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Something Wicked this Way Comes

Posted on Sun May 19th, 2019 @ 11:02am by Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor]

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: XO's Ready Room
Timeline: Current
942 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

(OOC: Just before ship goes in search of missing shuttle)


Lovejoy sat behind the desk. He had taken over Taylor's Ready Room as
Taylor was missing and he was acting Executive Officer.
He hadn't begun to remove any of Taylor's personal belongings, junk to
be more precise.... not yet at least especially that stupid
wooden duck on the desk. That would be the first item to go.

He looked at his PADD, his next interview would be starting in a few minutes once the crew member arrived. He was sure it would prove interesting to say the least.

Liorga wasn't sure what this guy, Lovejoy, wanted with her, but she wasn't all that interested. She'd indulge him just enough not to lose her stripes, but that was it. She came to Cdr. Taylor's door and rang the chime, waiting to be admitted.

Garrett was looking over a PaDD when the chime rang signaling someone wanted to see him and he was sure he knew who. "Come." He announced not looking up from the PaDD.

Liorga entered and came to attention, "Chief Petty Officer Liorga, reporting as ordered, Sir." A part of her wanted to ask what he was up to, but another part didn't want to know at all and just wanted this over with. She hadn't filed the complaint she'd planned, figuring he'd learned his lesson when the feathers flew.

He was still looking at the PaDD as she spoke. When she finished he set the PaDD to one side and straightened up in the chair, "Have a seat chief. I have a few questions."

"Questions of what variety, Sir?" Liorga asked as she sat, deciding her strategy for this thinly veiled interrogation. If he asks me personal questions, I'm going to have to check him. She decided, hoping that was not the way this was going to go down.

He didn't ask her right away. he instead picked up the PaDD. "Your file. Very interesting I might add. You've been in Starfleet a long time. How do you like the Elysium?"

"It's a good ship, Sir." Liorga replied, adding nothing more. She hadn't missed his comment about her 'interesting' file, she figured she was about to got raked over the coals about the incident that led to her demotion, Great, this again.

He nodded, "And I'm sure you would like to finish your tour here, with your friends?"

"I would." Liorga answered, "Though, I've got thirty years in, so I can retire any time and move on to the next stage of life." She figured he was going to threaten to transfer her, she wanted him to know that threat held no terror for her anymore, she'd retire and go to work in the bar with Jessica and never look back.

he read her look in her eyes. "Don't worry Chief, I'm not about to threaten you. Like I said a few questions, such as your Deltan correct?" He asked looking at his PaDD.

"All my life, sir." Liorga answered, adding, "Well, at least half Deltan." She figured he knew already that she didn't know who, or what, her was, "Though I've never had anything turn up to say otherwise."

"Yes. Quite correct." A thin smile coming to his face as he moved quickly on. "And as a Deltan your oath of celibacy is on record with Starfleet." He asked looking at the PaDD.

"And you know that last remnant of 23rd century racism isn't enforceable anymore, sir." She replied, "Walk with the future."

"I'm all for the future Chief. But not at the expense of subjecting our people to undue stress such Deltan hormones."I believe your wrong Chief."

"Nobody here has reported any stress due to my hormones, sir." Liorga said, maintaining a polite, military tone, "The oath of celibacy was created in regard to relations between Deltans and human men, nothing in it specifically forbids lesbian sex, Sir. Now, with all due respect, is there any point to this other than you wanting to see if you can make me angry?" She knew that was what he wanted, just as much as she knew he had failed, but she was curious to see how far he was willing to take this, because she was willing to go all the way to the Federation Supreme Court.

He leaned back clearly amused by her words. "Really? You think so?" He picked up the PaDD and looked at it before turning it so she could read the highlighted section. An oath of celibacy was a promise that Deltans were obligated to swear to upon service in Starfleet, stating that they would not take advantage of any of their non-Deltan crewmates.

"It doesn't seem to exclude lesbian sex Chief. Or am I missing something?"

She knew now this was nothing more than a witch hunt and she wasn't going to indulge this son of a bitch any longer, "Then if you're charging me with something, do it." She shrugged, "From this point forward we don't speak unless I have defense counsel from JAG, Sir."

"Charge you?" He said with mocked innocence. "Not now Chief. However be assured that when you are, you'll be the first to know."

"Now, are we waiting here silently for my lawyer, or am I leaving, Sir?" Liorga asked, still maintaining her professional, military tone.

"Are you usually this obtuse Chief? As I said you aren't being charged so there is no need for a lawyer at this time. You are free to return to your duties."

"Aye aye, Sir." Liorga replied, standing to leave and adding, "Great talk, really inspiring."



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