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Red Sands- Pt. 2

Posted on Mon Nov 30th, 2020 @ 4:23am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D.

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Holodeck One; USS Elysium
1460 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Naxea followed S'hib as he made his way to a group of Sequus resting in the shade under some tents. She wondered why S'hib was so secretive about his planet and his people. Was he hiding something?

The thought, however, did not have time to linger, as the cold touch of a small hoofed finger touched her hand from behind, snatching it up in an instant. "Wheres your other thumb?" a young colt enquired as he studied Naxea intently, red sand sticking to his wet black coat.

The small Sequus was more leg than anything else, his thin limbs twitching nervously, ready to flee from the offworlder in an instant.

"Oh!" she turned quickly at the sudden touch, wondering where the young Sequus had come from. "I'm a Bajoran. We only have one thumb on each hand," she explained with a grin.

The young colt studied Naxea for several long seconds, staring up at her with curious but judgmental eyes. "My friends are too scared to come over... they think you'll eat them." He snorted proudly, as he glanced between Tate and Naxea before pointing a stubby hoof to the water.

There a dozen or so Sequus huddled together, some hiding further in the water than the others, but all of them, watching and listening intently.

"I didn't believe them though." He lied unconvincingly, flicking his head stubbornly up in an attempt to show off to the tiny herd in the water.

Chuckling at the young Sequus, Naxea looked over to the huddled herd and back at the young one at her hand. She debated expanding the young one's fears and say that she does indeed eat them. "No, I won't eat you or anyone else here. I promise."

"I won't either," Tate reassured. "My name is Tate. I am human, but like Bajorans, I only have one thumb on each hand as well."

The young colt studied Tate for a while, glancing between her and Naxea. "I thought you all wore fabric?" He asked as one of his ears flicked behind, alerting him to the others who had ventured out of the water.

"They usually do little one." S'hib snorted while walking back over, a broad smile on his face.

"Hey, I'm not little!" The colt shouted with flared nostrils, stomping a hoof into the sand in protest before marching towards S'hib with his tail raised and his muzzle pointed low.

"Sam'so!" Two mares snorted almost in unison, flustered by there son's pubescent outburst moments before a loud crack of skulls echoed along the dunes.

"Calm down..." S'hib said softly, their foreheads pushed firmly together as the young colt attempted to push S'hib back, his vastly smaller hooves slipping in the sand and granting him no purchase.

Naxea watched the exchange with interest. The young male definitely had heart to challenge someone as large and strong as S'hib. "So are these challenges often?"

"They can be!" S'hib said with an exasperated sigh, holding Sam'so in place by simply not moving.

Naxea walked up to the young male and placed her hand on his neck. "Anger rarely does anyone any good if misplaced--trust me, I know. You are very brave for challenging some as big as S'hib. Why don't you go and rejoin your friends?"

Even though she knew it was a simulation, Tate found herself curious about the younger male and his history. It was natural for young adolescents of any age and species to push limits, but in this case, there seem to be more to the story. She supposed was a bit silly to be this curious, but it was an occupational hazard, she supposed. Respecting this was not her setting and this was not her original purpose for being here, she instead took notice of the collaborative communication between Naxea and S'hib.

Sam'so responded with a simple grunt, his pink speckled nostrils flaring in frustration as he continued to push at S'hib, unaware of his mothers storming over with fire in their eyes.

S'hib, however, was fully aware of the two approaching and decided it would be best to retreat. Stepping back just as a large hoofed hand grabbed the boy by his mane, his unabashed confidence melting into a whining cry as he was slapped across the muzzle.

His second mother meanwhile continued in her stride, marching towards S'hib with clenched fists, her long braided tail lashing the sand behind her like an angry serpent.

"I submit," S'hib said quickly while covering his crotch with his palms, making sure to lift his head high and expose his neck. "I have no intention of challenging anyone, I already have a herd."

Naxea watched the exchange with curiosity. "So you challenge each other to become mates?"

The mare still holding tightly onto Sam'so, his mane tugged between her fingers, smiled and parted her lips before raising her voice somewhat to grab Naxea's attention. "That would be grossly simplifying things, but... for the sake of helping you understand, yes." She finished, casting her gaze over to the other woman who was sizing up S'hib.

"Kall, leave the poor man alone... he's not hurting anyone." She sighed, knowing full well where her son got his temper from.

"That's because I am here." She snorted, examining the markings Naxea and he had drawn over his body earlier.

"May I ask who you are?" Naxea turned to the other Sequus. She wondered what this Sequus' role was with the young one that had challenged S'hib.

“I’m Tel’see, Sam’so’s mother... though it was Kall that was burdened with carrying this one in her womb.” She teased, releasing Sam’so’s mane and pulling him in for a hug regardless if he wanted it or not.

"Ah," Naxea said, understanding. "S'hib was just showing me around, wanting to teach me about his culture."

"I see, well he's brought you both somewhere quiet important to our culture... I take it you both aren't his mates?" She inclined, looking over towards S'hib, watching Kall circle him like some sort of aquatic predator.

"No, just I am," Naxea said. 'Or at least I had better be,' she thought.

"Of course... anyway where are my manners, Sam'so go back to your friends please." Tel'see said softly before moving towards Naxea, mindful not to step on her bare feet with her hooves. "Welcome to Sequella star child..." She said grasping Naxea's shoulders with her hoofed digits before bowing her head down and moving it forward.

Naxea knew enough of Sequus customs from S'hib as she responded in kind, tilting her head down and also moving it forward until their heads touched.

"Keep an eye on that one..." Tel'see smiled as she moved back. "The white manes have always caused mischief in our history." She said somewhat cryptically before moving toward Tate.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Tate replied. She prepared herself to imitate the greeting she'd observed as Tel'see moved toward her. Still, she wasn't sure if there were different greetings depending on the relationships between individuals, so she waited to see what was expected or asked of her. She tried not to act any more the intruder than she already felt. Still, selfishly, she was enjoying learning about this new culture.

"You must be awfully hot..." Tel'see asked as she placed her hands on Tate's shoulders. "You should come back to the tents, the sand is cool and moist." She smiled before bowing her head forward.

"I would appreciate that," Tate replied, relieved she wouldn't have to endure a physical confrontation as part of the experience. "I am afraid I am a bit less comfortable with being disrobed in front of new people, even if they are new friends."

"This is understandable..." Kall called out as she gripped S'hibs muzzle and tilted his head to one side, examining the ink that was dried on his face. "Your people have covered yourselves from one another since birth, ours have not." She said before moving towards the group, leaving S'hib to stand there like a startled deer, wide eyed and confused.

"That's true," Tate replied, adding with a grin, "though to be fair, we do come into the universe naked on the day we're born. Some people would say it's unfortunate we learn to cover our bodies as we get older."

"We do find it's very peculiar, but considering so many of you offworlders wear them... maybe we're the peculiars and oddities of this universe." Tel'see grinned as she wrapped an arm around Kall's waist and leant her head on her shoulder.

Naxe continued to walk with S'hib as he showed her around the settlement, introducing her to several different Sequus. She spent time observing their traits, traditions and social interactions.



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