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Apple tarts

Posted on Sat Jul 18th, 2020 @ 8:59am by Lieutenant JG Devin xi'Indrai & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Ensign River Lokaa

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Security Office, USS Elysium
Timeline: Days after 'Lost in Transfer'
1479 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

- Lounge kitchen -

Devin stood back watching the oven, as if she didn't trust it to not burn the pan within, she had made Cinnamon rolls and was trying to get a batch of apple tarts to turn out nicely. She enjoyed cooking as much as anything else, her food likes were varied but she admitted that pastries were a pleasure to make and share. When they didn't get burnt to a bleeding crisp. Her hair was dyed royal blue and had scarlet highlight though it was hard to tell with her hair in a braid that wrapped around her head. Her uniform she kept clean with a large white apron.

After the timer dinged she pulled out the pan. These tarts were fine. The batch before had gotten burnt. It was a puzzle but for later, Devin decided as she split up the cinnamon rolls and tarts into portions.

One set she would take to the Intelligence offices, the other she was taking to Security.

- Security office -

Devin balanced the tray of pastries and rang the chime carefully, before taking a firmer hold on the tray.

S'hib had been stood mulling over the notice board when the chime rang. "Come in..." He called out as he turned and glanced at Lia sat at her desk, exchanging looks of mild confusion as to whom it might be.

Her ears perking up like a dog at the chime accompanied with S'hibs voice she poked her head around the corner "Please be an alien invasion, I'm so bored!" River said still leaning back on her chair waiting for the arrival to enter, most likely it was Fernando or even the chief though, she really hoped it was something worth getting excited for.

Lia pushed back from her desk, "Is it just me, or does anyone else smell freshly baked cakes? S'hib, contact an engineer I don't intend to sit here thinking about food all day". She looked at the door, "Enter, we don't bite ya know".

Devin walked through the doorway her gaze flicking around the room, "Good morning, I had a tradition on my previous posting of sharing treats with security, and if it's alright with you if I continue here?" She had stepped to the side of the doorway to avoid anyone coming up behind her, as she held the tray with cinnamon rolls and apple tarts on plates.

"I knew I could smell fresh baking, me old hooter has never let me down yet". Lia stood up and pointed to her desk, "You'd better put those down here before our Mr. S'hib gets anywhere near them". She glanced at S'hib with a smile on her lips, "And you are?"

S'hibs mouth dropped in protest before he let out a loud snort and turned back to the notice board, shaking his head and mane in annoyance.

"Lieutenant junior grade Devin Codi xi'Indrai from Intelligence, I prefer having good relations with security than having disagreement between us." Devin said as she walked over to the indicated desk to set the tray down. "If the tarts or rolls are not welcome let me know what you would prefer." She had hoped that the apple tarts would be an appropriate choice but perhaps she had chosen poorly after all if the stance and snorting from the one at the notice board was any indication.

Lia held up her hand, "Welcome to the nut house, I'm the Chief and these starving reprobates are my staff. Thanks for the cakes, they look great".

River hadn't missed a beat, she had skipped breakfast in favour of a run and was already regretting it "Food!" She rolled out of her seat and into the main complex which made up the bulk of the Security offices. "Bribes, just when I thought I had you figured out too." She stood opposite the desk like a school child waiting to be allowed her treats keeping an eye out for S'hib since he was her competition when it came to chief snacker.

Keeping his back to the tray S'hib instead tracked the other three with his ears, twisting the tall white diamonds atop his head to listen in.

"Chocolate Cookies, Cherry pie, Lemon meringue..." River said tucking down her fingers as she listed off all the things she found on Earth to be particularly tasty. "Chocolate brownies, banana cake, and my lord S'hib I can hear your stomach from here." She said whipping around to see the Sequus' ears fully targeted at their location.

Looking at River, Lia simply shook her head. "I guess you just got your first order Lieutenant, that's Ensign Lokaa. Resident cookie monster, no doubt the others will introduce themselves before taking advantage of your offer".

"I'm rather fond of carrot cake..." S'hib said as his stomach growled in protest, demanding he at the very least look at the tray of treats. "But I'll take what I can get with her around..." He added as he turned around, glancing somewhat at River with mock disdain.

Devin glanced at River a wry grin on her face, "Tell you what agree to be sparring match against me Ensign Lokaa and afterwards I will see you get a sample of my best brownies, lemon meringue and whatever you would like to try." She was very much looking forward to such a contest.

The young Elasian rolled her eyes, "Why does everyone want to fight me lately, first Young Abbey Wyatt then Major Naxea and now you!" She chuckled before sighing "Fine, if you wish to 'spar' with me then lets go for two days from now, and bring your aim game... apparently I don't know how to go easy."

Devin nodded in reply to River's comment, before she looked way up at S'hib well over seven feet tall, "I haven't gotten the chance to properly practice the way your people greet so my apologies, I will see that some carrot cake is set aside for you on my next visit if that's acceptable?" Devin still felt she had accidentally offended with the apple tarts.

S'hib looked down at Devin, wondering for a brief moment how best to proceed. "You could practise now if you'd like, in exchange for some cake ofcourse..." He Smiled, leaning down slightly and glancing over at the tray sat upon Lia's desk.

Devin shook her head softly, "I appreciate the offer Sir, but I will have to practice another time. I need to report to Intelligence offices soon. If I want to get the tarts and rolls for them from the lounge I need to leave sooner than later." She added with a lighter smile, "Perhaps after the sparring match with Ensign Lokaa would be acceptable to practice?" She figured that those in the office would want to offer support to their crew mate and fellow officer.

"S'hib, leave the poor girl alone. Sort a practice out later, pick a cake and enjoy". Lia smiled at the Lieutenant, "Thanks for the cakes, and call again with more when ever you wish". She was only joking but hoped this wasn't the last time she saw a delivery of cakes, it was a different way of saying hello and she kinda liked it.

River watched curiously, she had taken the time to get to know S'hib even had a crush on him for the shortest amount of time and knew what gesture he would be showing her, it was a little intimate especially for first encounters but maybe the Lieutenant did that kind of thing on the first date.

Devin smiled at each person before she headed for the doorway. Once beyond the doorway she walked faster, she had stayed a bit longer than intended she would have to hurry to grab the tarts and cinnamon rolls from the lounge for her department mates...

"She seems nice, and I like her hair." River said her hand snaking its way slowly to the tray of delights which were on their bosses desk. "Id beat her in a duel hands down any day, though she seemed interested in learning about you S'hib, soon youll have your own little herd. " She said smiling at the Sequus.

S’hib didnt reply, not in english anyway... muttering and snorting in native Sequus as he picked up a cinnamon roll and stomped off into the locker room.

Watching her comrade stomp off, Lia shook her head. "Mr. S'hib, you do know the universal translator is functioning. Now behave or you can clean out the cell area". She had a slight smile on her lips as she spoke, her 'Dobbin' could be moody but wasn't that bad really.


Ensign River Lokaa
Security Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant S’hib
Security Officer
USS Elysium

Commander Lia Holmes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Lt.j.g. Devin Codi xi'Idrai
Infiltration specialist
USS Elysium


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