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Emergency Treatment

Posted on Tue Apr 7th, 2020 @ 7:25am by Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight

Mission: INTERMISSION: Rebuild, Reuse, Recycle
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Watching and Waiting part 1
2233 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Olivia had noticed that S’hib wasn’t handling things well once arriving in Sickbay. Handing off the patient she had off to another staff member to finish up and she started to work her way slowly towards S’hib. Not wanting to scare him more, Olivia tried not to make to sudden of a move. “S’hib. Will you let me help you?,” Olivia asked.

Another familiar face, too familiar S'hibs panicked mind thought, his psyche fighting against every instinct in his body to refuse the truth, that he was in fact on the Elysium, and finally free.

"Am I... am I really on the Elysium..." S'hib questioned, his head flicking around wildly as he evaluated everything as a threat. "They tricked me before, like this..." He said before suddenly snapping with frustration, curling a fist and throwing it into the supports for the biobed beside him. "Before tearing it away from me!" He yelled, his exasperated cry turning into a high pitched exhale as the bones in his fist began to throb.

“Yes, you really are back onboard the Elysium, big guy,” Olivia replied as she continued to slowly make her towards S’hib. “Will you let me get close to you so that I can treat your injuries?”

"Can I just sit here for a minute... I don't wanna be touched right now." S'hib sighed, his breathing growing slower and more rasped with each breath.

Olivia nodded slightly as she continued to slowly work her way towards S’hib. “I can give you a little time, big guy,” Olivia replied. Upon reaching the area where S’hib was located, Olivia knelt down on her knees in front of S’hib with some space still between them. “I will stay right here until you are ready for me to get closer.”

“Is Naxea ok...” S’hib replied before closing his eyes, relying on his ears to follow everyones foot steps. “I just wanna know if she's ok.” He finished, feeling an immense wave of guilt flow over his body.

"Naxea is going to be fine," Olivia replied. "She is currently being seen to by some of the other medical staff right now."

“Ok.” S’hib coughed, wheezing in pain as his muscles contracted. “Thank you.” he added, weakly raising a hand to cover his mouth.

Olivia nodded slightly as she watched S’hib. “Alright big guy,” Olivia softly spoke. “You going to let me get closer so that I can check you over and start treating your injuries?”

S'hib didn't reply, least not verbally, opting to slowly nod instead before blinking open his eyes. "It's really bright in here..." He said quietly.

Olivia slowly worked her way closer to S’hib on her knees. Opening up one of the small storage drawers for one of the bio beds, Olivia pulled out a light weight blanket, opened it out and then worked on tucking the ends under the mattress padds of the bio beds on each side of them. “Hopefully this will help some,” Olivia softly said. “It should still give me enough light as I check you over big guy.” Olivia carefully placed her hands on each side of S’hib’s head and then slowly and lightly worked her fingers up through his mane. “Just let me know if I touch an area that hurts big guy.”

The makeshift cave between the biobeds was more calming on his nerves than any hypospray could possibly hope to achieve, tunnelling his senses towards Olivia. "Everything hurts..." He whimpered, flinching slightly from her hand before leaning against it.

Olivia nodded slightly as she continued to lightly work her fingers through S’hib’s mane. “I will do what I can in taking away the pain big guy,” Olivia softly said. “If an area hurts worse when I touch it just let me know. That way I can get a better idea on how to treat your injuries.”

"I'll try." S'hib sighed, closing his eyes again as he enjoyed her comforting touch, looking like an emotionally stunted hound who had never been petted by a person before. "Thank you." He said while lifting a tired hand to her arm, clutching it weakly and exposing the broken skin that wrapped around where his restraints used to be.

Olivia frowned when she spotted the broken skin on S’hib’s arm. “I don’t feel any broken skin on your head big guy,” Olivia softly said as she slowly and carefully removed her fingers from his mane. She lightly touched along each side of S’hib’s face. “Does it hurt much when I do this big guy?”

"No... they didn't touch the face, they wanted it clean to advertise me on their product line... apparently, I'm exotic." S'hib said, scoffing at the idea before having another coughing fit, ejecting splatters of blood onto his hand.

“You are exotic, big guy,” Olivia softly replied. “There are only a select few of your kind within Starfleet.” Olivia turned slightly and grabbed one of the medical kits that had brought over to her. Opening it up, Olivia pulled out the tricorder, opened it up and started scanning S’hib’s chest. Several things started to register the moment she started scanning. After doing the scans, Olivia reached back over for one of the hyposprays that had some pain medication pre loaded into it and dialled it down to a small dose of the medication. “Will you allow me to give you a small dose of pain medication, big guy? I’ve set it to a small dose so that it will help take the edge off of the pain, but still allow you to talk to me and let me know how you are doing as I continue to treat your injuries.”

"I should probably get off the floor shouldn't I..." S'hib remarked, laughing quietly to himself. "Oh... this isn't a dream is it..." He said, his laugh subsiding into a sob as tears pooled under his eyes. "I really am here..." S'hib said out quietly, dragging his legs up into a fetal position and crying into his hands, finally realising that the nightmare had for the most part... ended.

"Getting you up off the floor and onto one of the bio beds will happen when you feel ready to make the move," Olivia softly replied. "Main thing right now is to make sure that having you make the move doesn't cause more issues for you, big guy." Olivia set the hypo spray down for a moment and grabbed a small bowl and small wash cloth out of one of the storage drawers. She then noticed that someone had brought over some water. Picking up the pitcher of water, Olivia held the small cloth over the bowl as she poured some water onto it getting it wet. Sitting down the pitcher of water, Olivia squeezed the cloth to get some of the excess water out of it. Holding the wet cloth in one hand, Olivia carefully reached over to touch one of S'hib's arms. "How about I work on cleaning the wounds on your arms big guy."

"You wouldn't think I was white before, would you," S'hib remarked, wiping the tears from his eye with the palm of his hand. "You're gonna need a few more bowls..." He added with a soft smile, extending his arm out towards Olivia.

"We will get you back to your normal coloring soon, big guy," Olivia replied as she carefully blotted the injured area on S'hib's arm. "Just let me know if what I'm doing starts to hurt too much and I can give you the pain medication. I want you to feel comfortable and not rush you on anything."

"I will do..." S'hib lied, staring at his arm as she ran the cloth over his filthy wounds, needing to feel everything to assure him this was real, pain included.

Olivia continued to run the wet cloth over S'hib's wounded arm. After getting a good bit of dirt out of the wounds on his arm, Olivia washed out the cloth so that she could use it again on his arm. "How are you holding up, big guy?," Olivia asked.

“I'm ok.” He said quietly, not really sure if she'd enjoy hearing the other answer he buried behind a smile

Olivia stopped working on S'hib's arm for a moment and looked up at him. "Alright big guy," Olivia said, "you have to be honest with me if I am to treat you properly." Olivia got another wash cloth, wet it and then started working on cleaning S'hib's other arm.

"I'd rather not talk about..." S'hib said, withdrawing once more as he watched her washing his arm.

"I will let you slide a little on talking about your time planet side for right now, big guy," Olivia softly said. "You will have to eventually talk about it at some point though. In the mean time, you still have to be honest with me about your pain levels." Olivia worked a little more on S'hib's arm. "We are starting to see some of your true white fur come back on your arms. After making sure the wounds on both of your arms are healed up well, and a little more work, and we will have all of your fur back to being its pretty white state."

“Would be quicker if you just poured the bucket over me.” S’hib smiled, trying to make light of everything. “But I do prefer you doing that instead.” He added, nodding towards what her hands were doing with the cloth.

“Granted it would be quicker if I did that, but it would cause a bit of an issue at the same time,” Olivia replied. Olivia continued to work on S’hib’s arm a bit more. Once she had the wounds cleaned, Olivia set the washcloth aside and got the medicated ointment out of the kit, opened it up and squeezed some onto her fingers. “Alright big guy, this is going to help with the healing of the wounds on your arms.” Olivia carefully took one of S’hib’s arms again and carefully apply the ointment onto his wounds.

S'hib inhaled quickly as the cold ointment touched his open and tender wounds, tensing up briefly until the stinging subsided. "I think the hypospray would help too..." He said bashfully.

Olivia nodded slightly as she used her hand that didn’t have any ointment on it to pick up the hypospray, place it against S'hib’s neck and pressed the button to inject the pain medication. “Now just remember it is not a real high dose big guy,” Olivia softly said. “It will help take some of the edge off, but let you stay alert enough talk with me.” Olivia set the hypospray back down and resumed working on making sure the wounds were covered with the ointment.

"Don't think id be able to sleep even if you did give me a higher dose..." S'hib replied, his eyes glossing over as if in deep thought. "I'd be too scared." He added, blinking back into the small bunker between the biobeds and looking up at Olivia.

"You can talk to me about it whenever your ready big guy," Olivia softly said. "Main thing is I get your injuries tended to right now." Olivia picked up the ointment tube and squeezed out some more onto her fingers. She then started working on carefully applying it to S'hib's other arm.

"Thank you..." It was all he could think to say, stunned into silence by her kindness after what felt like weeks at the harsh hands of the Orions and that witch. "You'd make a wonderful mother someday." He added, suddenly reminded of childhood memories of his own mother.

Olivia blushed slightly as she continued to work on S'hib's arm. "Well whenever that does happen, big guy," Olivia softly said, "I expect you to help keep an eye on the little one to make sure nothing happens to him or her."

Smiling back at first S'hib thought about what Olivia said, his expression turning sour the more his mind wandered. "I don't think that would be a good idea... I can't even keep myself safe." He said, lowering his head and staring at the floor.

Olivia used one of the wet washcloths to get the ointment off her hand once she had finished applying it to S'hib's arms. She lightly reached over placing her hand under S'hib's chin to raise his head to look him in the eyes. "Just who says that you can't keep yourself safe big guy?," Olivia asked. "You've been doing a good job from what I've been able to see in regards to a certain little blueberry friend of yours."

"I suppose." S'hib smiled weakly, unwilling to argue why he thought she was wrong and too tired to care anyway.

"You know it true big guy," Olivia replied. "Besides a lot can happen between now and then. Main thing right now is that we get you patched up and back to a normal routine at some point."

"I don't think I know what normal is any more." S'hib replied cryptically while staring at his hands, still somehow seeing the chains wrapped around his wrists.


Lieutenant Olivia (Carter) Voight
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant JG S'hib
Security Officer


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