
What a Curious Bunch of Aliens

Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 10:06am by Teevs Dosivi

"Begin recording, please."

Teevs sat back in the pilot's chair on the Spheia as the vessel's computer initialized a new log recording. "Wow, where to begin," he said, running a hand through his hair. "Kerilia and I are still on the alien ship, the Elysium. They have been incredibly kind to us, offering one of their quarters for us, allowing us to use their resources despite my insistence that we could fend for ourselves. Kerilia has started attending their school and has made friends there, including a young child that we took to the beach. I'm glad that she's getting along with these people."

Looking out the window, his eyes roamed across various features of the shuttlebay that the small cargo ship was housed in. It had been several years since he had a view like that from this chair. "I mentioned in the last recording that they weren't from here, and our recent... detour --I suppose it can be called that-- really emphasized it. They... took their vessel into Thaih'ean territory." A twinge of unease crossed his features at the recollection. "I've never heard of a ship doing that before. I tried to tell them that it was too dangerous, but that only seemed to drive their curiosity. I understand their mission to essplore, to meet new civilizations, but surely there's a limit?"

Shaking his head slightly, Teevs stood and grabbed his tools. He got permission to work on his vessel, but he also just wanted to sit in his ship for a little while, especially after using it to take Mister Orin and the two children to the beach. He couldn't explain why he wanted to be in the ship. Perhaps a strange sense of homesickness? "I asked their ship's computer for more information about this Federation they are a part of. A group of different species with a common interest to understand the universe around them. 'To boldly go where no one has gone before.' I suppose their curiosity comes from that, even if it does seem... not misguided, but perhaps... naive, unaware? By Thilia, they went into slaver territory! They seem to take 'where no one has gone before' quite literally."

Teevs stopped at a wall panel and popped the cover, exposing the wiring underneath. Pausing the recording, he busied himself with the inner workings of the Spheia. During the flight back to the ship, there was a warning indicator that some electrical routing was unstable. It wasn't an issue for the flight, but he knew it would need to be fixed if he wanted to avoid later issues.

"Kerilia's birthday is coming up, her first one on an alien vessel. Perhaps she can essperience how the cultures on board celebrate such an event." Pausing in his repairs, Teevs sighed. "Sometimes I feel like she's growing up too fast. After this birthday, she'll be old enough to go through Sen Vakai. It feels like yesterday that I taught her how to pilot the ship, and now she could develop her ridge at any moment. I... don't know how to feel. I'm happy, perhaps a little nervous, but I'm also... sad? It's another part of Kerilia's life that Saphse will miss -- and I know, I know, she would want me to be happy on her behalf, but..."

While he had come to terms with Saphse's death many years ago, it hurt just a little every time Kerilia had a new first. Her first loose tooth. Her first time flying the ship. Birthdays. Even now, meeting and living on the Elysium, full of aliens from another galaxy. It left a bittersweet ache in his chest that longed for a partner to share these moments with. My love thrives in both of you.

Teevs blinked his attention back to the conduits above his head. "In any case, if she develops her cranial ridge while on the Elysium, I may ask the Commodore to take us home so Kerilia can be around family. Sen Vakai is a very personal moment, and Kerilia wants to be with family when it happens." Her request made sense; while the people on this ship would likely be happy to offer support, Sen Vakai was always performed with family. Besides, it was Kerilia's decision, and she loves these aliens but also wants to be with everyone on Niea IV. "I'm sure the Commodore will understand... I hope she will, at least. Perhaps I can gather some star charts for the ship in return, as a token of appreciation."

Unable to think of anything else, Teevs ended the recording and saved it to the Spheia's computer, under his file. Talking out loud seemed to help ease his thoughts. His work done on the conduit, he closed up the ship and put his tools away.


