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Pirate Games, Part II of IV

Posted on Mon Mar 8th, 2021 @ 8:36pm by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium Holodeck
Timeline: Guided by Starlight MD 16 2000
2164 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously in Pirate Games

"The best thing about being Roger," Maritza told them, "Is that I get these." She pulled out a bandolier that had half a dozen round iron grenades Then she sighed, and put them back,. "But if we're going after merchants I better not. Merchants are less likely to surrender if you start killing them. No profit it in it. So we threaten them a little, and it will be fine. If we over do it, game over. Got it?"

George nodded as he loaded his weapons into his outfit. “Let’s just hope those fools don’t try anything stupid. It’s been awhile since my cutlass had a drink.” He was trying to get into character, hoping that he didn’t sound like a fool.

And now the continuation

The long muzzle of S’hibs equine face slowly glanced up at George, a neutral expression of annoyance washing over his features.

“Why don’t you take them anyway, just in case...” He smiled, turning back to Miraj. “The computer might make it more difficult now there’s three of us.” He sighed, standing back up to adorn everything he had been given.

She thought about it, then shook her head. "Best not. Not with you two landlubbers scurrying about. Bound to hit one of you, knowing my luck, even with the skill compensation turned right up." She shut the sea chest and strode to the cabin doors, "George, welcome to the Hades."

Beyond was a loving recreation of a three masted pirate barque, crewed by a motley collection of crew. They came in all skin tones though none as pale as Miraj, even the lightest had been tanned to shades of gold and broze by the Carribean sun. Most were in the rigging, twisting the yards so the canvas snapped and the ship cut at the waves, bearing down on a smaller ship flying a red and yellow flag.

Those that weren't up in masts were running about the deck, bringing up powder and shot.

"Chain and bar lads!" roared a voice from the poop deck above them. "We want them dead in the water, not fifty fathoms down."

"Thats Barnabas Bates, the master gunner." Miraj explained as she led them out. "If you hear him telling you to duck, duck. Oh, and one more thing." she pulled George forward so he could see the poop more clearly, and the dark haired young man with dark eyes and a nasty red scar running down the side of his otherwise handsome face. "That's Mr Sabatini, the Captain's Mate. If he dies, also game over. Any questions?"

At first, S’hib’s continued powerful negative emotions, continued to effect George’s mindset. He was desperately trying to get full control of himself. As he followed the pair out into the sunlight, he took a few deep breaths of the salty air, using it as a cleanser of sorts. Opening his eyes, George followed what Miraj was pointing out. When she suddenly pulled his close, he found her extremely alluring, both from the warmth of her body and the soft scent of perfume coming from her. It took him a few beats to realize that she was saying something.

“Uh, right..yeah.. duck when I hear it, and make sure Mister Sabatini stays alive. Got it.” He gazed into her beautiful eyes when she smiled at him, a smile, he felt, that could put a supernova to shame on its brightness.

“Well don’t just stand there Staines, see to the men... some of them look half asleep!” S’hib snorted, using his size and weight to bodycheck the poor man across the deck and away from Miraj.

“Roger,” He continued, turning furiously to stand in front of Miraj, towering over her. “Do you by any chance happen to know where on this wooden carcass may be my eyeglass?”

George nearly swung on S’hib when he was pushed, only to realize, in time, that he was in character. Clearing his throat, the Betazoid attempted to do the same. “Ahem.. Aye, Cap’n.” He then directed his attention to the crew and shouted. “Look alive there! The Cap’n wants that merchant ship, and any of you that I see lounging about will be the first to taste my blade!”

Miraj practically squealed as she dashed up to the binnacle on the poop deck for the telescope that was stored there. George was obviously taking to it, and S'hib seemed to have forgiven her for the shenanigans in Chapter Two. It was going to be a good night.

She rushed the looking glass to S'hib as the Spanish ship came in gun range. With the chase guns and first volley of the main cannonade loaded with chain shot, it would probably only take two or three good shots at it to bring her to a halt. "Telescope, captain!" she handed it over.

"Ahh, there we are..." He replied, gently taking the offered telescope from her dainty hands. "Let's see what they're up too..." He quipped before moving closer to the side of the ship and raising the metal frame to one eye.

The Infanta Bianca was a hive of frantic action. The sailors were desperately trying to get down all their canvas and sail faster, but the Hades had the wind, and it was a loosing battle. S'hib also glimpsed men in red coats coming up from below, armed with muskets.

By this time, George had moved down among the men of the crew, barking orders here and there. “More your asses, you worthless sons of whores! Put your backs into it!” Looking up toward the mainsail. “You men get those lashings secured!”

Miraj turned and gave him two thumbs up. It was wonderful to see him throwing himself into it.

Pirates were rushing to the sides, preparing grapples and then Bates yelled "Fire!" and the chase gun barked. They were nowhere near the volume of a full broadside, but still loud enough, belching smoke and shot across the three hundred feet of water that separated them. The bar shot span end over end, ripping down rigging and clawing holes in the canvas of the sails. Men screamed and fell from the yards as a mast shuddered. The chain shot was no less effective, gathering the loose ropes and tangling them, then tearing them from their moorings.

Mr. Sabatini span the wheel, turning the bow so the larger fast ship could get alongside.

"Mir... Roger..." S'hib mumbled, frowning as he continued to look through the telescope. "I'm seeing an awful lot of..." He paused for a moment, turning his gaze to the long bore rifle leant against the decking. "Those, over there... why would they bother with so many guards if what they have onboard isn't worth," Again he paused, looking up at the rigging above them, noticing the crows nest was empty. "...Escorting."

He quickly handed back the spyglass to Miraj before rushing forward to overlook the rest of the ship, the crew busy loading the guns.

"Does one of you want to explain to me," his voice carrying over the deck, calm and collected before quickly escalating into a furious roar. "WHY THE NEST IS EMPTY?!" A stubby hoofed digit pointed straight up as he looked around, waiting.

George’s head snapped up when he heard S’hib bellow. Draining his head to look above him, he cursed aloud. Securing his cutlass into its scabbard, he rapidly climbed the rigging, getting up to the crows nest in less than a minute. Upon reaching the peak of the ship, he saw the lookout, a young boy, huddled in the bottom of the post, shaking in fear. “Boy,” he growled menacingly. “On your feet! You are disobeying the orders of your Captain! If you continue to cower, like a yellow bellied child, I will ensure that you are keel hauled! Now, on your feet!”

The young sailor scrambled up, "sorry, Mr. Staines. The cannons... I wasn't ready and I nearly fell..."

Nodding approvingly, George gave the boy a slap on his back. "That's a good man! Now, keep an eagle eye open and report what you see as soon as you see it." He then hurried back down the rigging to the deck below. Looking of to S'hib, he said, "All set above, Captain."

Miraj squinted through the spy glass, and then swore like a pirate. "Merchant Marines. Oh bugger." She turned to S'hib. "Good news and bad news Captain." She handed back the telescope. "Merchant marines. Means we still have to play by the rules, but they'll be fighting back a lot harder."

"Maybe you should have brought those little toys of yours..." S'hib remarked before taking back the telescope and returning to character. "Keep the guns firing! I want everything above deck turned to splinter!" He bellowed, finally leaving his perch atop with Miraj, marching down the somewhat rickety staircase to the main deck.

George passed the order on. "You heard the Cap'n, boys!! Leave nothing standing on that ship! All guns, fire as you bear! Keep firing until you hear otherwise!" The sudden explosions of the cannon letting loose salvo after salvo was nearly enough to wake the dead. Smoke quickly began to fill the air, dropping the visibility greatly.

The merchantman had no canon, and the salvos of chain quickly left sheet and rope in tangled disarray, but as Sabatini hauled the wheel to bring the Hades close enough for grappling, it became obvious that Infanta Bianca wasn't completely undefended.

Musket shots started barking from behind the rail of the merchant vessel. One clipped the rail next to S'hib which belched up splinter the size of his pinky. Another dropped a swab at George's side who was getting ready to swing the grapples.

Instantly the sailors took cover behind their own rail. Several were bleeding from shots to shoulders and chest. A couple of pirates, with several muskets of their own slung over their shoulder quickly swarmed the dead eyes, heading for the yards ready to snipe

"Man the deck sweepers!" Bates called out. "Ye be wanting shot in the main guns, captain? Shred the cheeky dogs?"

"What part of turning their main deck to splinter did ye not understand!" Bloodbeard scowled, shouldering his musket quickly. "Of course I want shot!" He snorted loudly, turning his attention briefly to the antiquated sights and firing.

Miraj darted down from the poop using the acrid cloud of ozone and gunpowder to hide from the shooters on the opposing deck and skidded to a crouch next to George, picking up a grapple from its neat coil and handing it to him. The other end was belayed to the pin in the rail above. "Okay, we haul them in, and storm the ship. You can either wait till we can get a plank across, or go for the swing."

Taking the offered grapple, George gave Miraj a mischievous grin. "Why wait?" He stood, swung the hook around twice over his head, and then hurled it across the space between the two ships.

The iron hook soared across the void, finally landing in a heap of splintered wood and shredded sail.

George immediately began to heave on the line, pulling the hook back, trying to gain purchase on something.

The hook began to drag back towards where it came from, grabbing assorted debris as it went. Finally, as it was nearing the edge of the deck, it fell through a hole in the deck and finally made solid purchase on a part of the hull, digging in as the line was yanked harder.

George gave a howl of victory. "Waooo!! Let's go, you sea dogs!! Launch lines over! We have her on the hook!"

More lines went sailing across, and two or three swabs to each rope began to haul, trying to stay low as more and more volleys came from the ship. Miraj scrambled along, loosening lines tucked into the shrouds, handing one to George and another to S'hib. "For swinging over, Captain," She gave him an impudent little smirk. "Horse from above."

George took the rope and gripped it tightly. Looking over to S'hib, he said, "On your order, Cap'n."

He gripped the rope, his four fingers wrapping around it tightly as he glanced between the two. "Well, what are ye waiting for!" He bellowed, taking a few steps back, hooves clicking eagerly on the decking. "they've had their chance to surrender!" He added before taking off into a quick sprint, his long legs covering the deck in but a few strides as he launched himself over the side of the ship.

He spied the waves crashing between the two vessels as they crashed up against one another, splintering panels and hatches as he came down on the other ship.

To be Continued…


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