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A new Arrival

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2021 @ 12:52am by Lieutenant JG Raven Yerishna & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
1204 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

The shuttle set down inside the bay aboard the Sovereign class starship, the sheer size of it was mind numbing to Raven. He had obviously been aboard stations larger than this but to be on something this size flying through the depths of space was new to him. As the shuttle set down he grabbed his belongings and headed out the hatch. As his boots hit the deck of ship a rush came over him, he had been waiting for this moment since he left the Academy. His eyes wandered around the bay for a moment before he made his way to the nearby corridor and found a panel. He wasn't completely familiar with the layout of the ship, but it wouldn't take him long to get used to it. He pulled up his quarters and made his way to the nearest turbo lift. He made an effort to keep his eyes up instead of letting them fall to the floor before him, something his counselor back on Deep space 68 suggested, guess it seemed to make him appear more friendly or something. He reached into his bag and pulled out a pad and made a note to schedule a meeting with the ships counselor, he knew he must keep up on his therapy sessions. Once he had made his way to his quarters he stepped through the door and set his things down, heading to the wash room to clean up after his trip. After stepping out from the sonic shower he fetched his uniform, and quickly dressed, grabbing the new pip he had earned with this transfer, a lieutenant Jr grade now, he applied the pip to his collar and looked in the mirror. He hated the way he looked, he was never comfortable with his appearance but nothing he could do to change it. He picked up his combadge and placed it in his chest giving it a tap,

=/\= Lieutenant Yerishna to Commander Taylor, I believe I am to report to you per protocol. =/\=

Gary was on the bridge, it was a rare quiet moment in the life of a starship and he savored the moment, relishing the momentary quiet. Which he knew from past experiences would not last long. He was seated in the center seat looking over the newest patch of transfers and one in particular caught his eye. A Lieutenant Raven Yerishna, a security officer. *Lia will like that .* He thought, *Another young pup for her department.* When Yerishna's call came through. =^= Taylor to Yerishna. That is correct Lieutenant. Please come to my ready room in ten, no fifteen minutes.=^=

Raven quickly checked hisnhair one last time before he set off towards the door. As soon the door closed behind him he realized he had no idea where he was going. He quickly turned around and headed back into his quarters and grabbed a pad, "Computer, transfer deck layout to my pad." He said, the computer confirmed his directions and he tapped a few buttons to give him directions on where to go to reach the Executive officers ready room. He took note of several areas that he was sure he would be going at some point, and decided to take the scenic route to explore the ship a little before he got there. Sick bay, engineering, and the mess hall were places he took note of, the only one he was not stopping by at this point was engineering as it was quite out of his way. As he walked the corridors he took note of several other places as he passed them, It was about thirteen minutes later that he finally ended up at the Executive officers office, he tapped the door chime, just in case he was already there and waited for a response.

Having gotten to his office only moments before the sounding of the door chime, Gary swept all of his unread PaDDs into a desk drawer, straightened his tunic and called out "Enter." No doubt this was Lieutenant Yerishna waiting entrance.

Raven stepped through the door when permitted and approached the Commander, standing at attention and addressing him, "Lieutenant Jr Grade Raven Yerishna, reporting in sir." His eyes locked straight ahead, a bead of sweat running from his forehead down his cheek. He was nervous, but he tried his best to hide it and keep his composure.

Gary stood behind his desk as Raven entered, His eyes locked on Raven's as the younger officer came in and stopped in front of his desk. Silently measuring him up. "Commander Gary Taylor at your service. Would you like something from the replicator? If so help yourself." He finished sitting back down and waiting for Raven to decide what to do.

Raven shook his head slightly, "Thank you sir, I'm fine." He responded still standing at attention. His previous commander was strict about formality sndnsomit was drilled into his head, he simply waited for orders or anything else. "A pleasure to be in board sir, I look forward to serving under your command."

"Lieutenant, please sit down before you break something." Gary said as he sat down and we're glad to have you. Make sure you tell Captain Lalor the same thing as this is her command.'

He nodded as he sat down in the chair in front of him, relaxing a bit. Perhaps he was adhering to much to protocol for this crew. "Of course, I look forward to meeting the Captain, if I ever get that chance." His eyes scanned the room for a moment before returning to the Commander, "May I ask who my supervising officer will be?"

"You will have the chance. don't you worry about that," Gary replied and continued on. "As for your supervising officer that would be Commander Aurelia Taylor. I would advise you to listen to what she has to say. She has a world of experience and you can learn a great deal if you listen to her."

Raven tapped at his pad, noting the namenhe was given. "Understood sir, would you happen to know where I will be posted? I am eager to begin my duties here, it is my first assignment on a starship." He said as he looked back up at the Commander.

Gary shook his head, "I do not. Postings are left to the department chief, in this case Commander Taylor. She will be the one giving you your duty assignment."

Raven nodded his head as he set the pad in his lap, "Understood sir, anything else I should know or shall I report to Commander Taylor?"

Gary shook his head, "No, nothing else Lieutenant." Then rising he extended his right hand, "Welcome to the Elysium. I hope you enjoy your time here. Now, I think it's best you report to Commander Taylor."

Raven stood as the Commander did, extending his arm and grasped the man's hand firmly giving it a shake. "Thank you sir, pleasure to be here." He replied before turning on his heel and heading for the door. First step out of the way and next was to find Commander Taylor. As he exited the room and the doors closed he spoke to the computer, "Computer, locate Commander Taylor."


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