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This is Big...

Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2020 @ 4:51pm by

Mission: 2396 - A Christmas Time
Location: Grand Ballroom
Timeline: during the Christmas Party
387 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Milla had stepped away from Jessica, only for a minute, she had to tell her sister the wonderful news. She caught Anje on her way to the bar, "Yo, got a second?" She squealed, "I've got news."

"I think I'd like to just read the funnies." Anje joked, then took a seat, she'd bring Lia her drink a couple minutes late, "What's the big news?"

"So, I think Jessica just basically proposed." Milla began, "She just gave me an airplane and told me she was tired of flying through life alone..."

"Wait, wait, whoa..." Anje interrupted, "What do you mean proposed basically? I mean, did she say the words or..."

"Well, no, she didn't like drop to one knee or anything so old and played out like that, Anje, geez." Milla sighed, her sister was so lame sometimes, "But, I think she's ready to take our relationship to the next level, in fact I know it!"

"Oh for the love of..." Anje grumbled, "You two literally just met!"

"And sometimes you just know!" Milla retorted, somehow she'd known that there was going to be an argument over this.

"Milla, you just turned eighteen!" Anje protested, "You are way too young to be making a decision for the rest of your life!"

"That's right, Anje, my life." Milla hissed, "And who are you to say anything about this anyway? I mean, your last girlfriend was a Q and the one before that didn't tell you who she was until she had to!"

"And I'm a grown woman..." Anje countered.

"And so am I." Milla rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration, "Look, this is happening, so either be with me when I take this next step or not, but Jessica is my life now." With that, she turned and walked away, she would argue with her sister when they were home.

"Ublyodok!" Anje swore, that had gone to hell in a hurry. Focusing on the bartender she requested, "Three sakes." Before changing her mind, "Make that four actually."

"Yes, ma'am." Danny, the backup bartender, replied, pouring her the four sakes she requested.

"Thank you." Anje replied, slugging one of the sakes down on the spot and leaving the glass behind, this night was going to require more than a few drinks.


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