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An unscrewed pouch

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2022 @ 11:54am by Staff Sergeant Colton Renth


Staff Sargernt Renth Personal log Satrdate: 25531.67

Thank god, someone from HQ realized they screwed the pouch with my promotion the second lieutenant and quickly unscrewed it before I officially reported in the Marine commanding officer seems good enough Though I prefer a mustang but it is what is, I also met one the platoon commanders, his arrival to earth space dock was shall we say eventful, he seemed more impressed with exploits than the Colonel did, and seemed to closer to my actual kill count than the official record shows, could have been a lucky a guess, it comes in hand to have the people with shiny stuff on their collars like you. I took a tour of Marine county with the colonel this ship is diffently state of the art the marine detachment is elf sufficient, save having to see the ship CMO for major injuries and ailments. While the ship is a diplomatic vessel the Colonel recounted some of the action they had already seen, some of them giving cause for concern, she said the encounter with renegade Romulans, Orion Syndicate that pretty commonplace for this part of the universe but she also said they The Terran Empire from the mirror universe and that they took on rouge Starfleet faction, was this rough Starfleet faction section 31 the one who are responsible for my Lovely (he said sarcastically) stay in the mirror universe and deaths of some best friends and spotters, and was the Terrin encounter an attempt by the empire to retaliate from the fall out of that operation, I just remember to read those mission reports. I’m starting to see why I was picked for the assignment, and I have a bad feeling about it. well, at least this won’t be the snooze job I’d thought it sounds like I have plenty of action, and I’ve got access to some of the best training facilities I've seen since scout sniper at Camp Penolten.

Hopefully, I’m overreacting to the rouge Satfleet faction and Terrins but still, it makes me wonder, hopefully, the flashbacks and nightmare stop I dread having to talk to one of the ship head shrinkers, I’ve ever liked talking to them they really don’t what it like in combat and none that wasn’t on that cluster fuck of an option can begin to know what that was like, hell would be Risa compared that. But if they don’t stop on their own I might have to I’m currently assigned the night watch, and that plus the lack of sleep from the flashbacks and nightmares about that operation won’t mix well for very long.

I should reach out to will and see if the Elysium's encounter with the Terran was an isolated incident or if they making pushes into our univrse and if they are why probably have to remind him that blood is thicker than Starfleet intelligence rd tape, but I’ll get my answers one way or another. Well, gotta try to catch some shut before my next shift.



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