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Dreams of loves Past

Posted on Mon Feb 17th, 2020 @ 2:02pm by Lieutenant Nevada McKay

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Jaros II Penal Colony
Timeline: Dominion War
2113 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Thoughts swam with Nevada’s head as sedatives forced her into unconsciousness, eventually Forcing darkness into her mind. At first it was all blank. An empty void, before a voice was heard in her thoughts. “Doctor…wake up,” It was a familiar voice, like something from a dream. Then there was a slap across her cheek.

Nevada sat up straight her eyes wide her cheek stinging. “what the fuck was that about!” she demanded as she glanced over her shoulder.

T’runa stood there her arms folded in defiance as she stared Intensely down into the human’s eyes. “You were sleeping at your station, by Regulations you are not permitted to do that,” she said with a coy smile. “What are you doing up this late Doctor?” The Romulan asked as she slid into the seat next to Nevada.

“Trying to figure out a Clotting agent that works against burns caused by Jem’hadar Disruptors, like we’ve been doing for the last Six months,” Nevada said with a groan, her left-hand rubbing sleep from her eyes. “What did you think I was doing?”

“Well, to be honest I thought you were trying to escape,” T’runa shrugged. “Some kinda of Astral projection escape attempt or something,” She said with a teasing wink. “Lighten up Human, You’re working yourself to death on this.”

Nevada Frowned and turned to face the Romulan. “There are Officers on both sides of our borders dying every day to disruptor burns that just bleed out, and you want me to relax?”

T’runa sighed and rubbed her brow. “That’s not…what I meant Nevada,” she muttered as she reached out to grip the Humans shoulder. “I meant that you’re not doing them any favors by working yourself so ragged,” she said with a frown as she started to rub the Humans shoulder. “Come on, Lets get you back to the barracks before you collapse,” she said as she stood herself up back up, keeping a firm grip on the Humans shoulder.

“Fine…” Nevada sighed with defeat as she slowly stood and gestured to the door of the makeshift Medical lab. “Lead on,” she said with a tired yawn.

“After you doctor, I Insist,” the Romulan laughed as she gave Nevada gentle shove. “You are still a prisoner after all,” She added. Nevada gave a shrug and started to walk towards the door, her steps clumsy and impaired for the first few meters before she managed to find her balance. “When did you last eat?” She asked calmly.

Nevada stayed quiet for perhaps a bit to long before she replied. “Yesterday morning I think…” her voice was strained, as if she’d just realized she was starving. “Uh…d…do you mind if we hit the Mess first…maybe grab me an apple?” she asked nervously.

T’runa’s face soured. “no, you’re going to get a full meal, and you’re going to like it,” she said firmly, with no hint of amusement. “If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were a Romulan with how hard you work yourself,” she muttered as she gripped Nevadas Arm and steered her out of the medical clinic, and towards the guards compound. “The Replicators will see to this Injustice to yourself,” she Added.

Nevada Reluctantly followed where she was being steered, her eyes glancing up at the Imposing guards barracks. “Are you sure this…is permitted?” she asked “Star Fleet frowns on mingling guards and Inmates,” She winced as the Romulan squeezed her arm again.

“I’m Sure because you’re Under Romulan custody right now doctor,” The Romulan Subcommander said with the usual Superiority tone Romulans were stereotyped with. “Come on, Food first, then bed,” she said like she was chiding a Child.

“F..fine,” Nevada yawned tiredly as she was practically dragged into the building, past two tired looking Andorians in marine garb and promptly sat down with a bit more roughness then intended by her Escort at the Corner table of the guards Mess hall.

“Stay here,” T’runa Said with a stern tone before she stormed over to the replicator banks, her steps a flurry of Military professionalism and Raw Feminine charm. Nevada’s eyes lingered perhaps a bit to long on her body, a small blush creeping into her cheeks before she gave her head a shake and glanced down at the table. It wouldn’t take T’runa long to return with two large plates. “Viinerine and Romulan Meat buns,” She said with a smile. “Now eat or I’ll have you sent to solitary,” Her smile vanished and was replaced with a stern scowl.

Nevada sighed and nodded. “Yes ma’am,” she muttered quietly as she started took a Meat bun in and bit into it. “You Keep making me try Romulan food, why?” she asked with a mouthful of meat, sauce dripping from the corners of her mouth. She wasn’t complaining though, the bun was delightfully spicy, and was certainly more satisfying then the Ration packs the Penal colony tried to supply her.

“Oh that’s an easy answer,” T’runa said with a shrug. “I’ve got no idea about what any Human foods are, so, I can only order you what I know, Romulan, or Klingon, but between the two…” she trailed off with a slow shake of her head. “Well, we both know you’d much rather have Romulan food,” She chuckled.

Nevada blinked for a moment as she processed this, before she swallowed and nodded. ‘Yeah…I’ll agree to that,” she muttered quietly as she took another bite of the bun.

One of the two andorians peeked his head into the mess hall. “Sub commander, this is a clear viola…” he started to speak.

“I Do not care,” T’runa Shouted at him with authority that made both Star Fleet officers in the room flinch and shy away on reflex. “This ‘prisoner,’ Is a valuable asset to our war efforts, and is in dire need of food, Unless you want to explain to the Facility commander why a Medical officer was Hospitalized for starvation You’ll get the hell out of my sight and let me care for this prisoners well being!” she said with out turning to face him.

The air was tense for a moment as the man tried to find words to respond to the out burst, his eyes flicking between the Romulan and the Human, before he shook his head and turned to leave. “S…sorry for bothering you sub commander.” He stammered before walking out.

Nevada sat there in stunned silence herself before she shook her head and returned to eating the bun. “One of these days their going to call your bluff,” she muttered between bites. “this prisoners freezing to death, this prisoners In psychological distress, this prisoners starving,” she said rattling off the excuses she could remember for the Romulan spending so much time with her.

“To be fair human, you were starving yourself,” T’runa countered. “And besides, Federationers never call Romulan bluffs because you treat us all like we’re Vulcans,” she added with a proud smirk. “You can’t lie, you’re too logical for that,” she chuckled under her breath and reached a hand over to grip Nevadas. “you need to start caring for yourself, For my sake at least.” She said quietly.

Nevada blushed and looked down at their mingled hands. “I know…I’m just…nervous about what happens after the war,” she sighed quietly. “I know I’ll never see you again, and Its entirely possible The federation’s going to lock me up for good for Crimes against sentience or what ever their trumping the charges up to now.”

“well if they do decide it’s a life sentence I’ll be sure to recommend to Romulan High command we come rescue you, for strategic Reasons,” T’runa said camly. “I’m sure we could put you to use in our bio research labs, or even a medical center,” she smiled gently. “And to be honest…I give it less then a century before the Empire becomes part of the federation in some way or another,” she whispered quietly.

Nevada paused at this, her head tilting to the side. “What?” she asked in shock.

“Think about it…The federation, its like a plague, expanding, and absorbing all who come in contact with it,” T’runa whispered. “Already it’s looking like the Klingons are collapsing, And who do they call when ever they have a crisis?” She asked. “The Federation”

Nevada frowned. “I…don’t keep up on politics,” she admitted.

Truna shook her head. “I do, Trade brings Cultural mingling, and that brings unity, for better or for worse,” she muttered. “Eventually, barring the Worst outcome of this war I forsee the entire Quadrant eventually becoming part of the Federation,” she paused. “If …that happens,” she whispered and leaned closer to Nevada. “We could be together.”

Nevada smiled softy her shoulders untensing for the first time since she’d woken up. “I’d like that…” she whispered back. “But…If the time table you’re telling me is accurate, Ill be an old woman by then,” she muttered sadly. “And not wor…” she started to whisper until T’runa leaned across the table and silenced the human with a kiss.

T’runa held the kiss, keeping Nevada silent for several minutes before finally breaking the kiss. “You’re very stupid for being the smartest human I know,” She said with a smile. “Even if you’re old and gray, its not your body I love, its your mind,” she said with a genuine smile, her hands gripping Nevada’s free hand. “When the time comes I’ll take you as you are,” she whispered.

“But…You deserve some one you won’t out live by up to a century,” Nevada countered sheepishly her cheeks a bright red after kiss. “It wouldn’t be fair for you to spend your life caring for an old woman,” she added.

“If your age is so important to you Nevada McKay, then I have an order for you as your lover and your commander,” T’runa said firmly. “You’re fascinated with borg tech, then Find a way to Discover a way to become immortal,” she said firmly giving Nevada a second kiss. “If anyone could do it, I know its you,” she said with a smirk.

Nevada smiled gently and took the final bite from the meat bun. “Immortality…I don’t think I could do that, there’s all sorts of Medical reasons why that’s impossible, telomere’s degenerating and disintegrating….and Mutations and cancers…” she started to list before She was once again silenced By T’runa with a long passionate kiss again.
This time she pushed further, asserting her dominance into the kiss as she moved a hand up to caress Her lovers cheek. “Fine… not immortality, but you can certainly make yourself young and healthy far longer the most humans,” she said with a loving chuckle as she finally pulled back and stared into Nevada’s Steely blue eyes. “You’ll Do great things…I know you will,” she whispered softly.

Nevada smiled and nodded, a dreamy happy look having drifted across her face. “Y…yes ma’am,” she giggled softly her voice cracking with happiness. “I..I’m…sure …I cou…” she started to stutter before T’runa pushed a finger against her lips. “S..orry,” she nodded.

“Come on dear,” T’runa chuckled as she pushed the Viinerine closer to her. ‘Finish your food so I can get you to bed,” she said quietly as she gently stroked the Young Humans hands.

“’am,” Nevada Smiled and chuckled as she started to dig into the dish. Time passed quickly as she busied herself while T’runa carried on conversing with her, discussing their plans for the future, about things between them. A life she wanted with her friend, and her lover. A life Nevada was more then happy to dream of now.

Until it all stopped. Darkness flashed around her. A flash in her mind let her know drugs were being pumped out of her brain, but the Nanoprobes were running low on power. Nevada groaned and shuddered as dreams left her trapped in the Hell she’d wandered into. “Oi, She’s waking up!” A barely literate voice shouted.

“How! We Gave her a Double Dose!” a second voice growled in frustration. “Fuck it, she can’t fight us in this state, get her chained up now!”


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