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A Counselor's Time

Posted on Fri Dec 27th, 2019 @ 3:55pm by Ensign Lunara Hol

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Chief Counselor's Office Deck 13
Timeline: TBD
1886 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Varis knew that if you wanted to know about a crew you meet with the Ship's Counselor. This was a woman who's service record interested the El Aurian. So he decided a light-hearted approach. He walked in and found the waiting room empty.

"Hello! Anybody home?" Varis said with a smile.

"Coming, I'll be right there!" Lunara called out from inside her office. A few moments later, she stepped out of her office, smiling as she greeted Varis. "Hello there, sir! How can I help you?"

"I am Varis the Assistant Director of the Department of Temporal Investigations. I am looking to speak with the Chief Counselor if I may." The El Aurian seemed a bit befuddled as he spoke. This technique usually worked to get people talking.

Lunara nodded as she began walking to Rosalyn's door. "Sure, I think she's still in. Can I ask what you're here for?" Something about this guy struck her, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Varis smiled although his mouth formed more of a straight line and less of a smile. "Just to say hi. I am new here and wanted to get to know everyone. You would be welcome to sit in as well if you wish."

Lunara smiled. "Might do that." She pressed the door chime. "Commander Parish? There's someone here to see you."

Rosalyn had been preparing a coffee, so it didn't take her long to open the door. She sent a friendly smile Lunara's way before turning her attention to the Varis, "Assistant Director, how can I help you?" the Chief asked. She didn't have access to his files but had reviewed the manifest.

He was impressed she knew who he was and what he was doing there before he spoke, that was a rare treat for Varis. "It is said that if one wants the pulse of the crew one needs only speak with the Counselor. So here I am. I am trying to get a feel for a group of people who have met themselves."

"Met themselves...?" Lunara looked puzzled for a moment before the realization hit her. "Oh! You're talking about the temporal anomaly, right?"

"Indeed I am. So tell me how did the crew handle that? There have been a number of incidents when Starfleet officers have met themselves from alternate timelines. However, the DTI has never had a chance to interview a crew this close after an incursion." Varis replied a little passive, however, there was a twinge of excitement in his voice.

Rosalyn took a seat at her desk, gesturing to the two in front of it for Lunara and Varis, "Myself and Ensign Hol weren't actually members of the counselling department during that mission," Rosalyn explained as she grabbed her PADD, "We are currently working our way through the crew's counselling reviews. The ones that have mentioned it during our sessions seem to be surprisingly adjusted regarding it. It seems the Elysium has a knack for adventures straying far from the norm" Rosalyn explained.

"That's not to say it wasn't hard though, I believe over time it's like to be a key event for many of the crew. Anything, in particular, we should watch out for? I'm sure this kind of stuff is more within your realm of normality than it is ours" Rosalyn asked curiously, eagerly awaiting for his update. If she recalled correctly, Ephraim had had a few temporal shenanigans himself.

Lunara nodded along with Rosalyn, looking to Varis to see what he had to say to it.

The El Aurian was five hundred years old and yet there was still a first time for everything. He had never been asked that question, asked to assist in the aftermath and treatment of time displaced individuals. He smiled and welcomed the question as he relaxed into the chair. "I would say the first thing to look for is jealousy or vengeance. When one meets their alternate self usually one side or the other becomes jealous. This results in being withdrawn and questioning ones own existence. Which in turn becomes extremely dangerous to those around them and the timeline in general. Anyone showing these signs or expressing a wish to have the life that their counterpart had should be relieved of duty immediately."

Lunara tilted her head. "Take someone off duty for jealously? Don't you think you're overreacting a bit? Maybe it could be the start of this identity crisis, but it's also completely normal when faced with a version of yourself that's better off."

"I am not referring only to versions that are better off. This sort of time psychosis can happen even when your counterpart is worse off than you. The brain, in particular the human brain, cannot make sense of time displacement. As such it sends the oddest of signals when faced with it. But I don't have to tell you that." Varis chuckled at the notion that he was talking about psychosis with a therapist. "I do not believe that I am overreacting. The person should be relieved of duty pending a full evaluation by a professional such as yourself. It needs to be verified if it is a simple case of jealousy or not. If the former return to duty no harm, no foul, however, if it is the latter you may have just stopped a catastrophe."

"That's still a tall order you're asking for, here." Lunara looked expectantly towards Rosalyn. It was, after all, ultimately her decision.

"That's definitely we could consider," Rosalyn answered, "I'll refer back to our counselling database, Starfleet has had it's own temporal encounters in the past, though likely not to the extent that your agency has," she carried on, "we'll definitely keep an eye out for the symptoms you've mentioned though" she said after some consideration.

"I think we need to tread carefully on this though. Removing people from duty is only acceptable to practice if I can prove they pose any harm to themselves or others. Anyone like that will be flagged during our reviews," she carried on, "you wouldn't happen to be able to provide me access to some of the DTIs counselling reports. That way, my team will be more equipped to treat these cases and get them back on to duty".

"I can most definitely arrange for you to have access to the summation reports. Of course all patient names and other information you will not be able to see. That is confidential. I am sure you understand. All I am asking is that you keep a watchful eye. People under the effects of time psychosis could bring an entire ship to it's knees." Varis leaned in as he spoke. He had to make them understand.

Lunara listened closely, coming in when he was don'e talking. "Do you speak from experience?"

"Personal first hand experience no. However, I have read reports from many incidents and participated in the investigation of the aftermath of many incidents that stem from time psychosis." Varis leaned back in his chair and exhaled through his nose. "Listen part of the reason I am here is to prevent incidents before they happen. This is why I point this out."

Lunara nodded. "I've had to deal with some similar things in my own time. I'll be sure to keep my eyes out."

Varis smiled, which was something that looked awkward on his face. "That is all I can ask. So tell me, what are your feelings toward time anomalies and travelling in time. Not clinical opinions, personal ones." He addressed both of the woman present a curiosity toward their unique perspectives.

Lunara exhaled, leaving back in her chair. "I've had... more run ins with anomalies than I care to remember. Suffice it to say, I'm no stranger to that sort of thing."

"And your thoughts on those anomalies, on what was done etc?" Varis pushed the issue and the question.

Lunara nodded slowly, mulling over her words. "Well... I might not have traveled through time too many times, but I've got plenty of experience with parallel universes. For some reason, I couldn't tell you why, we always seemed to run into alternate versions of the crew. Many times, they were better off than we were. Granted, I wasn't a counselor back then, but I don't remember any crew developing psychosis. At least, not because of that."

Varis cocked an eyebrow at the thought that this crew kept having incursions. Something was amiss here and he knew it. Perhaps this ship or someone on it is a temporal nexus point. This is something to look into. He thought. "It is suprising that it has not happened as of yet. However, it is something that can happen without warning. I thank you for keeping me informed should something like that happen and thank you for your time." He stood and scanned the room befuddled for the moment as he looked toward the door.

Rosalyn glanced towards Lunara for a moment in confusion before turning to face Varis, "Is everything okay, Director?" she asked taking in his expression.

Varis' head snapped back to the counselor from the door. "A kinsman of mine once said that time is the fire in which we burn. That it is a stalker ever stalking it's prey. Generally I disagreed with him. However, since boarding this vessel I have felt the omnipresence of the timestream. It can be quite unsettling at times."

Lunara blinked. This new temporal director was certainly odd. She didn't know what to say. "Don't you think you're being a little dramatic?" Despite her words, she was worried. Odd people saying odd things were usually right.

Rosalyn looked at Lunara for a second trying to hide her amusement at the Ensign's brashness. "Forgive Lunara, counsellors tend to be a little more laid back conversation partners," Rosalyn apologises, "But, and forgive me for my layman knowledge, isn't the timestream present everywhere?" she asked curiously.

"Quite so, the timestreams are everywhere. Not many people know that there are more than one. Of course each of these streams represent a parallel universe. There are places where these stream converge. It is beginning to feel like this ship one such place. A place where all time streams converge and anything can and usually does happen." Varis replied as he kept his eyes darting around.

Lunara continued looking at him, curiosity crossing her face. She didn't know if this guy was crazy or onto something. "And what would that involve? Alternate universe crossovers?"

Varis smiled at her and waggled his finger. "Tut tut Counselor Temporal Prime Directive and all. I can't tell you how the crossovers happen. Well if I did I would be out of a job." He stood and checked his notes. "Well if that will be all, I think I should go finish settling in." He started to head for the door.

Lunara smirked and shook her head. "Can't you people ever give me a straight answer?"

"Not giving a straight answer is part of my job. I will see you soon perhaps." Varis spoke as he smirked his way through the door.

"Don't think I'll be any easier on you during your psych eval!" She called after him, not sure if he even heard her before the door slid shut. "Damned spooks..."


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