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"Did it not seem real?"

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 6:03am by Captain Samuel Woolheater

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: USS Elysium - Samuel Woolheater's Office
Timeline: MD01
1522 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure



For seven long years, on the land, on the sea and in the air, under the mountains and into space, the people of Fontalis had waged terrible war on each other. Some of it so terrible that it was difficult to imagine that it would ever end. But, it finally did. Earlier that Summer, far and away from the great cities and in a lonely, quiet place, the armies of Radamio and Possiamo met on the field of battle. There, under the command of the last of the Sersan kings, Origenio, the forces of light broke the grip of the Deimo, Radamio, Re di Tenebre.

Years later, in a ceremony of remembrance that would be commemorated for the next 1700 years, as many people as could make the journey, would gather on the flat plains outside a minor temple just under the shadow of Mount Trionfar, where the hostilities of so long ago, finally came to an end.

Etched onto a platinum obelisk, the words of an eyewitness to that last, great contest were inscribed. And young children were taught, and older persons remembered with great humility and reverence, the words of a Sergeant who captured the imaginations and the hearts of an entire world,

“In time, even death itself might be abolished; those were the stakes at hand, that is what we were fighting for. And who knows but it may be given to us after this, our physical life, to meet again in the old places, to play music and dance, to mount our winged steed, to answer the morning battle call, to fall in at the tap of the drum for drill and dress parade, and again to hastily put on our war gear while the monotonous patter of the long roll summons to battle.

We saw him then, walking among us, the great Possiamo, and we thought it entirely natural the gods should walk amongst us. In battle he appeared as a roaring lion, winged, glorious, with Origenio at his right hand and Parnassus at his left. In contemplation, he was as a man, his faced deeply lined with sorrow and concern for all. And this was entirely normal for all. But again, the old flags, ragged and torn, snapping in the wind, may face each other and flutter, pursuing and pursued, while the cries of victory fill a summer day? And after the battle, then the slain and wounded will arise, and all will meet together under the two flags. And both sides will lower their heads to the great Monarch of the Sky, all sound and well, and there will be talking and laughter, embracing and embraced, tears of joy and cheers, and all will say, ‘Did it not seem real? Were we not in the presence of the Champion? Was it not as in the old days?’ “

— Sergeant Abarnero Festo, Army of Serse, 1411, The Fourth Era


Now, in those days, Possiamo walked freely among the people. In the form of a man, his true nature and form he kept hidden from them. Not since the olden days did any Tallis or celestials alight among the people. But Possiamo delighted to be among them. And, on the day when it is still celebrated the victory on the plains of Mount Trionfar, that is to say in the same place where the temple of the celestial beings, ‘Minor Templum Entium Coelestium” stands, after having completed the orders and the rites of the day, several people had gathered as a dispute among them had come up. Some said that there is no other life than this. While others said that there is life after this one, but no one can know what it is. And still others were troubled and their minds were set upon with doubt and confusion.

So, they gathered themselves outside the Templum and argued until the servants to the Tallis were summoned to hear the dispute. After a long while, they could not discern what they knew in their hearts to be true. Then, one of the servants, Saccendo is his name, noticed that a foreigner had come with them. And he spoke to the stranger and said, “Ave! Friend! What do you say? If there is a Heaven or if there is not, how should we recognize them?” Now, none of them knew that Possiamo in his mortal form was among them. And, they turned their faces to him to hear what the stranger would say. Possiamo said,

”I will answer you truly, but first answer me: In a place not too far from here there used to be a castle. And in this castle there are but two rooms. Opening the first room, there inside is a banquet table in the form of a circle. Set with the finest foods and exquisite fruits and vegetables. Breads and stews, enough for all. A feast like none have had, not even Origenio when he was king. But, around this table sit starving people. Too weak and famished to eat any of the food or drink any of the drink. In their hands, they have spoons and forks, but the spoons and the forks are very long. They are so long that they cannot feed themselves. The food and the drink cannot reach their starving mouths. And so, they are starving.

But, in the second room, even before you open the door, the sounds of laughter and merriment come through the closed door. And when you open it, you see the same room. Exact in every detail. But, in this room, the people are feeding each other with their long forks and spoons. They scoop up the nourishment and offer it to their brother and their sister. And in this room, none are hungry and none are thirsty. So, which of these rooms is more like the life to come?”

And the people who heard him speak had their hearts and minds opened. One of them said, “I see it now, in the one room, the people at the table thought only of themselves and they could not feed themselves and so everyone goes hungry.” And another said, “But in the second room, they think of others before themselves. And they share and feed each other and all are fed and happy and joyous because everyone has their fill and none go hungry.”

Then Possiamo said, “Indeed, I answer you, Heaven is not a place or a time that exists in the future waiting to happen. You will know that it is Life, in all its abundance, because you do these things now. Therefore, do not wait to do those things that you know will help your neighbor. While you live, do not hold back kind words, let your brother hear praise and thanks while he has ears to hear them and a heart to be gladdened by them. Do not wait to help your sister with any kindness or any good thing. Lift each other up and lighten your load while you journey this life together. Do not wait for some time later to do the deeds and good works that the world needs today. Do them today, let them flow from you freely giving that which you have freely received. And you shall have joy and fellowship, peace and long life among you. And it shall be Heaven on Fontalis.”

Then and all at once they recognized him and their hearts burned within them to do loving things and acts of kindness. Saccendo, servant to the Tallis, straightaway opened the doors to the Temple and lit the lamps and gathered as many as had need for shelter or food, work or rest, healing or sustaining. So much so that what was once a minor temple has become a major place of thanks and praise. What was low, has become high. What was dead, is now alive. So, do not be anxious for what is to come. Instead, be fully alive by doing all good things in service to others.

- Excerpt from “The Histories” The Fourth Era – Volume Seven – Imperial Archives, Relics and Antiquities Library, University of Serse - Fontalis



Samuel set down the PaDD after reading this passage. And he silently wondered if it was even possible. Could it be that, in the early Universe, there were people that had what we would call “supernatural” powers? That is, he wondered to himself, powers and capabilities that we today would consider “magical” or “supernatural” but were, to them, as magic as running a replicator?

Sam’s encounter with the A’janie troubled him and brought doubts into his mind. He settled himself with a simple, yet profound truth, ‘Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof’.


Captain Samuel Woolheater
“Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas”
Division VI, MARDET 62nd Company "Spartans"
Marine XO, 1st Platoon CO
=/\= USS ELYSIUM - NCC-89000 =/\=


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