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Goodbye, For Now

Posted on Fri Oct 4th, 2024 @ 3:38pm by 1st Lieutenant Torian Vale & 1st Lieutenant Jenna Reyes

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Starbase 115
Timeline: 24 Hours Prior to Arriving on Elysium
743 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

The transport shuttle loomed in front of Vale, its sleek hull gleaming under the bright lights of the docking bay. He stood at the base of the boarding ramp, his two large duffle bags slung over his shoulders. Each step toward the shuttle felt heavier than the last. His right hand was wrapped in gauze, a reminder of the last time he and Jenna had sparred—an aggressive, raw encounter that left more than just physical scars. He flexed his fingers absentmindedly, wincing at the tug of the bandage as he adjusted his grip on the bags.

The constant hum of activity filled the air—pilots, engineers, and personnel moving with purpose, shuttles lifting off to far reaches of the galaxy—but the noise seemed distant, muted. Torian’s focus was on one thing: Jenna.

She stood a few paces away, arms crossed over her chest, her face a mask of cool composure. But Torian knew her better than that. Behind her stoic expression, there was a storm brewing—one she’d barely kept under control the last few days. The same storm that had driven her to cut him during their fencing match, to lash out in a way that surprised even her.

Now, with only minutes before he boarded the shuttle to the USS Elysium, he could feel the weight of everything unsaid hanging between them like an invisible wall.

Jenna shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her dark eyes searching his face for something—an answer, a reaction, a reason to stop him from going. She found none.

It was possible that Jenna wanted more from him. However, Torian’s focus had never been anything but finding his father’s killers. That was plain as day for him. She knew that. But she also knew there was always a chance he wouldn’t be able to fulfill that goal, no matter how hard he tried.

“So, this is it,” she said finally, her voice steady but lacking its usual spark. She uncrossed her arms, her hands dropping to her sides, fidgeting slightly. “You’re really leaving.”

Torian nodded, his throat tight. “Yeah. Looks like it.”

Silence stretched between them, awkward and filled with things neither of them wanted to say. Torian shifted one of his duffle bags higher onto his shoulder, his gaze flickering to the shuttle as if to find an escape from the moment. But there was none.

Jenna broke the silence again, her voice quieter now. “I’m going to miss you.”

Torian responded, “I will too. I promise I’ll call you and visit when I can.”

She stepped closer, her eyes locking with his. “I’ll always have your back, Vale.”

Torian swallowed hard, the gravity of her words finally sinking in. He’d never been good with emotions, never one to linger on what he couldn’t control. But standing here, staring into the eyes of the woman who had been by his side for the last couple of years, he felt the weight of everything he hadn’t said, everything he hadn’t acknowledged.

She took another step forward, so close now that he could feel the warmth radiating from her. Her eyes softened for a moment, her usual fierce demeanor crumbling. Without warning, she leaned in, brushing her lips softly against his cheek in a kiss that was both gentle and heartbreaking. It lingered for a second, longer than necessary, before she pulled back, her breath catching slightly.

“Good luck,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Torian stood frozen, the sensation of her lips still burning on his skin, her words echoing in his mind. He wanted to say something, anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Instead, he watched her turn and walk away, her figure fading into the crowd, swallowed by the hustle and bustle of the transport bay.

He stood there for a long moment, staring at the spot where she had disappeared, his chest tight with unspoken words and unacknowledged feelings. The weight of his duffle bags felt insignificant compared to the weight in his heart.

With a deep breath, Torian finally turned and boarded the shuttle. He found a seat by the window, staring out as the transport bay grew smaller and smaller. The engines hummed beneath him, the familiar sensation of takeoff doing little to ease the turmoil in his mind.

The shuttle ascended into the stars, bound for the USS Elysium.


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