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Inside the Lieutenant

Posted on Sat Jul 13th, 2019 @ 9:43am by Commander Sthilg

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: U.S.S. Elysium
975 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

I was thinking we could get this started then post date it or pre date it after this mission.

Jason was just putting the last of his gear that he was going to unpack away. He didn't want these quarters but they would have to do for now.

The computer buzzed as an alert reminding the assistant security chief he had an appointment with the ships medical staff. The doctor who was waiting for him to arrive was currently grinding up some of his homegrown coffee beans to refill the medical bays coffee machine. His own alarm reminded him of the appointment so he left his office after washing his hands and getting a fresh lab coat before heading to the reception area to see if he had arrived.

Jason looked at the terminal and glared for a second, the worst part of any new assignment is the physical. Getting up from his desk he moved to leave the office. "Chief look through the personnel files for Security and Marine units onboard, and the academy students, mark all of them that are proficient in combat and emergency rescue to removing hang-nails, I want to flush out the department no matter the emergency." He said as he passed three petty officers and left the room.

"Sickbay." Jason muttered as he waited for the lift to move. Once the lift stopped on his undesired floor he exited and made his way to medical. As he stood outside the room he wondered if there would be any way for him to skip the physical.

The door opened as the chief medical office pocked his head through the door. " Lieutenant Jason Morris?" He politely asked the man outside the door.

Looking like a deer caught in headlights Jason nodded at the man, 'I wonder if this ship if full of mind readers.' Jason thought to himself as he turned towards the man. "Lieutenant Morris reporting for my physical." He said as he approached the man.

" Lieutenant commander Sssthilg chief medical officer. If you follow me thisss ssshoudn't take long." the gorn said as he offered his hand.

Jason turned and shook the Sthigs hand as he approached the opening.

" Ssso any illnessss or injuriesss that aren't on your file since your last medical tessst? " The reptile doctor asked as he walked towards one of the biobeds.

"I'v had a new popping sound in my left shoulder, doesn't hurt any but if i rotate my arm in a large circle it pops." Jason said as he approched the biobeds behind the doctor.

" Hum. I'll take a look at it." The gorn said as he fired up the biobed computer. " Ssso how are you enjoying the ssship ssso far?"

"It's an amazing ship, its been sometime since my last posting to one but this ship is by far more impressive then the others." Jason said as he sat on the bed.

" Well i'm sssure ssshe'll keep you busy." The gorn said as he looked at the results. " Can you move your left ssshoulder?" He asked politely.

Lifting his shoulder straight up there where no problems."Like I said when I rotate it theres the pops."Jason said waiting for the doctor to tell him to more again.

" Appearsss that you're rotator cuff has a sssmall tear. Easily fixable. " The gorn said as he walked over and began to take some tools from a draw.

"That doesn't sound to bad." Jason said as he lowered his arm.

" It isssn't it will only take me a few munites to fix." The gorn said returning a tray with a few tools. " Ssso why don't you tell me about yourself lieutenant." The gorn said as he got to work after applying a sedative.

"I'm just turned 28 3 months ago, Iv been stationed at the academy as an Admirals aide-de-camp for the last few years, before that I was assigned to Starfleet HQ as an adjutant. It's been quite awhile since I'v been posted on a ship, but my son pretty much begged me with puppy eyes to come to a ship and I put in a transfer, my qualifications where for command and security so I requested a security position because theres not many commands a Lieutenant can get. Besides that I try to keep fairly fit, I do like running a couple miles a week and I keep up training with a few martial arts aswell. I will say I have a bit on an addiction to the holodeck. Besides that I do prefer to read as well as play chess when time permits."Jason gave his monologue trying to skim everything quickly. "Is there anything else you might like to know sir?"

" No that's fine Jason." The gorn said as he continued his work. " To be 28 again. I'm 430 yearsss old myself feelsss like a lifetime sssince i was in double digitsss for my age."

"You look fantastic for your age, I wouldn't have guessed a day over 120." Jason said with a smile.

" Thanksss." The doctor said as he stop his work. " Okay try moving your arm now."

Jason moved his arm in a wide circle and didn't hear in noise.

" There we go. Come back if it comesss back, but other than that you appear to be more than fit to be cleared for duty." The gorn said with a friendly grin.

"More then fit huh, don't let the captain hear that, ill be in trouble then" Jason said matching the gorns grin.

The gorn nodded as he handed him a copy of the report. " Feel free to let me know if it troubles you again."

"Thank you sir, have a good rest of the day." Jason said taking the copy and standing up to leave.

" The sssame to you." the gorn replied as he started to clean up. Always more to do.


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