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Finding my feet

Posted on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 7:21am by Lieutenant JG Roger Moxton

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Security Chief's Office
Timeline: Current
453 words - 0.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Roger stood in Lia's Office, Lia herself was busy elsewhere. Looking around he noticed that Morris had left his mark, PaDD's littered a small table. He picked one up and read it, `Subject.....Commander Lia Holmes, this Officer is in my opinion a hazard and security risk to both this and her new department. I will recommend to the Captain that she be removed from the ship, and placed in a secure institution for her and Star Fleets safety. Her sexual proclivities are easy to find and leave her open to blackmail, she also reacts to certain keywords which renders her.........' The log finished suddenly, as if he didn't have time to complete it. *The wee man has issues*, Roger thought. "Computer, location of Commander Holmes", he waited as the computer found Lia. =^= Commander Holmes is in the Captains ready room with the Captain and Lieutenant Thornhill =^=. *Is that so*, Roger considered what he should do about the PaDD he had found.

A quick glance at the other PaDD's showed they each contained a report on certain Command Staff personnel, clearly Morris hadn't been happy about any of them remaining in their posts. But he had stopped short of making a report about the Captain, she he felt could be retained in post but under his guidance. *You my wee man, are starting to annoy me*, Roger thought. He moved further in to the office and continued to search, just what he was hoping to find at this point he didn't know. But Holmes had been in command of Security for two years, twice she had been replaced. And twice she had managed to return to the department, Roger wanted to know how. As the Deputy he would take over if and when Holmes left a third time, he didn't want a sudden departure to appear on his horizon.

He'd been searching for about twenty minuets and found nothing unusual, then he opened a small drawer on jewelry box standing behind Lia's desk. A hand written page lay neatly folded within it, picking it up Roger read it. It was a diary entry by Lia, it mention Anje, her Aunt and the proposal they had made to her. *Bingo! Roger my man, we have hit pay dirt*. The thought made him place the page in his pocket, "This will ensure my remaining onboard". He stated out loud, making sure he closed the drawer and leaving no trace of his visit he now left Lia's office. He now headed back to his cabin, he would officially meet his new Chief later but for now he had things to sort out.


Lieutenant Jg. Roger Moxton
Deputy Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium


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Comments (1)

By on Thu Jan 2nd, 2020 @ 12:37pm

Oh,here's a sneaky snake. Anje's going to kill this guy!