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The Best Kind of Counselor

Posted on Sat Oct 24th, 2020 @ 8:52am by Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Phoenix's Quarters
934 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Arrianna carried the dog in her arms to Phoenix's quarters. She felt this would be just the therapy she needed, Starfleet Captains were a solitary bunch. She smiled and reached over to push the door chime. The puppy's barks could be heard as he heard footsteps.

Phoenix opened the door. "Arri?" she said stepping back to wave her inside.

"Greetings Captain. How are you?" Arri entered.

"oh getting there. Had to decontaminate my cabin." Phoenix said "What can i help you with?"

"Phoenix, meet your new personal Counselor." Arri handed the puppy to her. "Whenever you start remembering what happened, this little guy will nuzzle you and make it more bearable. Ascendants, I do not know if I will be the same. Viceroy Arrianna Salannis is now a part of me." She seemed less stoic now. "I wanted the old me, now I am a tempest of the woman I was, and that woman's malice and treachery."

"You suffered Arri, I am so sorry" Phoenix held the squirming puppy close. "I am so sorry it happened to this crew, that.. this happened because my security was not up to scratch."

"No one blames you. And I don't think any of us saw Captain Taylor's treachery until it was upon us. If anything it was my err. I thought we could parlay for your life. It was a moment of weakness." Arri noted. "Some good came from it, remember that woman we rescued from the seventeenth century? I have a obsessive habit of randomly kissing her in private."

"I had heard about that." Phoenix smiled and her head jerked back as the puppy licked her chin. "Ah.. so... this is one of Josephine's puppies right?"

Arrianna nodded. "He'll help you Phoenix. He'll know when the dreams, the memories, become too much. Then he'll lick your face and nuzzle you. If you come home feeling like it's too much for you, he'll be right there for you. They're going to give you the highest honors in the Federation, call you a hero. You would have gone from Starfleet Command berating you as a spoiled princess, to the shining example of a Starfleet Officer." Arrianna noted. "And at the end of the day, he'll be here waiting for you, excited that you're home, and then only thing he'll want from you is to scratch his belly." Arri noted with a smile. "Maybe I need one to calm me down when they start being hypocrites." Arri's new anger showed a bit. She was a mesh not of darkness and light.

"I am sure the lieutenant will share her dogs with you Arri." Phoenix said with a smile. "A dog and ... well. Its no secret anymore, Twins, Its gonna be a wild ride."

Arrianna smiled and looked at a monitor. bringing up the recording she made of Penelope when she got her to tell the crew how she deceived them. She then paused the video. "What if there's other universes like this? Have we seen true evil? Or just a facsimile of evil? "

"I do not want to think about that. Bad enough I have to deal with the past few weeks" Phoenix winced at the image. "She really is pathetic. What I was before my father whipped me."

"I'm proud of you Phoenix. You parents should be proud of you if you were in their hearts. It is a shame they missed out on the opportunity to have someone as noble as you in their family." Arri noted. "It is their loss when they deny women the chance for greatness. Any being, any gender, can become great. Well, we're honored to have you as a part of our family now. So their loss... is our gain. Pallas cannot hope to do what you've accomplished, nor become so strong. Only a Phoenix knows this strength."

Phoenix nodded. "Thank you." she said honestly. She placed the puppy down so it could explore "Tell me the puppy is toilet trained." She smiled as the puppy bound around sniffing.

"I don't know. I'll have to ask Josie. Alindari are new to the concept of keeping pets, I have to remind myself not to call him an animal around Josie. She gives me a look when I do that." Arri noted. "Either way, Good evening, Phoenix."

"Arri" Phoenix said suddenly. "C-can you do something for me?"

"Indeed." Arrianna gave Phoenix her attention.

"Keep your ears open. Rumors are swirling around changing the command structure of the Elysium."

"Lovejoy?" Arri noted. "People have been after your command for a while, Phoenix."

"Its not Lovejoy." Phoenix said with a smile. "No I am talking about people being given their own commands. Heaven knows Gary deserves it. He was sent here as my babysitter, he deserves his own command."

Arri spoke. "I just want to stay with my new Family Phoenix. Even thought we may eventually drift apart. After debriefing several of our crew, I'm about ready to recommend a great deal of medals to Starfleet Command. Possibly around twenty Christopher Pike Medals... and two Starfleet Medals of Honor."

"I'll pass on the medals." Phoenix said wryly "And keep the thought that you want to stay when approached, for I am sure you will be,"

"I plan on Commanding a starship one day, Phoenix. But not now. My place is here on the Elysium with you, and I'll speak to you concerning the subject. My dedication you is unwavering." Arri noted. She'd do the right thing, no matter what. "And I will be aware of all matters concerning our family and crew."

"Thank you commander"



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