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Real family, unreflected

Posted on Sat Oct 24th, 2020 @ 9:12am by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
Edited on on Fri Mar 3rd, 2023 @ 12:39am

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Starbase 16
Timeline: MD 14
737 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Miraj saw the Stranger Tides approach the docking ring, coming in slightly too fast than generally considered wise. The Kaplan freighter had had quite a few upgrades, and it came to a full stop suddnely but exactly in the right place, a second later. The umbilicals extended, the magnetic clamps engaged, and then the lights around the door locks went green. The ship was fully docked and its passengers could come and go as they pleased.

A few minutes later the airlocks parted and revealed Mal Garrison. She couldnt' help but compare him ot the version of her brother she'd met a few days ago. The hair was shorter, and he looked less... haunted. But it was still the same ridiculously good looking face, like a piratical angel, still the stupid coat and the stupid stubble. Still, thankfully, him. Squealing his name, she hurled herself at him. He caught her on reflex as she jumped up, legs around his waist, and hugged him hard. "I'm so glad you came."

"Hey Mij." He hugged her back then set her down. The rest of his crew moved past him, leaving them alone. "So. what's so urgent you wanted to see me? Did they kick you out for crazy flying already?"

She gave him a punch on the arm. "No!" She pulled on her bunches, "Just some things happened, and I wanted to tell you abut them.,

Mal shrugged. "Alright. Come on in."

She followed him inside. "So. so far, i've flown QSD, gone back and time, and been to an alternate universe."

He raised an eyebrow as he led her up to the mess of the Stranger Tides "Well at least they're not wasting you on milk runs to Betazed. Milkshake?" He got her a chocolate one, with choclate chips, and a beer for himself. "So, What did you want to talk to me about?"

"We went to this alternate universe. And it was weird. The Federaation were evil. I mean, really evil. And there were versions of everyone there. The captain, the XO, the doctor, my friend S'hib. They were terrible terible people., they tortured so many of the crew."

"Did they hurt you?" Mal's voice was sharp, almost angry.

Miraj shook her head. "Not really," she didn't want to tell him what the evil Sthilg had tried to do to her. He looked like he was ready to murder someone as it was.

"Did anything else?"

Miraj looked at him blankly, until she figured out what he was trying to imply and shook her head vehemently. "No. No. Not like that."

Her brother relaxed, papa wolf instincts mollfied, and he took a swig from his beer. "Was there an evil you?" He stared at her for a moment, trying too imagine an evil version of his baby sister.

"I don't exist there."

"I thought you said everyone had an evil counterpart."

"Yeah, but not me. You do though." She sucked on her milkshake. "I met him."

"Oh," he frowned. "Am I evil?"

"Actually no. You're one of the good guys. And you're sleeping with my mother."

Mal choked, and sprayed the table between them with beer. "I'm what!?"

She explained it all, The story that Mirror Lianej and Mirror Mal had told her about Mal as a spy, his capture, torture and rescue, and then his life with the rebellion. Afterwards, Mal whistled. "Well, sounds like I'm an out and out hero."

His sister nodded in agreement. "I guess not everyone is their evil twin."

"And yet, Im sleeping with your mother."

Miraj put her hand over his, "Not the real one. And they seemed quite in love. It was gross." Mal laughed. "What do you think dad would say?"

Her brothers face grew serious for a moment. "Mij, i want you to promise me you won't tell him."

"What? Why?"

"Just, don't. For me. Not yet. "

"Okay." She looked very uncertain.

He squeezed her hand. "If it helps, I've got something that will make it all g away. I've not actually met up with dad yet. So she's still blocking up my cargo space."

Miraj's eyes went bright. "Queen Anne!" And in an instant she was up, dashing for the cargo bay, and her beloved ship. A few hours flying that beauty would make everything go away.


A post by

Ensign Miraj Derani
USS Elysium


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