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Posted on Mon Nov 2nd, 2020 @ 3:08pm by Commander Runyon ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Side Mission: The Aftermath of Kronos
Location: Sena Alindar, ADF Command
Timeline: Current
512 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

The Admiral began to interview Kayala, Salom, and Soren. "First, do any of you have previous military experience." Admiral Vincent Kapphos an Voran spoke.

Kayala nodded. "In the alternate timeline, I served Starfleet with my husband, and even before that; we've held rank and position with the El-Aurian Navy."

Soren added. "I did for three years with the El-Aurian Navy but mainly Starfleet."

"If you are adopted by our people, you must share your thoughts and memories with us. There are no barriers between Alindari. Only perfect understanding and the bonds of friendship and family." The Admiral noted. "We keep no secrets from each other. We're aware of each other's joy, misery, happiness, sadness."

Kayala smiled. "I'm looking forward to it. What you have here is incredible."

"What about our memories as the Borg?" Salom says out there of kindness."

The Admiral nodded. "We have unpleasant memories as well of the destruction that the Borg unleashed on us two hundred years ago. If nothing, we could help you come to terms with those memories. If you join us, I am prepared to offer all three of you the rank of Commander in our Navy."

Salom understood completely. It would stand to reason they have helped others who were assimilated and became free. "I accept."

Soren reading Salom's mind nodded. "I accept as well."

Kayala nodded. Suddenly all three were hit by the instant awareness of every Alindari in the buiding. It was incredible, beautiful. Like a great family welcoming them. Kayala smiled feeling the affinity and friendship of this people. They all heard voices. Somewhere elsewhere."

'Welcome... Welcome to our world.'

'We will help you... and all El-Aurians. You are never alone.'

'And we will save them and bring them here and share our world with you. Welcome.' The last voice was the Empress herself.

"Thank you wise one," Soren says with a bow as the other two did as well.

She smiled at Salom. 'Hello Salom...' He could hear her voice as long as they were sharing thoughts with the Alindari.

Salom talking in his head, he says, "The process is causing me to sense there is another me. Is there anyway in Quantum Physics that could cause such a thing."

Kayala nodded. "Same... I feel two of me. She's cold... emotionless... broken inside. She doesn't want to feel anything and craves... The Borg."

"We have seen the horrors of the Borg," Salom says, "Saving them, we save ourselves."

"I know her... She gave in to the queen.. Heartbreak.." Kayala mentioned. "Oh... such long heartbreak... Seven years of it." Kaya mentioned. "Seven years of willingly being Borg."

"It's almost over," Salom says holding her. "We must bring this to the rightful conclusion."

"She needs to love... we must find them, wherever they went. They'll try to... hide themselves. Shame and the desire to be borg but be El'Aurian." Kaya. "They may be the secret to our race's salvation from their long slavery to the collective. We must bring them back here to our new shared homeworld."



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