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Am I crazy

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2019 @ 10:36am by Ensign Lunara Hol

Mission: Mission 2: Heaven On Earth
Location: Elysium
1889 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Jason sat at in his room looking at a picture of Alex. After the last mission he had been thinking about Alex a lot and what he was missing in his life. An alarm chirped to signal his appointment with the ship counselors. He stood up with the picture in hand and walked over to his dresser to put it back.

Leaving his quarters he made his way down to the turbolift and to the counselors office.

Walking into an exam with counselors was annoying, a waste of time really but it was a requirement for personnel unfortunately. The medical exam required was a little less annoying because it was practical, but someone picking your brain about things its a little annoying. Walking up to the desk with a crewman sitting in it he announced himself. " Lieutenant Morris reporting for my psych exam." He said to the crewman.

The receptionist smiled and pointed to the door on the left. "Right through there, you'll be meeting with Ensign Hol today."

Jason nodded and turned towards the door and marched towards it, he stopped with his finger an inch away from the bell. Taking a breath he tapped the button and waited.

Lunara looked up from her desk. It must have been the Lieutenant with his psych eval scheduled for today. "Come in!" She straightened her uniform and stood up.

The door opened and Jason walked into the room and looked around until he spotted the counselor at her desk. "Lieutenant Jason Morris, I'm here my my psych examination."

Lunara smiled and stepped out from behind her desk. "Hello there! I'm Lunara Hol. It's nice to meet you, Lieutenant." She extended a hand for him to shake.

Jason walked a bit towards her. "Nice to meet you Ma'am." He said shaking her hand. "How are you today."

Lunara smiled. "I'm doing well, thanks. And yourself?"

Letting go of her hand he turned a bit to look at the room."I'm doing okay, my sons a bit of a hassle but nothing bad."Jason said turning to look at her again.

'A son?' She thought to herself. She wasn't sure a starship was the best place for a child, but she hid it well. "Well, I hope he's not driving you *too* crazy." She grinned. "Come on, take a seat and I'll have you out before dinner."

Jason smiled at the joke and moved to sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk. "I'd appreciate it. Alex has been going on about how he wants to do everything right and get his starfleet physical just like I had to."

Lunara moved to take a seat behind her desk. "Well, it's a rare breed that voluntarily comes in for an exam. I'm glad you're one of them."

"Well I'm happy to be different then most."Jason smiled. "I do the same for medicals because if you get them done then your done."

Lunara leaned back in her seat. "Well, if only more people thought like you, my job might be a bit easier."

"But wheres the fun in an easy job." Jason said with a grin.

"Oh, but I signed up to be a counselor," Lunara chuckled. "Not to wrangle the crew into coming into my office twice a year."

"That just sounds like fun to me, but I am a security officer so I should be quite."Jason chuckled back.

Lunara grinned. "Well, would you be willing to moonlight and help me bring my patients in? I'll give you five credits per patient, ten if they put up a fight."

Jason gave a loud laugh to that. "I don't think anyone would turn down a security chief when they said lets go. So five it is." Jason said laughing again.

"It's settled, then." Lunara chuckled. "So then, shall we get started?"

"Lets." Jason said trying to straighten his face."Tell me how crazy I am."

Lunara smiled. "Well, you signed up for Starfleet, and you came to your appointment on time. It's not looking good for you so far." Lunara typed a few buttons on her PADD. "When was your last counseling session?"

Chuckling again Jason answered."Its been awhile. My last posting was at the Academy in San Fransisco. I was an Aide to an Admiral and was required to be on call to leave when needed and iv missed more then a few of them." Jason said. "If I had to guess I'd say 3 years."

"You know you're supposed to come in once a year, right?" She shook her head. "No matter. Could you tell me about what your jobs have been since then?"

"Yea, like I said I was pulled away and just never went. I specialized in Command and Security in the Academy. My first position was as a security officer and after that I was posted as Assistant Chief of Security. After a tour on Trip Colony I was reassigned to Starfleet HQ as an Adjunct and then reassigned again to the Academy as an aide to Admiral Snyder." He said

"An aid to the Admiral?" Lunara exhaled. "Sounds stressful." She paused. "What sort of things did you run into on your other ships? Any hostiles?"

"Admiral Snyder was simple to work for, he was a fleet intelligence officer before he went to the academy, so most things he needed or did were simple. The problem was he was still connected to intelligence too and was called away sometimes, that was the stress." Jason said and put his hands into his lap. "I've never had any combat besides here. When I was on the Exeter I had a pretty good time there and got my promotion to JG there. I was transferred to Trip Colony on the Cardassian DMZ border. There I had some fights I had with some trouble makers but no problems."

Lunara nodded. "Let's talk about your time aboard the ship, then. When did you come aboard?"

"I came aboard a week or so before the Captain and the commanders went missing." Jason said. "It feels like a year ago now but it couldn't have been more then 2 months I think."

"So, this past... incident," Lunara said, "was your first real taste of combat?"

"Yes." Jason stared right at Lunara. "It was less then I expected, but to be honest I didn't really care that much about it. I only wanted to go back to earth and hold Alex." He said looking down at his lap.

Lunara smiled. "Alex is your son? How old is he?" She thought this might be a good tangent to go off on, at least for now.

"He is, my sister and her 'boyfriend' "He added the air quotes. "are his birth parents but I am his father. After she had him she almost immediately went back to drugs, so much so he almost died, I was able to convince her that Alex shouldn't have to live with a mother that might die any day so she let me adopt him as my own and hes been my son ever since. I've been fortunate to have had him in my life now for 10 years ever since he was a baby, and to this day he doesn't know that hes actually my nephew and he won't as long as I can say anything about it." Jason said taking what felt like his first breath after he started.

"You did the right thing." Lunara nodded slowly. "I'm glad you did that for him. You would have been quite young at the time, it couldn't have been easy."

"I was eighteen and scared after one day alone with him." Jason chuckled. "I'm fortunate that my friends and I keep in contact and a few of them who already had kids came over and helped me get settled."

"It sounds like you have a good group of friends." Lunara smiled. "Anything in particular you struggled with?"

"Every time he gets sick. Its a constant fear of mine that something he mother took will affect him somehow." He said evenly.

Lunara frowned. "Well... children get sick more frequently. Have the doctors given you any reason to worry?"

Jason shook his head."They have always cleared him and said nothing bad will happen to him, I know that in the back of my mind but still it scares me."

"That's a natural worry for a father given his mother's habits. Does he stay with you on the ship?" Lunara hoped not. Her time in the past told her it was too dangerous for a child.

"Yes he does, I brought him onboard in the first few days of shore leave." He said with a smile.

Lunara smiled back. "A child should be with their parents. How long will he be aboard?"

"Until either I deem it a risk for him or until I'm transferred. Please understand ever since his birth I have had him by my side almost everyday. I don't think I'm ready to leave him long term. "Jason said with a grim face while he pictured going off without him. "Just the short time when I got this new post was an hard for me."

Lunara nodded, a more serious expression creeping across her face. "I see. I'm sure you understand the dangers involved in living aboard a Starfleet ship."

"Given my profession I know more then I would like to honestly, but I don't want to leave him alone on earth for years at a time. Besides he begged me to transfer to a ship so he could meet a ships doctor and work in the sickbay, his words not mine." Jason said.

"As long as you've thought about it, then. I take it your son wants to be a doctor?"

"He does, talks almost non-stop about is sometimes. I think he has some 50 books about it." Jason said.

Lunara smiled. "Well, I wish him the best of luck. Just a few more questions now... what have you done so far during your time here?"

"I'v worked, I didn't really have time to get setteled before I had to assume Commander Holmes position. Then it was doing my job but at the same time doing hers." Jason said looked a little sad on the things he had missed out on.

"From what I've heard, you performed your duties admirably." Lunara tilted her head. "So why the long face?"

"I did what I had to do to the best of my ability, I just feel like I missed out on something and don't know what it was." Jason said.

"Your son, maybe?" Lunara offered. "Though, I think you made the right choice, leaving him back on Earth."

"I'm not sure, I just know something was missing." Jason said." So am I, you don't even know."

Lunara smiled. "Well, I'd be willing to bet whatever it was is back on the ship with you. I don't have any more questions, do you?"

"No ma'am I don't have anything else." Jason said smiling back.

"Well then, I'll give you a clean bill of health. Just don't forget to come see me again in six months." She grinned. "And remember, my offer still stands~. 5 credits per patient!"

Jason smiled at Lunara "5 credits per for 6 months got it." He said with a wink.


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