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Transfer Orders

Posted on Wed Sep 18th, 2024 @ 2:53pm by 1st Lieutenant Torian Vale
Edited on on Thu Sep 19th, 2024 @ 2:53pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Enroute to and Onboard Starbase 115
Timeline: 0030 Hours, Six Days Prior to Arrival Onboard USS Elysium (Seven Months Ago)
1209 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Torian Vale and Corporal Jenna Reyes made their way back to their shuttlecraft after the chaotic arrest of Jaken Skrell. The rain still drummed softly against the metal hull as they boarded, the weight of the mission lifting only slightly. Torian took a seat in the co-pilot’s chair as Reyes prepped the shuttle for takeoff.

"That was close back there," Reyes remarked as she flicked a few switches, the shuttle’s engines whirled to life.

"Yeah, closer than I’d like," Torian replied, his voice still calm despite the adrenaline slowly fading. "But Skrell’s in custody, and that shipment won’t be hitting the black market anytime soon."

Reyes glanced over at him, a smirk on her face. "You were a little eager, Vale. If I hadn’t shown up when I did…"

"I would’ve handled it," Torian interrupted, though there was a slight grin on his face. "But thanks for the assist."

As they lifted off from Erevan City, the sprawling decayed landscape became smaller and smaller beneath them, the distant neon glow of central hub now just a faint memory in the distance. The silence between them was comfortable, both Marines self-reflected on the mission.

After a few minutes, Torian pulled out his data PADD and began to review some personal messages. One notification caught his eye—an official transfer order forwarded with a message from his CO. He tapped it open and read the message: Transfer to USS Elysium. Report next week.

He leaned back slightly in his seat and scanned the rest of the message including the below transfer order with official numbers, a barcode, and the signature from three officers: His current CO, the MCO of USS Elysium, and the TGCO of the sector.

He processed the news. The Elysium was one of the Starfleet’s most renowned vessels, known for its exploratory missions and advanced technology. It was a step up no matter how you decided it.

Reyes noticed his shift in focus. "What’s on your mind?"

Torian looked up from the PADD. "Just got word. I’m being transferred to the USS Elysium next week."

Reyes raised an eyebrow. "The Elysium, huh? Big move. You excited?"

Torian nodded, though there was a twinge of uncertainty. "Yeah. It’s a bigger stage, more opportunities. Maybe. But..." He hesitated, staring out of the shuttle’s viewport at the planet’s horizon. "I just hope it’s not a lot of sitting around, waiting for orders. I’m not built for that."

Reyes chuckled, "From what I hear about the Elysium, there’s no shortage of action out there. Just be ready for whatever they throw at you."

Torian gave a half-smile, but his mind was already drifting to the challenges that lay ahead. He wasn’t one to sit back and wait for something to happen. His instincts, honed from years of contact and rough sports, sports was just to put it nicely, told him that he’d need to stay sharp and keep pushing himself.

As the shuttle left the atmosphere of Vega IX, Torian glanced at Reyes. They were partners for a little over a year and this mission makes it mission #30 together. They were good friends, partners, had each other’s back for a long while. It was as if a small fire place was lit inside of him, a forge relit after being dormant for centuries. He hadn’t felt like that in a while. Maybe it was time to go.

"I can see right through you, you know.” Reyes broke through the silence. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m sure you’ll find your way into the thick of things soon enough. And you’ll find a new and better partner.”

Torian chuckled softly and leaned back, his mind already turning toward the future and what the Elysium had in store.

An hour later.

As the shuttle made its smooth approach to Starbase 115, Reyes remained focused on the controls, her expression calm and composed. Inside, however, a storm of emotions swirled just beneath the surface. Torian’s announcement about his transfer to the Elysium had hit her harder than she wanted to admit. She kept her eyes on the flashing lights of the control panel, refusing to let the subtle tightness in her chest show.

Torian was a solid partner—reliable, sharp, and someone who shared her silent understanding of the job. They never had to say much to work together seamlessly. Losing him, especially to something as permanent as a transfer, felt like a personal blow. But Reyes wasn’t about to let those feelings rise to the surface. She had a mission to finish and a job to do. Besides, Marines didn’t get sentimental.

The shuttle gently touching down on the marine flight deck on board Starbase 115. Reyes powered down the engines with practiced ease, and allowed the quiet hum to fade. Torian, ever focused, had already grabbed his gear.

"Let’s get this debrief done," Reyes said, her tone neutral and betrayed none of the frustration or sadness she felt. She forced herself to act like this was just another mission debrief, but the truth was, every moment felt like a countdown to when Torian would be gone.

"Yeah," Torian agreed, giving her a slight nod as they both stepped out of the shuttle.

They walked across the flight deck toward the command center, boots clanking against the metal surface. The station buzzed with activity around them—pilots, marines, and a few naval crew moved with purpose, but they barely registered any of it. The Starbase’s assignment of marines was roughly battalion level—700 marines. So there was always activity in the air.

Both Torian and Reyes walked inside of the debriefing room. Once inside, they found Lt. Colonel Travis Keegan waiting for them, arms folded across his chest, his usual stern expression in place.

“Vale. Reyes.” Keegan acknowledged them with a sharp nod. “I got word you brought Skrell in. Good work. I want a full report.” Keegan sounded rough. His voice horses probably with all the screaming. The starbase did accept an additional forty new marine recruits earlier in the week.

Torian stepped forward, handing Keegan the data PADD with their mission details. “Weapons shipment secured, Skrell in custody. We encountered minimal resistance, though one of his buyers managed to escape.”

Keegan flipped through the report on the PADD, his eyes narrowed as he read. “Minimal resistance, huh? I always like the sound of that.”

Reyes crossed her arms, keeping her tone cool.

Keegan nodded, glancing from Reyes to Torian, and accepted the information. “Well, good job. I’ll be forwarding this back to Earth. I’ll want a written debrief from both of you by the end of the day.”

Torian and Reyes gave a short nod. “Understood, sir.” they both said in unison.

Keegan shifted his gaze to Torian. “Did you get my message about Elysium?”

Torian met the Commander’s gaze, his face unreadable. “Yes, sir. I’ll be shipping out next week.”

The conversation started to annoy Reyes.

Keegan nodded again, his tone slightly more approving. “That ship is lucky to have you. Keep up the good work, Lieutenants, both of you. Dismissed.”


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