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How do I become strong?

Posted on Thu Feb 4th, 2021 @ 3:48pm by Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Gymnasium
Timeline: Backpost
1074 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Tonya watched Commander Vaii work out. She was athletic and superbly built. She seemed like a warrior, always pushing herself to greater heights. This woman would defend those.shr loved to the death.

Tonya needed this strength. She needed to be strong. Jessica was a hero to the crew, and she had truly earned the valkyrie tattoo on her shoulder.

"Commander Vaii." Tonya noted. "Can you teach me to be like you?

Jess responded. "I don't understand. Like me? Lieutenant, you are your own person."

"I mean, can you teach me to fight, and defend those I love?"

"Why?" Jessica asked plainly.

Tonya shed a few tears. "Because a horrible man has killed four men that I loved very much, and I don't want to lose another."

Jess examined her. "No. I want you to stand before me and let it come out. Say this, loud. 'I will never lose another. I'm am done shedding tears."

Tonya did so.

"Louder, get angry. Use your hatred for this man who has taken so much from you, turn it into resolve. You will die before that happens again. No more!."

"I WILL NOT LET HIM WIN." Tonya shouted.

"Well done. Use that Tonya King. And if he comes for you, your love, your daughter. What will you do?"

"I will send him straight to hell." Tonya proclaimed

"Good. Just don't lose what you are as a Starfleet Officer." Jess stated. "We need to improve your upper and lower body strength."

Victor walked in to the gymnasium as he was admiring what he he was seeing. He kept quiet until he would be noticed.

Jessica began with Tonya doing pushups. "Keep it up, Tonya. As much as you can. You are going to be exhausted after this."

"What is this? Oh my God?" Jessica smiled. "This is NASA Astronaut training. Tonya, but it's based of the training regiment for the old United States Air Force." Jessica continued the training. Again and again. Until Tonya was sweating.

Jessica looked at her. "Giving up?" She asked. "I won't think any less of you if you do."

"No!!." Tonya pulled herself up again and challenged Jessica. One on one.

Jess spoke. "You sure you wanna do this? You won't defeat me in one go."

"I want to know how much stronger I need to get." Tonya moved forward and Jessica began blocking her punches on the dueling mat. "Too slow. Faster..." Jess mentioned as she coached Tonya. "Don't overpower me. An attacker will want to break you. Your enemy will want to break you, Tonya King. Why do you think he killed four of your husbands?"

Tonya wiped her eye. "To break me... To enslave me..."

Jessica wiped her eyes. "Valkyries don't cry." She noted. "Again. Use your foe's momentum against him or her. Grab my arm, and use the momentum to flip me to the ground. Jess began throwing some easy punches to train Tonya. Suddenly she grabbed Jessica's Arm and just pulled her over herself and onto the ground.

Jessica smiled. "Good start, Tonya King. You're going to meet me here every morning of every day. And I'll show you how Valkyries and Shield Maidens are made.

"Show me more today," Tonya says clinching her fist. Tonya throws her ankle under Jessica's ankle swiftly causing Jessica to fall back. Tonya springs up in a back flip as she uses bottom of her feet to knock Jessica backwards. Valkyries never quit."

Victor smiled watching the two of them impressed by Tonya's tenacity as for the first time he sees her as herself and not like his Tonya.

Jessica suddenly, grabbed Tonya by the arm and flipped her to the ground, placing her foot on top of her. "The first thing you are going to learn about being a warrior, Tonya King. Is when to fight, and when to call it a day. I've already put you through the gauntlet today, I can easily put you in sickbay if I continue. Arrogance is the mother of failure. When I say we are done, it is not because I am going easy on you. It is because I know what you can take. You are exhausted. I'd prefer to put you through the heavy calistenics when you're well rested in the morning." Jess then spoke up. "El-Yee, Get out here!" She spoke to Victor."

Tonya did not say a word.

"Yes Jessica," Victor asked.

"I've decided that since I'm training Tonya, I'm going to train you too." Jess mentioned. "I'm going to send you a diet you two are going to adopt. It will maximize your endurance and energy for what I have in store for you, and I'm going to run you through what I've put myself through." Jess noted. "Tonya I know how it feels to be hunted by a psychopath. My mother being one of them. She's tried all my life to control me, then when I rebelled against her, she's tried multiple times to destroy me. When I'm done with both of you, you two will never be afraid of a damn thing ever again."

"Who said I was afraid," Victor spoke truthfully. "Fear has never been a word to describe me. I am the exact opposite. There has been multiple times I have rushed into the fire. Crazy some describe me as but is it crazy to want to do whatever it takes to save someone. That was a rhetorical question of course. Your training will help me more to know when to go offense and when to go defense. I can not afford to be afraid."

"Good response, Lieutenant." Jess mentioned. "Have I ever told you about my mother? I had to summon plenty of courage to leave her family."

"Love to hear it," Tonya replied.

Jess spoke. "My mother was a real bitch. Cared only about getting one thing; power. She had a daughter because she wanted an heir to continue the Kessanna family's 'legacy.' And therefore I had to be perfect. Know every ceremony, tradition, and custom perfectly. My father hated that I was being used for mother's powerplays and intriges, the breaking point came when he learned Lucianna was selling her soul to the Dominion during the war. If you ever met her, you'd quickly realize that she could teach Machiavelli a thing or two."

"Nice story," Tonya says as she asks next, "Now where we?"

So it began Tonya's training.


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