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Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2021 @ 11:23pm by Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Ensign Olivia (Carter) Voight

Mission: Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Current
1067 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Ensign Napoleon Bond and Lt. Victor Barclay de Tolly had just finished playing a game of chest in the Arboreteum. They were playing there because there was a spot there where they could play with no distractions. Napoleon smiled as he had finally beaten Victor in a game.

"Finally," Napoleon said as was proud he won. "I am on to your moves now. Thank you for the game."

"You are welcome," Victor says as he stood up. "You do observe quiet well. I wish I could stay and chit chat but I have to go do something."

"I am going to stay here for the time being," Napoleon says as he sighed. "I have no wife or children to go back to Sir. For now, I have my meditation."

"You will one day," Victor says smiling as he picked up his chest set. "When that day happens, it will never be the same." Victor let himself out as Napoleion stayed at the table.

Napoleon was sitting near the area where several orchids were grown. He thought of his grandmother Jacqueline who enjoyed them. It would have been her eighty-fifth birthday. She would have lived longer if she had not smoken cigarettes and she would have caught the breast cancer in time.

Olivia had decided to check out the Arboreteum for once, since it was one of the few places that she had yet to visit since coming onboard the Elysium. It was rare that she had the time to do things of this nature, for she was always busy with one thing or another it seemed. Even when off duty, Olivia still had a few reports to go over or finish up on so that she wouldn't get to far behind on them.

Walking along one of the pathways, Olivia stopped to look over several of the orchids there. The colors on them varied a small amount on some of them and others had a more noticeable difference in their coloring.

Napoleon noticed Olivia walking around as he sat. He stood up to go over to her to make himself sociable. "Doctor Voight. Good day to you. I see you like orchids as well. My grandmother use to make her own perfumes from them as well as make a tea from them for medicinal purposes." He said to himself, Napoleon you are such a nerd.

Olivia looked over at Napoleon and smiled a little. "They are very different and unique from a lot of the other flowers," Olivia replied. "I have found that my favorite over the years has become the various colors of roses." Olivia thought for a moment before continuing. "It is rare that I take time to explore some area's of the ship and finally decided to visit here on my self imposed break from work."

"Yes," Napoleon said smiling even more when he saw her slight sweet smile. "The aroma and velvety texture can brighten up any one's days. The new Botanist and her husband had me come up with a system for an effective perfume and cologne production to give to the crew. The Alindari are quite passionate about hygiene. The couple gave me a sample of the cologne. Too bad with all the aroma in here, you are not able hone in on it."

"I'm sure that I will pick up on it at some point," Olivia replied. "Some flowers give off a scent more so than others. Even the plants that do not have blooms on them serve a purpose for us as well over time." Olivia thought for another moment. "You must be one of the new crew members that have come onboard recently. I haven't seen you come into Sickbay yet for your onboard physical. Have you come by to be seen by one of the other staff members?"

"Yes I am relatively new. I haven't scheduled one yet," Napoleon smiled. Reason why he has not was because he had one two weeks before he left the USS Izar. "Will now be a good time or should I schedule one?"

"I can get you checked over Ensign," Olivia replied. "Right now though I'd like to enjoy a bit more of the flowers before heading back towards Sickbay."

“So would I,” Napoleon answers. As the two sat, Napoleon decided he should tell Olivia more about himself. “My name is Napoleon Bond. I am from Chelmsford, England. My specialty Computer Systems. I have never been married nor engaged and I am not dating anyone at the moment. I like playing chest. My hobbies including reading Science Fiction and Botany. I love all kinds of music provided there is a nice tune and I can understand it.”

Olivia smiled a bit as she listened to Napoleon tell her a little about himself. "I'm sure someone will come along for you at some point," Olivia replied. "I thought I had found my someone again here after being sent in different directions for awhile. Then just all of a sudden he disappeared on me without warning or even letting me know that he was having to leave again."

"His lost," Napoleon says as was trying to figure out what to say. "Maybe sometimes two might just agree to a mutual romantic liason. There are no strings attached. It is nice to settle down and have a family but one should be in love and be ready for it. I would not be out of line if I ask you on a date?"

"You would not be out of line in asking me for the occasional date," Olivia replied. "Just remember to check out other options as well, for you never know what might come along down the road as well."

“Of course,” Napoleon says as he sensed there might be reasons why she might be afraid to commit. So to set her mind at ease so she would be okay, “Too early for me to be looking for a commitment. So how about physical at 9 AM tomorrow morning and dinner date at eighteen hundred hours in one of the Holodeck?”

Olivia thought for a moment before replying. "Both times sound good," Olivia replied. "Just let me know which holodeck to meet you at tomorrow."

"I will let you know which one when I get my physical," Napoleon answers with a smile.

The two of them chatted some more before retiring for the evening.


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