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The other side II

Posted on Sun Sep 27th, 2020 @ 9:49am by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Quarters
1228 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Heather returned to the Quarters she shared with her bond mate, she didn’t really call it love because she wasn’t truly in love with Savar. As a Betazoid she was prized for her abilities and to become an inquisitor she had needed to prove her loyalties. As such she had bonded with Savar and provided him with their first prized and sought after child, their daughter was two years old and she would soon be required to keep that family line going in order to keep her position as inquisitor. As soon as their daughter reached five years of age she would be taken and raised ready for training to be a loyal servant, perhaps even an inquisitor like her mother.

Savar returned to the quarters he shared with Heather and their daughter. It had been a long day of interrogating rebel spies and in some cases having to shred their minds. He sat on the couch and closed his eyes. Willing himself to stay calm.

Heather had noticed the difficult mood Savar was in, his outbursts could be brutal but fortunately not towards her. “It’s been a long hard day” she gently moved to stand behind him, massaging the temples either side of his head to try and relieve his tension. “These counterparts of ours are stubborn and misguided, they lack the discipline we share.”

His hands came up to close over hers. "Quite Heather. they are a most savage race. They are beaten but have no shame. They must learn their place and we will show them just what that is."

Heather nodded. “Indeed. I briefly saw ... myself, it was a strange sensation seeing another me.” She looked down at Savar. “I don’t like these doppelgängers Savar, they maybe dangerous.”

He patted her hands. "They may well be Heather. However the Captian will put them in their place as slaves to us. To wait on us, to provide for us. As all slaves should."

“We were almost slaves once Savar, we took the option of working together and being the couple we are now.” She looked into his eyes. “I am glad I volunteered to become your mate.”

"That is true Heather. Now we are important members of the crew. Captain Taylor values us for what we can do for him and the Empire." He paused and continued, "I must confess, I do am happy with our arrangement and that you are my mate."

Heather offered a smile. “When we were first bonded I thought I would find the company of a Vulcan cold and unrewarding but you have shown me that I was wrong.” She moved around and stood in front of him. “I wonder who our other selves have chosen to be with? It will be interesting to see.”

Savar nodded, I find your company and presence most pleasing Heather. I find our relationship most rewarding and wish it to continue." Savar answered while looking at Heather.

“As do I” Heather smiled. “The Captain will be needing my insights on these prisoners, funnily enough I haven’t seen my own doppelgänger amongst them as yet but no doubt I will.”

"No doubt you will. I have not seen my double yet. No doubt he is taking a pacifist stand in all this. He will be the first to fall." Savar answered grimly.

“I wouldn’t be so sure!” Heather gave Savar a concerned look. “You are strong and resourceful I have no doubt in my mind that he is as strong and resourceful. Vulcan’s have strength in our universe, I’ve no doubt they have equal strength in the other universe too. Underestimating him could be a risk.”

"You may be right Heather." Savar conceded. "I will not take him lightly or underestimate him."

Heather nodded. “I will protect you, the two of us together are more than a match for a Vulcan alone.”

"Protect our daughter. I can handle my counterpart." Savar replied firmly.

“I will Savar, she is my life as much as you.” Heather smiled warmly.

"Forgive me. I know she is and I know you will. No insult was intended." He replied.

“No offence taken Imzadi” Heather responded. It was the first true time she’d called Savar her beloved in her native tongue.

The thinnest of smiles came to his face "Imzadi. I like the sound of that Heather. I would like you to use it more but only if you are comfortable with it." Savar answered.

“I am” Heather nodded. “I’ve spent a long time coming around to giving you my all, When we bonded I did it out of duty but no longer. I wish you to feel what I feel Imzadi, I want to fully bond with you. That is if you still wish it after all this time?”

"Why would I not Heather? You are the mother to our child. I could no more remove you from her life than I could cut off my arm. It would be cruel and serves no purpose. I enjoy your company and our conversations and yes I would welcome us becoming fully bonded." Savar answered honestly.

Heather nodded. “Be warned there are memories of my life before that are hidden deep within, they are not pleasant memories. I held back when we bonded because I didn’t want you to truly know me but I am ready for you to share those memories now.”

"That is not necessary Heather. Who you were before we bonded is not important. What is, is who you are now and our life together with our daughter." Savar answered his eyes on Heather.

Heather nodded, “That’s What is important to me now, not my life before but my life going forward. A life dedicated to you and our family, I will earn the respect due my position and make us a respected part team and family.”

Savar nodded, "You are already respected Heather, you hold a position of respect and authority do you not? You are an elite Inquisitor. It is an honor to hold such a position. It shows you are worthy."

“That’s true” Heather nodded. “I just wish as an inquisitor I wasn’t so hated by my own people. There are those in the resistance who would willing see us all dead.”

"Yes." Savar answered simply. "Because they are not enlightened. They are the uninformed, who resist without knowing why. There is no logic to their methods or means. They hate to simply hate."

Heather nodded and sat upon Savar’s knee wrapping her arms around his neck. “Well I for one am grateful for what I have, you, our daughter and any future children we will have.” She smiled warmly.

Savar's arms came up and around Heather, encircling her waist. "A most impressive list Heather and one I agree completely with." He replied with a squeeze of her waist.

“Good because I plan to make you the proudest and happiest man in the empire.” She kissed him passionately, closed her eyes and let her mental shields drop allowing their minds to intermingle on the deepest level.

"You already have Heather by agreeing to become fully bonded with me." Savar replied an instant before their minds and thoughts mingled and they truly got to know about the other.



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