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Ye Cannae Be Serious!

Posted on Fri Dec 27th, 2019 @ 6:38pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris
Edited on on Mon May 11th, 2020 @ 2:30pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Kara and Gallia's Quarters
Timeline: before being blinked to Casperia Prime
593 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Gallia came in early, having picked up Tayalas and the groceries, she'd beaten Kara to the house in hopes of having dinner waiting for her fiance when she arrived. Setting Tay in her playpen, she leaned down and kissed the sprog's head, "Now, ye jus' play wit yer toys, darlin', Mama's gonna make us all a fine dinner."

"Mama." Tayalas smiled, proudly displaying her now nine teeth, picking up her stuffed duck, "Stelle!"

As she changed into her home clothes, Gallia noticed a blinking on her console, "Now who'd be callin' me today?" She wondered, they usually didn't get a lot of calls, especially not on a Wednesday for some reason. Answering the call she saw the face of Danys Tarralin, the lawyer prosecuting Rico Cardille for killing her sister, appear, "Ms. Tarralin, can I help ye?"

"Hello, Lt. Norris." Danys began, her silvery grey hair hanging loose had drifted into her face, "Look, I've got bad news."

"Oh, dinnae tell me!" Gallia groaned, somehow Rico Cardille had wriggled off of the legal hook, "Yer not given'im no kinda dale are ye? Ye cannae!"

"No, Lt. Norris, no deal." Danys sighed, "His lawyer's motion to dismiss has been granted due to your failure to appear at his last hearing."

"Ah was bum dape in trouble on a planet what was aboot te explode, Danys!" Gallia protested.

"I agree, Gallia." The prosecutor replied, "And the judge said your service related distance would be considered, but that it didn't outweigh Rico Cardille's right to face his accuser."

"So now the marder of ma sister is on the hoose?" Gallia snapped, she couldn't believe she was hearing this.

"No, the case was dismissed without prejudice." Danys reassured, "We can still seek to re-indict and we will. Until then though..."

"Until then what?" Gallia inquired, her voice clear and flat, her accent basically disappearing.

"He's been granted a hearing for custody of Tayalas." Danys said quickly, wanting to tear that band-aid off as cleanly as she could.

"Ye cannae be serious!" Gallia snarled, this was too much, "Farst the bastard murders mah sister, tryin' te kill me, no less, then yer doomarsed joodge let's him off because I couldnae make a vid-ya heron' because I was in the midst of an emergency, now he's tryin' te get mah child? It'll be a cold day in Hell, Danys!"

"I know you're angry, Gallia...."

"Angry? Angry?" Gallia sneered, "That's puttin' it mildly."

"Gallia, the matter will be decided in the family courts, so I can't handle the case." Danys began, "But I'm going to be called as a witness at which time I'll inform the judge that he was indicted for manslaughter and is set to be indicted again. You'll just have to be there to testify, at least from your ship."

"Oh, I'll testify, alright." Gallia said, so angry she was now calm, "An' I'll make far shar that bastard doesnae get off this time. Ye just tell me when and where."

"Okay, soon as I know, you'll know." Danys said, "Stay available, Tarralin out."

"Aye." Gallia nodded as the lawyer disappeared from her screen. She walked back into the living room and slumped against a chair next to Tayalas's playpen.

Mama was sad, Tayalas could tell. She thought for a second then offered her ducky, "Stelle?" It always made her feel better, it would work for mama.

"Thank ye, darlin'." Gallia smiled, taking the ducky and cuddling it for a second, wishing the real Stelle was there, I really need ye now, bestie...


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