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Lia Holmes :- a potted history

Posted on Sat Sep 29th, 2018 @ 8:22am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor
Edited on on Sat Sep 29th, 2018 @ 8:24am

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Lia's cabin on the Eclipse
Timeline: Current
808 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


After her brief return to work, Lia had found she needed to rest. This confused her, she wasn't old and didn't understand why it was happening. As she sat in her cabin her mind wandered over past events, things that had led her to this place in time.

Her relationship with an abusive father, and a mother who didn't believe nor admit to what she did know. Lia quickly moved on from those painful memories, as she then remembered her first day at the Academy. How she never got expelled she never knew, as she was responsible for boobytrapping the Commandants office. The poor guy never knew what happened, as his desk and computer exploded into bits as they were transported outside his office widow. Just a pity Lia hadn't worked out a safe distance before doing it, she managed to wreck both the office and the Commandants nerves.

Somehow her evil deed went undetected, she always suspected that someone did know but chose to hide the facts. She struggled while in the academy, not being the brainy type. More than once she heard the whispered comment, "Holmes is just another dumb blonde". She wasn't dumb, just not as savvy as some of her classmates. Lia's years in the academy passed slowly for her, she never shone bright and seemed doomed to remain a below average student.

That was until she got attached to Star Fleet intelligence, then for some unexplained reason she blossomed. It appeared she had just the personality for their kind of work, and even to her surprise she rose up the rank structure. It was a slow rise, but a rise none the less. She spent seven happy years doing what she called sneaky beaky work, but good things don't last. A new controller and bad times arrived, so she began to look for a new career. After about a year of looking a friend pointed her in the direction of the Elysium, she applied and to her great shock got an interview.

She must have said something right or impressed someone, because she got the deployment on the Elysium. Oh and that started really well, she had only been onboard less that an hour when she insulted the Captain by asking IF she was the Captain brilliant start. Then she met the First Officer, oh that guy was a royal pain in the arse. She didn't like him from the get go, the pompous self righteous git. The pair argued like cat and dog over everything, but that changed on Risa. How it happened, why it happened she never did fathom out. But their little dust up hollow deck one seemed to set things in motion.

It wasn't their first dust up, and wouldn't be their last. But the pair had a strange attraction for each other, and despite Lia's reluctance feelings started to grow. Rough times seemed to batter the pair, and agreement on anything seemed short and explosive at the best of times. But as the year progressed they grew together more and more, until now. Yeah, until now. This last mission had resulted in Lia being bounced arse over tit in a turbo lift, resulting in her inability to now remain with the ship. And she just knew Gary wasn't taking it well, but then neither was she. And that led her to now, the now she hated. Why was she broken? What the hell was exactly wrong with her? Could she beat it and stay?

Fantasy, and she knew it. She was leaving Elysium and there was nothing she could do to stop it, nothing anyone could do to stop it. And that fact hurt like hell, it cut her as deep as when her father had been alive and she lived with him. But just as before, nothing lasts for ever. It was time she stared to say her good-byes, if she got the chance to say good bye that is. Her mind turned to all the people who had helped make this deployment what it had become, Gary, the now love of her life. Liselle, the great little pilot and close friend. Alfonse, her first assistant and now missing friend. Phoenix, her put upon Captain and dare she say inspiration. Then there was the Gorn CMO, and that wonderful fluffy Wolf CEO. They had all enjoyed some fun along the way she liked to think.

Taking a deep breath she now moved around the cabin just to make sure she didn't get to stiff, talk about rough end of a pineapple. Just who in this bloody universe had she offended to get this kind of luck? Returning to her chair she looked out of the window, her personal log flashed up her latest instalment. oO What a way to end a career Oo she thought.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Gary Taylor on Sat Sep 29th, 2018 @ 8:59am

A truly first rate and exceptional post! We get to see the inner Lia and her hopes and fears as well as her relationship with a certain First Officer as she battles through adversity to remain on the ship.

The writer knows her character well and it comes through in every word of this marvelous post.