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I'm your Friend

Posted on Mon Feb 17th, 2025 @ 4:41pm by Consul Josephine Carlyle-Cragen & 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Josie's cabin
Timeline: After We need to Talk
782 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Josh followed Josie as she stalked back to her cabin. To say she was mad was an understatement. She was well past mad she was livid! Captain Richardson had denied her request for her to be without a security detail (him) and she let everyone know of her displeasure. He hadn't said a word since she stormed out of Commodore Lalor's quarters. He just followed at a respectful distance as he swore, he could see steam coming out of her ears. When they reached her cabin, he pulled up beside her, still silent as he waited to see what her next move would be. She swore to Captain Richardson that she was going to make his (Josh) life miserable and Josh silently prayed as he stood there that it was just anger talking and Josie wouldn't carry out the threat.

Josie opened her cabin door and then paused. "Stop following me" She stated.

Josh met her gaze. "I'm sorry ma'am. I have my orders. I'm not doing this to upset you. " He answered softly. Hoping his tone would help to soften hers. "I'd like to be your friend." He added.

She shot him a look. "I am not looking for friends" she replied calmly. "No offence but friends just die."

Josh was unfazed by Josie's look. "None taken ma'am. However, I think you should know everyone dies especially those you love." Josh replied calmly not showing his inner pain.

She gave him a look. "No really?" Her sarcasm was heavy. "I know that better than most."

Josh sighed, "Okay, that was called for and I'm sure you do. However, the fact remains I'm your friend and everyone needs a friend."

Josephine shifted Liberty in her arms. "I am not looking for friends Joshua. I am looking to raise my daughter and maybe, one day, she will find her way back home."

"I understand." Josh replied in an understanding tone, and he did. When Anna died, he shut himself away, not wanting to have anything do to with anyone. Only after time did he finally return to rejoin people. "Well. you have one whether you want one or not, while you are looking. You both will find your way home Josephine. I am confidant of that." He looked at Liberty. "May I hold her?"

She considered but handed the infant over. "Sure"

Josh took the infant and held her gently in his arms as he spoke softly to her. "You are a beautiful girl Liberty, and I know you give your mother tremendous joy and pleasure. She loves you very much. You are the most important person in her life." He stopped and rocked the infant gently in his arms as he cooed at her. " Precious child, never change."

Josie was not 100% confident of anyone these days. Not since Arrianna had pulled what she had. She moved and got Liberty's milk ready. "It is time for her lunch and nap. I need to get her settled." She said coming back over.

"I can feed her if you like. Give you a few minutes of rest." Josh offered as he looked back down at Liberty and cooed at her. He looked up as Josie came over. "I didn't mean to upset you Josie, but I know about losing someone." He didn't elaborate. If Josie wanted to know he would tell her about Anna and what she meant to him.

She did consider it but she eventually shook her head. "Thank you but no I am quite alright with her." She said honestly. "I appreciate the offer. And you have other things to do."

Joshua stood up, "As you wish Josie and as far as doing other things. Your it however you need and deserve your privacy so I will leave you and Miss Liberty to enjoy each other's company." He walked over and cooed at Liberty before walking to the door. if you need me for anything just page me." He took a step maybe two and turned back "Say, do you like barbeque Josie?"

She looked up as she had shifted Libby in her arms to start feeding her. "Yes" She was slightly startled at the question.

"Excellent. Good to know." Josh replied a broad smile on his face.

Exiting Josie's quarters, Josh nodded to himself. Josie didn't know it yet, but he was going to present her with a meal to remember. A good old fashion country barbeque with all the trimmings. He wanted her to see, she had someone she could count on an consider a friend. As everyone needed someone and Josie fell into that category. But right now, he had work to do and a barbeque to prepare.



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