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Training Opportunities

Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2020 @ 9:01am by Lieutenant Commander Turak & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Current Time
963 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

As Turak was coming on shift, he decided to stop by Commander Holmes desk and about some weapons and tactics training for the security team. "Good morning, Commander. Do you have a few minutes to talk?"

Looking up, Lia simply smiled and pointed to the chair opposite her desk. "Certainly Turak, what's on your mind?"

As he takes his proffered seat, Turak starts, "Well ma'am, I would like everyone to not only be proficient with weapons and hand-to-hand combat, but I want to put them through an obstacle course on the holodeck that would simulate a real environment where they could put all of those skills to use."

Lia listened and nodded, "I agree, I take it you have something in mind?" It was probably a moot question, Turak wouldn't be talking to her without having thought everything out. "So you wanna fill me in, and tell me all about it?"

"Yes Ma'am, I have a simulation of a jungle planet which we were just stranded on after our shuttle was shot down by Klingons. We start off in the shuttle itself and comm for help, we are told of a clearing where a second shuttle will pick us up because transporters can't breach the atmosphere. On our way to the clearing, we find that the Klingons have sent their own search party down to finish us off. Along the way, we will have to deal with obstacles and attackers. Once we reach our destination, the simulation terminates." Smiling, Turak said, " this will prove to be very physically and emotionally challenging for all involved....what do you say?"

Listening as her Deputy explained his idea, couldn't help thinking how he'd covered every detail. "So how would you break down the teams? I mean not all our staff are like S'hib or yourself, some of us are just average you know myself included". She placed herself within the group, because that was her style of Command. What she expected her people to do, she would also undertake to prove her worth to them.

"Well, Ma'am, I do place you a little higher than the 'Average Joe,' in my humble opinion," Turak said with a smile. "However, I intend to divide the teams so that they include a mixture of abilities. I will determine the mixtures based on past performance and physical fitness tests. I believe the result will be good - as long as they all work together as teams."

She now gave Turak a brief grin, "I can think of two members of staff, who tend to operate as singletons. Getting them to co-operate as a team member might be difficult". Lia now thought about the concept, "What time scale are we talking about? I mean is it an hour or more? As some of our staff are not that fit, while others would excel and possibly feel hamstrung with weaker team members".

"As for our singletons, I was pondering making them team captains," Turak said with a hint of slyness in his voice. "If we can get them out of their comfort zone and into leadership positions, they will either sink or swim really fast. As for the time scale, it will depend on each team, but it will last between one to two hours." He paused, "since we do have an away mission coming up in the very near future, shall we plan to hold the event after the fact?"

A wide grim now settled on Lia's mouth, "Turak, your a very clever man. I like that idea, and approve it one hundred per cent. As for the timing of the exercise, I'll leave that in your hands". She sat and thought for a moment then continued, "I'll be a team member, I think it wise for us to be on different teams".

"You're most generous, Ma'am. I have certainly learned a lot from your mentorship since coming aboard this vessel. As for the timing, I definitely believe the upcoming mission to be the first priority - then when we get back, we'll let the whole team know of the plans." Smiling, Turak said, "and I like the idea of us being on opposite teams and taking orders from those below us - it not only gives them a sort of release to blow off steam, it also lets their skills shine. Hopefully!"

Lia looked hard at her deputy, "You have learned from me?" Her surprise was genuine, "I'm not sure how to respond to that, you always seemed so sure of yourself. Plus you're Vulcan, I always assumed your people didn't rely on other species". She stopped and swallowed, "Sorry that sounds so wrong, but I am really unsure how to react". She smiled and continued, "I will leave everything in your hands, both for the exercise and while this mission is active. I have an away mission to the moon, you will run ships security while I'm on that away team. I have no worries about anything, and thank you for being my deputy".

"I think you forget, that even though I am Vulcan, I am a Vulcan without logic. I was raised from a young age to embrace feelings and experiences instead of locking away emotion deep down inside," Turak said with a smile. "I was also taught by my parents that I have much to learn from those with experience - after all, I know I don't know everything!" He continued, "As for your away mission, I will hold the 'fort' down while you're gone. When you get back, we'll plan a time for the training. Oh, and thank you for the opportunity to be your deputy."

Commander Lia Holmes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant Commander Turak
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium


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