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Knowing the Captain

Posted on Mon Nov 16th, 2020 @ 1:35pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 4: Episode 2: Rest And Relaxation
1194 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Jess walked onto the bridge and looked around. Looking at the command chair and the bridge. It was not too long ago she raised total hell from that chair to get the Elysium and her crew out of that place. Some people thought six tricobalts were excessive. But for Jessica. She wanted that place and all its horrors sent to the deepest circle of the four hells.

There was just one more battle to think about. The god-awful dream. The war every night in her bed. She had to think about knowing a woman she never really talked to. Jessica preferred the lower decks. Her squadron, and actually doing. Being on the bridge made her feel out of place.

Jess then pushed the ready room door chime.

"Come" a voice called out from within.

Jessica walked in with a look of pain on her face.

"Ah Commander Vaii. What brings you up from the depths?" Phoenix Lalor rose from behind her desk to greet the pilot.

"It occurs to me I've never really met you, Captain. I've just been busy taking care of my squadron and following orders. And that was enough for me. I'm not cut out for the bridge, and i'd rather be below decks, leading this crew by example, and making sure they all come home. Or I try my damnedest, Ma'am. I fought them with every ounce of strength I had only a week ago. We've been through hell, Ma'am, and I need to know who you really are. It will help me."

"may i ask why?" Phoenix waved Vaii to a chair before the desk."

"Because there's another war I'm fighting, Captain. When I go to bed. I fight them. The thing is, the bastards in my subconscious, they're pulling off some real twisted shit. Sending you in to torture me in those goddess damned things." Jessica noted. "Counselor told me to get to know you better so that doesn't happen again."

"Ah, yes well I could see how that would affect you." Phoenix gave a slight smile. "can I get you a drink Commander?"

"Nothing Alcoholic, Ma'am. I'm not drinking for a long while, and I don't think any of us should. Promised myself I'd die as a warrior, not a drunk. I may disappoint myself, but I will never disappoint this crew." Jessica noted. "Coffee, Black."

Phoenix nodded and replicated the coffee for Jessica, and brought back a water for herself. "So.." She said as she handed the Coffee to Jessica. "What do you want to know?"

"Where do you come from?" Jess noted. "Because my family was hell. Daddy was betrothed to a woman he hated, and he spent almost ten years having to put up with a woman who was solely interested in power." Jess noted. "It took him fourteen years to work up the courage to take me and leave mother, it took my mother throwing in with the Dominion, to convince him to risk leaving her." Jess noted. "He made the risk of escaping to earth, just the clothes on our back. Somehow we made a life for ourselves on Earth. Fourteen years of hell on Betazed followed by Heaven on Earth." Jess noted. "I decided I was more human than Betazoid."

"Ah well at least your father cares for you commander. Mine would love to see my head on a pike" Phoenix said with a smile. "My culture sees females as the lowest of the low. We have no rights. If I had stayed there I would be married to someone, probably have 4 or more children by now, had they all been male or I could be dead at my brother's hand. He is currently cleaning house as it is to prepare for his ascension to our father's throne. My younger brother is dead as is, my mother. So I came from that world. My sister and I live here, safe, for the most part."

Jessica smirked. "You and I are alike. We're both fighters. When I and my father arrived on Earth. We left the Kessanna family behind and decided on a new surname; Vaii." Jess noted. "It's the word in the old language for 'glorious bird.' I swore to become strong, enough to defend my father from them." Jess mentioned. "And if those sons-a-bitches ever come after us to try to kill you or your sister, I will show your brother what a real war looks like just like I showed the Terrans. Maybe I'll send him video on what I did to the Arena station so he'd know what I'd do to him. Only I won't use Tricobalts on him." Jess smiled. "Quantums will do."

Phoenix smiled. "My brother has bigger fish to fry right now. Miran and I are not a concern right now, too far from home for a while. His goal is my father."

"Captain, a man who would kill his own mother for power, is capable of anything. When we leave Pacifica I want to send out escorts for a while. I don't like that suddenly your mother and siblings are dead. Goddesses, dying for some princeling's ambition. They should have left like you did. I'm betting they knew you had the right idea." Jess noted as she continued her coffee. "What a goddess-damned waste of life."

"It is a waste and as such is being used to refuse my planet's entry into the Federation" Phoenix said calmly. "I am sure that one day someone will wake and put an end to the rule of my family."

"All due respect, boss. How long has your family ruled? Maybe one day it might happen. But only after your brother has raised four hells with his concept of rule. It won't end with your brother nor your mother." Jess noted. "And I know my mother. She has her eye on the seat of Federation Councilor from Betazed, and she'd sell her own soul to get it."

"And your mother's duplicate?" Phoenix asked "How is she settling in to this new reality?"

"Her convoy found a Class M Moon out near the Regula Badlands. They're maintaining a low profile right now. Don't blame them one bit. They don't exactly fit in on Betazed, but they are a tough bunch of Betazoids, and phenomenal fighters." Jess noted. "Hell, they remind me of me." Jess then stood. "Good to finally know the Captain better. Maybe my subconscious won't play that bullshit anymore, in fact; you should write my subconscious mind up for disrespecting a superior officer or something." Jess chuckled.

"No I wont. It is fully understandable Commander." Phoenix replied calmly "There is a lot of it going around."

Jess nodded and stood, as she did, she looked back. "You went through hell, Captain. And you didn't give that sonofabitch anything. You're a damned hero in my book, Captain. Your family, does not desrve you. They don't deserve the honor and respect you've earned from your crew." Jess mentioned. "Captain, it's an honor of a lifetime to serve with you."

Phoenix nodded and smiled. "Thank you, but it is my honor to serve with the members of this crew."


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