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Letting Her Know.

Posted on Sun May 17th, 2020 @ 6:26am by Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Gary/Lia's Quarters
Timeline: Before Entering the Void.
360 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary stood in his and Lia's bedroom. He was lost in thought. He wanted Lia to know beyond the
shadow of a doubt that she was number one in his heart and mind. But how best to do that? He
had told her, time and again that she was. That there was no competition with Catlin but he felt
Lia's doubt. Then he had it, a song but not just any song a special song. Lia's Song. To show just
how he felt about her, how remarkable she was, how strong and resilient. How fortunate he was
that she loved him.

He stood, then he had it. Computer, play the music for Annie's Song and henceforth file it under
the title Lia's Song. As the music began to play, he supplied the vocals, each word was the truth,
each note added to that truth and the love he felt for Lia. She was the best thing in his life. She had
befriended him, torn down the walls he had put up and showed him how to feel and more importantly
how to love. He owed Lia more than he could ever thank her for. This was just a small token of his
love. So he sang, lifted his voice to the heavens and sang for this remarkable woman and the love she
had shown him and the love he happily returned

You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again

Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again

You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor on Sun May 17th, 2020 @ 6:31am

Why oh why does this writer know how to do this kind of post, thank you so much for this.