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Posted on Fri Oct 2nd, 2020 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: The station
Timeline: MD2 afternoon
2120 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure


As they made their way through the station corridors ducking and hiding when necessary Alicia looked at her husband. "I don't suppose you happen to have anything to eat?" She hated to ask. "I haven't eaten or drunk anything since early this morning and I'm really hungry."

Savar didn't reply , instead he fished into his pants pockets and came up with two granola bars. He handed both to Alicia. "These should help with your hunger Alicia at least partially."

Alicia smiled as she took both but looked at him guiltily. "What about you? You need to eat too. We could share?"

"I fine Alicia. I can go longer without food and water than you can. Besides you need to keep your strength up for yourself and the baby." Savar answered.

Alicia nodded and opened one of the granola bars breaking it off a little at a time, as she ate it she made sure she savoured every last morsel. She put the second bar in her pocket to save it for later on. "Gary ... Commander Taylor and I, we found a supply cupboard there was food rations and water but it's up and engineering will be down."

Savar made no comment on Alicia's use of Commander Taylor's first name. He simply nodded at her explanation. "It would be logical that there are other rooms also containing food and water. We just have to find them" He told his wife as she ate one of the granola bars.

"Lets try Engineering first" She offered a smile. "Perhaps we might find another equipment room on the way." She started moving on. "Savar it seems my mirror self is Captain Taylor's woman, I overheard some prisoners talking this morning it seems they have a son."

"Interesting." He intoned "However that is not you my wife and you will soon have a child with me."

Alicia nodded. "That's something that I'm very much looking forward to." She walked alongside Savar pausing as she saw something familiar. "Wait! The equipment room we broke into, it's right over there!" She pointed towards a wedged open door.

" As am I i...." He stopped as Alicia mentioned the equipment room. "Are you positive Alicia? Savar asked even as he moved cautiously towards the door.

"I think so ..." She looked around a moment of doubt in her mind. "Or it could be a trap to lure us in." She gave him a concerned look. "I don't sense anyone in there but who knows what trap could be waiting."

"Stay here. I will check inside." Savar replied as he moved cautiously towards the doorway. Once there he cast a look inside. It was empty. "I believe it is safe Alicia. Let us get inside."

Alicia nodded and entered the room. "We found food over here" she walked over to where she and Gary had found rations. There was still a little left and a few last bottles of water as well. "Excellent!" She smiled. "There are plenty of rolled up mats, they're quite light weight they do to lie on, there's an old blanket left too."

Savar looked over what they had. A few bottles of water and several food packets, a mat and an old blanket. "All the trappings of home." He told Alicia. "We shall make do."

Alicia nodded. "All we need now is somewhere to call home." She paused to take a small sip of water, it needed to be carefully rationed to last as long as possible. "Oh and Commander Taylor gave me this ..." She pulled out the small dagger from her pocket. "I forgot I had it until now!"

Savar nodded at Alicia's dagger. "Very good. I would prefer a phaser but that will suffice for now."

Alicia nodded. "Are there any tools? I'd like to get this collar off.” She looked around before seeing a supply box hidden under a bench in the corner of the room. “Here ...” Sitting down and rifling through Alicia gave Savar a cautious look as she pulled out a cutter that would work. “This will work but it’s only going to fit under where you bent my collar, it’s going to put pressure on my neck to break through this thing” you’re going to have to risk choking me to do it.” She handed him the cutter seeing the look on his face. “Do it Imzadi I’ll be alright!”

Savar took the cutter in his hand, he gave Alicia a concerned look. "Alicia? Are you? This presents a great risk to you." He pointed out. "There will be considerable pressure against your windpipe."

She took a deep breath and nodded, this wasn’t going to be pleasant but it was the only way to get her collar off.

Savar nodded and placed the cutter on the Alicia's collar. Just doing that caused discomfort for Alicia. Savar knew the best way to do this was to quickly. He closed the cutter down around her neck and squeezed, bringing all his Vulcan strength to bear. Alicia began to wheeze as he continued to bring pressure against the collar. Then suddenly there was a loud snap and the collar broke in two and fell to the floor. Alicia was free.

Alicia took a deep breath as the pressure on her windpipe was released, she nodded to her husband reassuring him that she was alright. “Thank you” She took a few more deep breaths as She massaged her throat and neck glad to free of the collar. “What about your collar? I don’t know if I’m strong enough to be able to cut through it.”

"We will try Alicia." Savar said giving her the cutter. " I have confidence in you."

Alicia nodded, Savar's collar was different to hers as slightly thinner and she was hoping it would make the difference.

"Alicia, I trust you. Please proceed." Savar replied stoically.

"Savar I ..." She positioned the cutter and gave it all she had, worried she'd hurt her husband. She breathed a sigh of relief as there was a loud snap.

She moved to Savar's side "Are you alright?! Please tell me you're alright!"

Savar coughed a couple of times and rubbed his throat before speaking. "I am fine Alicia. Well done."

She breathed a sigh of relief. "How's about we get out of here and see if we can find somewhere to set ourselves up a camp?"

"An excellent idea. Let us gather what we found. I will take these cutters as well. perhaps we can find something else to use as a weapon." Savar replied even as his eyes looked for anything that would fit the description.

Alicia nodded and picked up what she'd found, all she wanted was to find somewhere safe where they could rest and plan what to do next.

Savar held onto the cutters and took the mat and blanket, letting Alicia carry the food and water packets they had discovered.

"Which way Imzadi?" Alicia looked up and down the corridor wondering which was the best way to go.

"Left." Savar replied and then added "And for no particular reason Alicia." As they started Savar wondered what they would find. He hoped for a position they could defend, where he could keep Alicia safe.

They walked for what seemed like an age dropping down a few levels using the same shaft she and Gary had used to go up. She looked at Savar as they came across what looked like old workings, an area that had obviously been abandoned for whatever reason. She just hoped that didn't mean that it was an unsafe area. "What about here?" She pointed to an opening that was just big enough to squeeze them through, "we could set up on the other side if it's suitable and have a defensive entry point." She hoped it would be as her legs were tired and so was she.

"An excellent observation Alicia." Savar replied. "I will go first and see if it is safe as well as suits our needs." With that he squeezed himself through. Thankfully he didn't have to get on his knees and crawl in. Once inside the area opened up to what looked like an old ore processing room. There were some work tables littered up along with several what looked like equipment storage boxes. "Alicia, you may enter. It is safe." He called out.

Alicia managed to fit through easily but depending on how long they'd be stuck here she wouldn't fit through so easily with a bump. "Wow" she looked around, "This will do nicely, no one would think to look for us here and we can use a table to block the hole. I can suspend the blanket I picked up between a couple of overturned tables and lay the mat out on the floor for us." She was picturing it in her head as she talked.

Savar was already moving one of the tables to block the hole. Once done he turned back to Alicia, "Do you perhaps see any lanterns Alicia? They would help us in searching for anything of use be it weapons or more food and water."

She looked around noting a single lantern but it looked quite old and she wasn't sure if it would work. "Is this any good?" She pointed it out to Savar as she walked over to a corner and started clearing an area for them.

Savar took the lantern and turned it on...nothing. "Hmmm." He mused as he took it apart and examined the inside. He was met with an abundance corrosion. He found a old cloth and began to wipe away the corrosion the best he could. Once satisfied he put it back together and pressed the button. This time he was rewarded with a fairly bright yellowish light. "Ah. That is better. We will need to use this judiciously Alicia has I do not know how long the battery will last."

Alicia nodded she was looking forward to getting some rest even if it was just on a thin mat on the floor. She finished setting up their temporary home, at least she hoped it would be temporary, then took a seat and pulled out the other granola bar he'd given her earlier with her bottle of water. "Three weeks pregnant and I'm already tired and hungry what if we're still stuck here in a few months? What's will it be like then!" She sighed unhappily. "Savar I'm just going to be a liability!"

"Alicia Kelea-Salik. You are not a liability. what you are experiencing is normal. You are my wife and you are going to have a baby. I will carry you if need be but do not ever let me hear you say you are a liability." Savar answered.

Alicia nodded as she looked at get husband with tears in her eyes. "Thank you" she wiped her eyes and opened the granola bar taking small bites to savour it, she hadn't started suffering from morning sickness yet but her stomach wasn't feeling completely normal though neither of them had eaten a proper meal since arriving here. "Come rest and have something to eat and drink with me" she tapped the mat beside her.

"I am not hungry Alicia. You and our child need food more than I do." Savar replied calmly. I will however have some water." As he moved to sit beside her.

Getting out another bottle of water she handed one to Savar. "We have enough ration packs for now I can sort those out. The water ... we'll have to conserve as much as we can until we find more." She paused to finish her granola bar before stifling a yawn. "I need some rest, all that exercise has taken what energy I had. Do you mind if I sleep?"

Savar shook his head. "I do not. In fact I stress that you sleep and conserve your energy as much as you can. You may sleep easily. I will be right here."

Alicia nodded and lay down beside him, she cuddled up as best as she could wishing they had a warm blanket to wrap up in. If this was going to be home she needed to find more home comforts to make it more liveable. Closing her eyes she was soon fast asleep.

As soon as Alicia was asleep, Savar got up and began to search the area. He went to one of the storage/equipment lockers. Opening it he found some flares, three to be exact , a small medical kit and after some digging a lightweight thermal blanket which he draped over Alicia the most precious person in this or any reality.



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