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Posted on Tue Dec 31st, 2024 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Chief Counsellor’s Office
682 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

((OOC: Roll call post ))

It was end of shift, another long day of appointments between bridge duties, and family commitments. Alicia sat back in her favourite chair after finishing off the last update to her files.

“Computer, lower light level to setting Alicia one.” She smiled briefly as the lights lowered to a soft low glow, she preferred low light to the harsh brightness of the artificial lighting. Right now she had time to herself to relax and simply reflect on life.

Her thoughts wandered to their current situation, wondering what was happening back at the Federation. We’re they still looking for the Elysium? Had they already given up and declared the ship and crew missing? Did they even believe the crew were still alive? They were questions that regularly came up when she saw patients, and she always reassured people that Starfleet would still be looking when she wasn’t overly sure herself.

Alicia was grateful that her mother was onboard ship, and not back on Betazed mourning the loss of her daughter. It wouldn’t be much longer before her mother would be having her babies, and Alicia’s family would grow again. She was excited, but at the same time afraid, though she knew her father wouldn’t let anything go wrong.

Her smile grew as she remembered the first meeting between Sthilg and her mother, after Alicia had more or less adopted Sthilg into the family as her new father. He had no one else, and she saw no reason for Sthilg to spend his life alone when he could be part of her family. The relationship between Sthilg and her mother had. Blossomed from day one, now they were married Sthilg was well and truly Alicia’s father.

Alicia almost leapt out of her seat as there was a noise from the room behind her, turning her eyes widened as she was met with a familiar, if much older set of eyes. “N’vea? Is that you?”

Stepping into the light a much older N’vea approached her mother. “It’s me mum.”

“How? Why?” Alicia looked into her daughter’s eyes as she motioned her daughter over to her. “Look at you, you’re beautiful.” She wiped away a few emotional tears. “Dare I ask how this is even possible?”

“You could but I can’t tell you” N’vea offered a teary eyed smile. “Let’s just say I called in a favour from someone. I don’t have long mum, I just wanted to...needed to...” she paused.

Alicia nodded. “You came to say goodbye?” She gave her daughter a knowing look. “I’ve seen that look in enough people’s eyes when they’ve had to say goodbye to loved ones at the end of their lives.”

N’vea wiped away more tears. “I couldn’t get back in time mum, I wanted to be there when you...” she paused. “My transport was delayed, then my connection didn’t arrive. By the time I got home...”

Alicia stood up giving her daughter a big cuddle. “You don’t have to feel guilty, it wasn’t your fault. No matter what age I was I would have understood.” She stood back holding onto N’vea’s hands. “I do, and always will love you N’vea no matter what I’m sure my life will be, and in your time has been, filled with love.”

N’vea returned the hug kissing Alicia on the cheek. “Thank you mum, I love you too. I’m not allowed to say anything but know this, you will get home!” N’vea smiled as her form slowly started to disappear. “Goodbye...mum...”

As fast as she'd arrived N’vea was gone, leaving Alicia to wonder whether the whole encounter was some unbelievable dream or whether she truly had just spoken to a future version of her daughter. All she knew was she wanted to get home to her family as fast as she could, heading for the door she put out the lights and headed home.



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