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You want to walk? lets walk.

Posted on Sun Nov 17th, 2024 @ 1:57pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Elysium Corridors
Timeline: MD:1 1600
2285 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

"You're relieved." S'hib snorted, his voice gruff and low as he approached the two security officers standing outside of the Guls quarters.

"Sir?" One asked, somewhat taken aback by his department head suddenly appearing.

"Report back to the office, I'll call for you once I'm done taking our guest for a walk..."

The two officers looked at one another, wondering if the other would speak up before wisely deciding to keep their thoughts to themselves. "Yes Sir, he's all yours."

S'hib nodded, watching the two briskly leave before returning his attention to the door with narrowed eyes.

Every recent problem, every heartache and pain caused stemmed from the man beyond this door.

Desek looked up from his reading. "Ah. What do I owe the pleasure of your company?". Desek tried to recall the officer's name but failed.

"Computer unlock the door to Gul Desek's quarters, security authorisation S'hib Lambda Seven."

It would be so easy, he thought as the computer chirped in response, like snapping a stick.

But that was not why he was here, he had to be nice.

"Computer, open the door to Gul Desek's quarters." He snorted as he stepped back, resting a hand on his holster.

Gul Desek looked up from the PaDD he was reading to see the ship's chief of security, though he couldn't recall the name. "Ah. What a nice surprise," he said, setting the PaDD down. "For what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Does the commodore wish to see me?"

S'hib said nothing at first, simply staring at the man with an ugly expression across his long equine face. "No, but I hear you've been complaining, Desek..." He said as he ducked low under the doorway and strode inside.

"So I thought I'd come take you for a walk," S'hib continued, fiddling with his belt and retrieving his handcuffs. "Get you to stretch those legs of yours."

"And exactly where are we taking a walk to? Aren't you afraid I'll bump into that Bajoran woman you're so fond of?" He recalled how S'hib had stopped her from killing him. He still wasn't sure who the woman was or why she attacked him. Then again, Bajorans weren't the most civilized people.

"Ah, see you'll love this..." S'hib said as he approached Desek.

"What we're gonna do is walk from here, and do a big circle..." S'hib said with an exaggerated smile as he drew said circle with his handcuffs.

"and then, get this right, this is the best part... we end up back here."

Desek chuckled. "Fine let's take a walk," Desek said tossing the PaDD onto a coffee table. "But are the handcuffs really necessary? I do recall your Commodore forbidding them when I came aboard."

"You're correct, she did..." S'hib snorted as he grabbed Deseks left wrist, snapping the cufflink down over his grey skin, watching as the padded ring shrunk until it fitted tightly.

"But she didn't say anything about you being cuffed to me." He added with a smile that did little to hide the malice in his tone.

Again the padded ring shrunk, albeit a lot less around the Sequus's wrist than Deseks, binding the two together.

"Now get up." S'hib huffed, dragging the man up whether he wanted to or not with shockingly little effort.

"Take it easy you brainless brute," Desek complained as he was forced to his feet. He looked up at S'hib. "It's a wonder your species ever invented warp travel." Desek sighed. He was much too old to deal with such treatment.

“I’ll take that as a compliment…” S’hib huffed as he turned and slowly padded towards the door with Desek in tow.

"Of course you would," Desek sighed.

“I thought this was what you wanted, Desek, to go for a nice walk, stretch your legs…” He added as he ducked under the doorway and into the corridor, pulling Desek along with him.

"What I want is some damn freedom," Desek replied. "All in exchange for information that I have that may just save this damned ship."

"You already have freedom Desek, you get to lounge about all day, eat whatever you want, listen to anything you want..." S'hib said as he snagged his wrist forward, making sure Desek didn't get too comfortable lagging behind.

"You got it better than most people on this ship, and then when I take you out for a nice relaxing stroll you still find a reason to complain..."

"Because unlike you I know just how.. what's the Terran term? Ah, yes screwed this ship is and your Starfleet bravado will see to your demise."

S’hib huffed as Desek spoke, it was long drawn out sigh, the Sequus not even attempting to hide how bored he was of listening to the man he was dragging along. “Then it’s in your best interest, Desek, to drop this Cardassian Bravado and tell me what you know,”

He looked back, a mixture of irritation and disinterest on his features

“Because if you hadn’t noticed, you’re stuck here.” he said, rattling his wrist as if the prove his point. “So you’re gonna die too…”

He turned back to face the way he was walking, tugging his wrist forward. “And since you’re the only one who cares if that happens, because i certainly don't, you might want to be a bit more proactive at increasing your value before you start making demands of us.”

His voice was fierce towards the end, like a parent scolding a child who was on their last warning.

Desek forced a grin. "My wife is dead, Sequus. I've no family left alive according to your records. So you either grant my request or you can stand by and do nothing and watch everyone you care about on this ship die. The choice is yours."

At this, S'hib stopped and turned, yanking his wrist close to his chest and lifting Deseks arm above his head. "Now you listen here," he said, his words a guttural growl, ignoring the pained protest from the Cardassian.

"I know what game you're playing, and I'm not buying it... because surely a man like you would know your willingness to help us if you even can, would look very favourable at a Federation tribunal."

He raised his hand further, barely flexing his muscles to put Desek on the tips of his shoes.

"But you don't care about that, because you're up to something... so I'm going warn you, I saved your life once... put me in a position where I have to do it again, I won't."

He dropped his hand, letting Desek regain his footing before turning and continuing to walk.

Desek scoffed. "Federation Tribunal. I ask for so little in return for information that will give this crew a chance to live but you choose to condemn them to death. Congratulations, Sequus. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a Romulan with such stubbornness. Also, about that woman who attacked me when I came aboard, who is she and what did I ever do to her? Or is she simply holding on to the fridge that many Bajorans have against my kind?"

"I'm stubborn because I have to be, and don't change the subject," S'hib huffed, warning Desek with a stubby cloven finger.

"This is all about you clinging to any sense of control, desperately trying to maintain any semblance of being the one in charge."

He looked back at Desek with a baleful glare. "But you're not, I am." He said lifting their cuffed wrists.

"So again, if you want us to take you seriously... to even entertain the notion that the words dribbling out of your mouth have some relevance, give us something to chase, tease us with a hint of verifiable truth instead of trying to out stubborn me!"

He turned his head, still hung up on Deseks previous comment. "Because I'm better than a Romulan at it."

"So you can simply keep me locked up? Not a chance. And if you want me to take you seriously and if you want to survive to see the Alpha Quadrant again and to see your daughter grow up, you will grant me my wish or at the very least take it to your Commodore."

"I will grant you nothing, Desek. And until you cooperate I will in fact start taking things away from you, your music for a start..."

S'hib turned, raising his brow as he looked at Desek. "Replicator privileges, even curfews on lighting..." He looked away, continuing to march sullenly forward.

"Because if you want to complain you live in a prison, Gul Desek." He said condescendingly, mocking the man's former rank and station.

"I will turn your quarters into a prison... and then we'll see if you start taking me seriously."

"I believe those would be against your Commodore's orders. And I know you Starfleet love your orders," Desek stated, chuckling. "You never did tell me about that damn Bajoran woman who attacked me. What makes her so special? It almost seemed personal for her but I've never seen her before in my life."

"Oh we do," S'hib stated smugly, ignoring the man's line of questioning again. "But I won't be breaking any orders Desek," S'hib said with a slight chuckle as they rounded another corner.

"I'll just file a few maintenance requests. Pull some favours, make sure they put them on a low priority while they take things offline. I'm sure you get the idea."

Desek shrugged. It was obvious that this Sequus has had many dealings with the Obsidian Order. "It's your funeral, Sequus--if you're lucky."

"You know, Desek, that's the first honest thing you've said this entire time. I'm almost Impressed."

S'hib huffed mockingly as his stride slowed to a stop.

"Almost..." He added, approaching the door to Desek's quarters and accessing the controls.

"Can't say this was the most pleasant walk," Desek huffed. "Look, you may not trust me but know that I am tired of death but I must look out for my best interest."

S'hib stopped as the door hissed open, glancing to the side Desek was standing. He didn't look at him directly, just more so in his direction before allowing a slight smile to form on his lips.

It wasn't a happy smile, there was no joy behind it, a smile as vindictive as anything else he had said on their walk.

"You know... after the war, your people said the same thing. That they were just looking out for their best interest while stabbing the Alpha quadrant in the back and siding with the Dominon."

He turned now, that faint hateful smile still on his lips.

"Cos'you see, it's not so much that you lie, Desek. It's how you go about doing it... I mean with the Romulans you know exactly where you stand, you expect them to lie, you could even say they're honest liars."

"But you, and others like you-" He said as he idly released the handcuffs, looking down at his hand and flexing the tendons in his fingers.

"You lie to yourself more than anyone else, you justify every little thing you do, no matter how terrible, and because of that... when Cardassia burned, nobody gave a shit."

Desek shook his head at such a poor attempt to anger him. "I have a lot of time on my hands and I've read the reports on the war, Sequus. At the end, my people turned on the Dominion, my wife included. Helping to save your precious Federation Fleet, along with the Romulans and Klingons. I suggest you listen to reason. Is what I'm asking really worth the lives of those you care about?" he asked as he stepped into his quarters.

A hand fell on Deseks shoulder, its firm grip holding him in place mid step.

"Your word means very little to me," S'hib said as he stepped behind Desek, resting a hand on his other shoulder. "And I'll tell you why..." He said, leaning down somewhat.

"The woman I stopped from killing you, she means a great deal to me... more than someone like you could understand."

His voice was soft and quiet, bordering on a whisper as his snout leaned over Deseks right shoulder.

"And I know what you did to her family, the women, the children..." His breath was hot as he spoke, Desek could feel it on his cheek.

"Not that that narrows it down for you of course..." He added with a sarcastic chuckle that ended as abruptly as it started. "But do try to keep in mind, Desek."

He paused, leaning in closer, the side of his snout firmly against Deseks cheek. "If you put this ship in danger, this ship that has her and our child aboard, I will come find you and I will do to you what you did to so many on Bajor..."

He let go, gently nudging the man inside.

"And you know exactly what I mean." He huffed before hitting the door controls with an aggressive prod of his finger, flexing the frame somewhat as the door hissed shut.

Moments went by as he stared at the closed door, his thoughts struggling for clarity in the torrent of rage.

He'd not been the same since that ice world, maybe even before that...

He sighed, a heavy release of emotions as he closed his eyes.

"S'hib to security," He said, slapping his comm badge. "I need a new detail posted outside Desek's quarters, I'll wait till you arrive and inform you of the new rules, S'hib out."


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