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Sleepless nights turn into fretful days

Posted on Thu Apr 8th, 2021 @ 4:31am by Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sick bay
1373 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Baeryn exhaled the breath she had been holding, for what reason was unbeknownst to her. She wasn't much of a self hazard and rarely visited sick bay unless she was in dire need to. Her yearly physical never took longer then a few minutes so why was she stressing this one?

She was aware there was a whole list of diseases and medical conditions that could negatively affect her thanks to her betazoid heritage, but she couldn't name three. Lately she was having an issue sleeping but refused to believe that was somehow connected to her genetic make up. Baeryn just simply summed it up to stress and new surroundings.

The sick bay doors opened with a swoosh. The lieutenant walked in about three feet before glancing around with an awkward smile on her face.

The heavy footsteps that only could belong to the ship's head MD echoed through the medbay as he headed by the entrance bay a coffee mug in his hand. Notting the new arrival he headed over a polite smile on his face. " Hello, there can I help you?"

"Ah yes, I'm about due for a physical and thought I'd come willingly." Her voice was playful only slightly intimated by the Gorn doctor. She had seen him around the ship as well as in meetings though they were never officially introduced to one another. She extended her right hand, "I'm Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi."

" Sssthilg." He said taking her hand and giving it his normal firm handshake. " If you'd like to follow me we can get you ssseen to."

"It's a pleasure and of course." She said with a smile. After releasing his hand Baeryn nodded and followed the doctor.

" Any injuriesss not on your record sssince your lassst medical ssscan? " The gorn asked

"None that gave me enough of an issue to be remembered." she said sheepishly

" Very good." He said stepping up to one of the biobeds and patting it. " Ssset yourssself here and let'sss take a look."

Baeryn hopped up on the biobed watching the doctor, hesitating to reveal her relatively new sleeping habits, or rather her lack of.

" Ssso how are you finding the ssship?" The gorn asked as the scanner started up.

"Quite busy, the Elysium is much larger then my past post but surprisingly I have less fixer up tasks here. Which is a relief. Have you been here long?" She looked up at the Gorn trying to ignore the scanner the best she could.

" Dependsss what you define as long. When you reach two hundred time ssstartsss acting oddly." the gorn pondered thinking back on his long life. " But in main ways yesss I've been with the ssship and her captain for quite sssome time."

Baeryns eyes widened. "Two...Hundred years?" she scoffed, "That's such a longgg time to be around."

" It isss. I can remember when ssstarfleet'sss uniform included a minssskirt." the gorn replied with a chuckle. " Though I didn't sssee them very much asss i was ssserving with the KDF."

"The Klingon defense force? You were a warrior?!" Baeryn tried to hide her excitement but failed miserably. To Baeryn, members of the medical field always held a sense of empathy and gentleness. Picturing a Gorn within the KDF was easy, but the one standing in front of her gave her trouble. She held back questions not wanting to offend the doctor. She bit her bottom lip.

" Oh no my dear I wasss the houssse'sss sssaw bonesss. Even klingonsss need a doctor. Though I will admit not having to ssshare quatersss with the ssship'sss cook will always be an improvement." the doctor replied.

"Oh!" Baeryn couldn't help the relief she felt. "I'm sorry for assuming! Have you always been a doctor? I imagine you know more then an EMH."

" It'sss quite alright my dear. My ssspeciesss is mossst well know for wressstling captain kirk in are dressssssing gown. As for being a doctor i've been one ever sssince i failed at almossst everything a young gorn isss sssupposssed to massster." he replied with a chukle. " And i doubt i know more than the EMH, but give me another one hundred yearsss and i'll have matched it'sss ssspecilitiesss.

Baeryn chuckled. This doctor was unlike most she had seen, he wasnt straight to the point, rushing to a diagnosis. She liked him. Was almost comfortable with him. " I can only hope to be around to witness your success." Knowing the average lifespan of a betazoid was 120 years gave her a flicker of hope.

After taking a deep breathe she added, 'I've had more trouble sleeping as of late. I assumed it was my bodies way of slowly adjusting to my new surroundings, or the change in my duty shift. But I think it might be more then that."

" Well let'sss take a look. Here'sss hoping it'sss sssomething my herbal tea can fix. Jussst lay back and rexlax. The gorn said as he started up the scanner.

Silently hoping this tea was of good flavor she did as she was told and laid back. The pointer and middle fingers of her left hand crossed and she wedged them between her thigh and the bio bed. A silent prayer her over active empath abilities weren’t the cause of her sleeplessness.

" Well, let'sss take a look at you. " the gorn said as he brought up the screen.

Baeryn followed his eye sight to the screen, not that she could make much sense of the readings it displayed.

The gorn tapped the screen. This wasn't his specility, but even he knew the reading were off. " Have you been sssuffering any problemsss with your abilitiesss?" he inquired.

"I..." She hesitated, "I wouldn't know. If I'm being honest. Somedays its harder to ignore others...feelings, some days my mind is quiet but never for long. I.. dont use them and the older I get the harder they are to ignore." She refused to look higher then the Gorns chest.

The gorn moved his stool as he looked right at her. " My dear your psssilosssynine levelsss are getting to harmful levelsss. I think you know the damage that could do."

Baeryn was quiet, embarrassment and frustraion started to flood her face. "Is there.... is there something that could just turn it all off..." She started to wring her hands not making eye contact with the doc. Whavi knew she was walking a dangerous road and jeopardizing her career by not taking proper care of herself, mainly her betazed side.

Her thoughts drifted to losing what she had worked so hard to build for herself. All because she was too stubborn to accept her abilities and learn how to hon them correctly.

The gorn shook his head. " Not that I know my dear. Thisss isssn't my ssspecilty, but i know thisss could caussse you sssome ssserious damage."

With a somber expression she asked, "Recommendations doc?"

" I'm going to recommend you to a friend of mine. No one know'sss empathic or psssychic abilitiesss like her. I'm alssso going to give you a pressscription of herbal tea and a courssse of Mind-Ssstilling. " The doctor said calmly. " We're going to get through this Baeryn."

Baeryn sighed, her head hung in what could only be identifed as shame. Without looking up she spoke, "Is this friend a councilor of sorts?"

" A little of a doctor a little of councilor. Her manner of speech may be a little unusual, but her ssspeciesss ssstoped using physssical communication five hundred years ago. I want you to go and sssee the ssship'sss councilor as well." The doctor explained.

A cloud of dread gathered around her. She swallowed thickly, "Where will I find this.... empath miracle worker?"

" I'll ssset up an appointment. Her ssspecies can't leave their world due to the pressure difference. In the meantime, i'll book you an appointment with the ship'sss councilor'sss." the doctor explained.

"Oh." Baeryn's curiosity peaked. "I appreciate this doc..." Though she wasn't looking forward to talking to someone about the issues in her head she was silently hoping it would help in the long run.

" Think nothing of it. It'sss what i'm here for. If you ever need to talk to sssomeone my door'sss alwaysss open." he said giving her a reassuring smile.


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