she said. "Though just don't tell the Colonel that." She had mentioned it in passing one time around Naxea and she had made it clear she didn't want Sle'anna to be a Marine. Parents were strange. Some wanted their kids to follow in their footsteps and others wanted something different, perhaps better for their kids.
"Whatever she decides to do when she's older, I'll support her," S'hib said as he moved Slee in his arms, getting her to rest her snout over his shoulder.
"But I'm hoping she'll do more than just pick up a phaser, Gami." He said as he stopped next to Gami, his face somewhat dour.
"Because I want her to be better than me." He said, giving Gami one final smile before walking away.
Gami grinned. "Well that's not hard," she teased. "Oh, and apology accepted. Just make sure it doesn't happen again, ya ass."
"Asss," Sle'anna made a sound that sounded similar to Gami's words, causing Luna to immediately cover her own mouth as her face flushed red.
S’hibs hand tugged around Slees little snout before a second attempt could be made, leaving her huffing and snorting instead. “Want me to keep this quiet as well Gami?” He teased back as Slee forgot about trying to repeat the word and instead bit his hand, her face a furious and moody snarl at the perceived slight.
Gami shrugged sheepishly. She hadn't expected Sle'anna to be able to imitate words yet. She really was going to have to start watching her someplace else from now on. Common words spoken by Marines were not for children. "I'd appreciate it."
======== 1345 ========
S'hib stared at Sle'anna as he walked down the umbilical bridge, the main route connecting the Elysium to the A'janie city ship.
It was a long walk, made even longer by his lazy stride, letting his young daughter stare about the inky abyss above them, her little eyes, so much like her mothers soaking in the strange shapes and sights.
"Dream big Slee," He said, leaning in to nuzzle and kiss the side of her face, her eyes still glued to the spectacle he had almost become numb to seeing.
"Because it's easy for the little ones to get lost in the sand." He muttered quietly, an old Sequus saying his mothers would say to him when he was little.
Not that she understood, nor was she even listening, her attention fully invested in staring back at the Elysium, the giant solar whale they called home.
Still, he hoped that one day she would be able to stare up at the stars back home, with her hooves firmly planted in the soil of Bajor and the sand of Sequella.
One day. He thought, hopeful that they would get home.
But then she blinked, the view of the stars and the Elysium vanishing under an ornate doorway as S’hib walked aboard.
Instantly her nostrils flared at the unfamiliar scents in the air, the heavy haze of incense making her face wrinkle.
“Right, down you get… put those hooves to use.” S’hib said as he strained slightly to lower her to the floor, watching her waste no time to trot off in silent amusement.
As she did he followed, always keeping an ear following the clicks of her steps as he looked around, taking in more of the enormity of this place.
“Hello again…” said Sister Abanot, breaking away from her kin to approach him.
S’hib groaned loudly, turning to glance her way with a less than impressed expression.
“You have a daughter…” She hummed pleasantly, as though the fact answered some questions for her.
“I do.” he said softly, though his voice was full of pride as he glanced back to his daughter running around as fast as her long legs would allow.
“Thats why you were waiting for your ship wasn't it, for her.”
“She means everything to me.” S’hib replied, frowning somewhat as she almost ran into a crowd of A’janie monks.
“And I want to get her home, away from…” he waved his hand about. “All of this.”
Abanot tilted her head somewhat, raising an eyebrow in scrutiny.
“I didn’t mean it like that… not this as in you and your people, just…”
“The excitement.” She said, finishing his sentence.
“Thats one way of putting it i suppose.”
Abanot smiled, looking down at the floor as she walked closer “You can’t protect her from everything.”
He snapped his head around towards her, an impulse to defend her even against mere words.
“The smaller the box you put her in, the more enticing the world outside it becomes…” Abanot said reassuringly. “The same could be said about you, hiding in your self imposed box.”
He fell silent, quietly moulding as his features became tight, she was right but he wasn’t happy about it.
“She will look up to you when shes older, might even want to wear that too.” Abanot said, pointing up at his comm badge.
“Absolutely not.” S’hib snorted.
She chuckled “I thought you might say that.”
“It’s too dangerous.” S’hib huffed in protest.
“Her passions, her dreams… they're barely a spark at her age, don’t smother them because your own fire is going out.”
He fell quiet again, his features softening into a knowing sadness as he looked over at Slee, she was picking herself up off the floor after falling, seemingly unphased by impact and more interested in getting back to running.
“Excuse me, Sister… id like to be with my daughter.” He said, walking off without waiting for approval.
Abanot was right after all, he was turning into the sand that would bury his daughters dreams if he continued the way he was, he’d already buried his relationship with Naxea, something the two of them now needed to climb out of.
The last thing he wanted to do was do the same to Slee.