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Do Telepaths Have Afterthoughts?

Posted on Fri Jan 15th, 2021 @ 10:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Legate Imik S'Niohun [Lia Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Imik’s quarters
Timeline: Before Alicia’s fall
2406 words - 4.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Alicia had slept well for once after her evening with the other Lieutenants, she was curious about one of the newer arrivals Imik. Her abilities were considerably strong, so out of curiosity Alicia made her way to visit Imik.

In her cabin, Imik was meditating. Her mind was centered and her breathing shallow, then her mind alerted her to the approach of Alicia. Why would Alicia be coming to see her? She now cleaned things up, and found her one and only Human chair. Placing it opposite the coffee table she arranged a cup on the replicator in case her guest wanted refreshment, standing in front of the door she awaited Alicia's arrival.

Arriving at the door Alicia picked up on a sense that Imik was already awaiting her arrival. Pressing the door chime she waited for an answer.

"Enter", stated Imik. The door opened to reveal Alicia, "Welcome to my humble abode Alicia, please enter and sit".

Stepping inside Alicia looked at Imik curiously. “I had the feeling that you were expecting me?”

"I was meditating when you approached, my mind alerted me to you presence". Imik bowed as Alicia entered and as she spoke, standing upright Imik moved to the replicator. "Do you require a drink of some kind? I would think one in your place must drink much to keep the youngling happy".

“That’s true” Alicia nodded. “A fruit juice would go down a treat please, I don’t mind what fruit.” She walked over to the sofa and took a seat. “It’s nice that you call me by my name and not my rank, normally everyone greets me by rank and I much prefer name in private circumstances.”

Turning to the replicator, Imik requested a cold pineapple juice. "I found this by accident, and find it refreshing", she said as she gave it to Alicia. She sat down in true Ojnas style and looked at her guest, "This is my abode, and we Ojnas prefer to called by our name. I see no reason in not extending that honour to a friend, to you Alicia".

Alicia smiled as she finished sipping a little of her juice, placing the glass onto the table. “Thank you Imik. I’m curious about your abilities, I hope I’m not being rude asking you about them?”

"My abilities? Why would you be interested in those abilities?" Imik could easily get the true answer by simply scanning Alicia's mind, but for now she would depend on her friends honesty. "As an Ojnas, I am bound by Federation rules placed on my kind, as part of the peace treaty with the Tholians. So I must only practice some abilities in strict isolation, which for my kind is not what we desire".

Alicia nodded. “I can understand that, as a Betazoid I’m bound by similar rules. I only asked because I don’t usually get a sense like I got from you when I approached your door.”

"You are an unusual species, most do not sense when an Ojnas mind walks". She now closed her eye's and mind walked behind Alicia, Imik now placed a finger on her right shoulder and then returned to her body. "Tell me what you sensed? What you felt?"

Alicia gave Imik a curious gaze. “It felt ... like you touched me” she placed her hand on her shoulder, “I felt a touch here.”

The female Ojnas simply nodded, "Your ability is far above what others or you are willing to admit, to know and feel an Ojnas mind walk is not a small thing". Imik moved a little closer to Alicia, "I am going to touch your mind, and I will leave a thought somewhere in your mind. See if you can find it, and then tell me what it was". She now extended her thoughts to Alicia and entered her mind, deep within her subconscious Imik now left the message. *Blessings upon your house and the new arrival*, leaving Alicia's mind Imik opened her eye's and waited for a response.

Alicia closed her eyes and searched her own mind for where Imik left her message, it took a few minutes but she eventually smiled. “Thank you” She opened her eyes and looked at Imik, “blessings on your house as well.”

"My house thanks you, but why are you not using all of your abilities?" Imik looked at Alicia, and waited for some kind of answer.

“I’m not like other half Betazoids” Alicia paused. “I developed my abilities prior to birth, normally Betazoids don’t develop their abilities until puberty. My mother was a joined Trill, I was born with not only my abilities but as I grew I started recalling memories from her symbiont. It’s unheard of in an unjoined Trill. I’m somewhat of a scientific curiosity on Trill, every time I go home they like to poke and prod me to see what makes me tick!” She grinned. “Generally Betazoids born with or who develop early, end up either recluses or insane. I’m one of very few lucky ones.”

Standing up once again, imik now did something that only Alicia would see. She pointed at the replicator and said nothing, suddenly another pineapple juice appeared. "This is something only a few Ojnas are born with, so I must ask that you tell no one".

“I promise!” Alicia smiled and nodded. “I spent a long time learning to control my abilities, if I let them loose I’d pick up on everyone’s thoughts whether I wanted to or not. It can and does cause telepaths to go completely insane. I’m not sure I’d be any different.”

"As a youngling Ojnas are taught how to filter out unwanted thoughts from others, it takes us many years to perfect that filter. It is not unusual for one such as I to have to relearn that skill", she walked over to the replicator. "Our link with each other is chosen by each of us, we choose who we link with and who we do not". Imik drank the Pineapple juice, "I find it surprising that Betazoids have not adapted in a similar way, or that they do not have that filter".

“I have my mental shields, as I call them, but only to a point. The downside of early development for Betazoids is we never get to fully shut that door in our minds. I consider myself fortunate to have learned the amount of control I have. It helps that I’m bonded with Savar, his Vulcan control gives me extra strength to draw upon.”

Imik shook her head, "Telepaths must never rely on others for defense, you must learn how to control your own thoughts your own mind". She walked over to Alicia and once again touched her mind, "You have the ability to learn our technique of closing off your mind to others, but it would take you many years to control your own thoughts. Your mind is undisciplined in arranging its self, please do not think I am insulting you. But as an Ojnas, our younglings have better mental defenses than you Alicia". She rapidly withdrew as a link began to form, "Your shields are minimal, but they serve you well. Ask Savar to teach you to strengthen them, his Vulcan style is known to you and so should allow you better understanding"

Alicia nodded. “I will, thank you” She looked curiously at Imik. “I’ll admit it’s nice being able to use my telepathy as it’s meant to be used, to be able to connect with someone besides Savar. Being amongst non telepaths we have to keep ourselves reined in all the time.”

A smile now crossed Imik's face, "If you wish to come here and use your mind fully, please do so. I to would find it enjoyable to simply use my abilities as they should be used, and I think it may aid you in strengthening your own defenses Alicia". She looked at her new found friend, "Alicia, I will say only one thing. A warning of a sort, we Ojnas as you know can create a link with others. If we continually connect our minds, a link may form before either of us is aware of it. If this happens, I will remove that link as quickly as possible. But be warned, the removal of a link can be and is very painful to both parties involved. Is this acceptable to you?"

Alicia nodded. “Would this link, if it occurred, and its removal affect my bond with Savar?”

"No it would not, but Savar may be affected by the removal. It would depend on how deep your bond is with Savar, if it is deep and well developed he may also feel your pain as our link is removed". Imik looked at her friend and smiled, "The link would form between the two of us, no one else would be a part of it. But your bond with your husband would mean he may also be slightly affected, the only time it would seriously affect that bond would be if I linked with him personally".

Alicia nodded. “I will warn him just incase. Knowing Savar he’ll probably advise caution especially whilst I’m pregnant.” She grinned. “I would like the opportunity to let loose every now and again though.”

Imik smiled and nodded, "Then Savar is a truly wise man, especially with a youngling to consider". She placed her hand on Alicia's shoulder, "But please come and as you say, let loose".

Alicia nodded. "Do you mind if I let a little loose now?" She grinned. "After everything that's happened of late I need it."

Moving back, Imik bowed towards Alicia. "Please feel free to, as you say, let loose. I shall attempt to simply deflect any attempt at reading my mind, but beware I will leave ideas in your mind if you fail to find me".

Alicia nodded. “I daren’t let my guard all the way down, just the input from the crew would be enough to completely overwhelm me. I don’t think it would do my blood pressure any good either!” She grinned as she motioned to the blood pressure monitor she was wearing on her neck underneath her hair. She slowly let her mental shields down adjusting to the input from the crew as she let her telepathic abilities have an ‘airing’

Standing up, Imik now lowered her mental shield. The volume of noise from the crew shocked her, she quickly raised them again. She glanced at Alicia and scanned her mind, what she found concerned her. Slowly she enveloped Alicia in a mental bubble, quieting the noise from the crew, "Take care my friend, there are some here who are unaware of their minds power".

Alicia was grateful for the bubble, the crew’s thoughts were very loud in her mind. << Myself included. I lowered my mental defences slowly but the voices are still deafening. >>

<< Listen to me carefully, erect your protection slowly. I can not maintain this bubble for long. A link may occur, and that would be painful for both of us >>. Imik waited from Alicia to raise her barriers, "The volume of unchecked thoughts are such even I can not clarify them, I fear this ship is a death trap for any telepath unschooled in their own protection".

Alicia nodded. “That’s what concerns me about Connor and my unborn child. Fortunately neither will be as strong as I am, I just hope neither of them develop their abilities early.”

Looking at Alicia's body, Imik gently scanned the baby's still undeveloped mind. "I know what gender the youngling is, and I also know your last statement was slightly wrong". She pointed at Alicia's bump, "The youngling has the potential to outshine the mother, both you and Savar will need to teach your offspring early".

Alicia looked at Imik in surprise. “How do you know that? She isn’t even born yet. Can you tell even now?”

Imik nodded her head, "Ojnas children give out simple messages, a sound if you will. Your youngling is sending out a sound, a simple beat but it is strong if you search for it". She moved and touched Alicia's bump, "She senses us, her abilities are already developing".

“They are?” Alicia nodded. “I know I’ve been sensing a connection with her but I was hoping that was just a bond between mother and child, if she’s going to develop her abilities early she’ll need shielding to start until she’s old enough to understand and start her training.” She sighed.

"Savar should be able to enhance your ability to shield the youngling, I would offer some Ojnas assistance, but perhaps that could cause a link between the youngling and myself". Imik again scanned Alicia and her child, "She is happy at this time, that is a good thing".

Alicia nodded. “I know, I can feel that through my bond with her.” She smiled warmly. Thank you for all your help, I do appreciate it.”

"Help? What help have I rendered?" Imik looked puzzled, "All that I have done is assist a friend, as an Ojnas is suppose to do".

“Well in assisting you've provided me with information important to the health and welfare of my child. Not just that but you’ve allowed me to stretch my telepathic muscles for a while too.” Alicia smiled warmly.

Imik now smiled, "It has been my pleasure to assist a friend, no matter in what way that help was given. I hope I may see and interact with your youngling when she arrives in this world?"

“Of course you can!” Alicia smiled warmly. “Anyway I guess I should be going. Thank you for everything.”

Bowing to her friend, Imik now picked up a small silver amulet with a ruby center. "Please accept this as a gift for the youngling, she will hold a special place in my affections".

“Imik it’s beautiful, thank you!” Alicia gently took the Amulet. “I will treasure this. I’ll put it safe until she’s born.” She offered another warm smile before heading on her way, assured she had found a very special friend in Imik.


Consul Imik S'Niohun
Exchange Officer - Onjas Republic
USS Elysium

Lt Alicia Kelea-Salik
Chief Counsellor
USS Elysium


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