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New look, or maybe just my old one.

Posted on Mon Mar 8th, 2021 @ 11:50am by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Gallia's Quarters
Timeline: after The Return
605 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Gallia had jumped right in the her job in strategic operations, first thing, because Fernando, her friend, was down there. As she ran the numbers of available fighters and marines a lock of her long, red hair, which she'd grown back for the mission back in time, fell down into her face and covered her eyes so she couldn't see, "Dammit!" She cursed, it had been so long since her hair had been this long, she'd forgotten what a pain in the ass it was.

""Ow the bloody 'ell does Phoenix put up wit' this mess?" She asked no one in particular,"I cannae stand it." She took a quick look at the clock, it was still early enough to get Spider to do it, so she took off for deck 2, leaving Tay with Kara, they were sleeping, no need to wake them.

Taking off for deck 2 and Spider's Web, she made her way in under fifteen minutes and called out, "Hey, Spider! Ye got a minute?"

"Sister not a sister? For you, absolutely." Spider answered, motioning Gallia to sit in her chair. "So, what do you want to do to it?" She asked, hoping she'd ask for a big change.

"I cannae stand this nay more." Gallia laughed, "I just wanit off."

"Like off?" Spider asked,she hadn't been this excited since Anje Brett came in with a ponytail and left with a pixie, "Totally off?"

"Well, not bald or nothin' again." Gallia replied, realizing her look had to be acceptable to the optics of a two year old, "But aye, all this long crap off."

"Okay, no problem." Spider said, prepping her shears and spraying Gallia's hair with water, "So, let's get crazy shall we?"

"Totally." Gallia giggled.

"Okay, letting me get crazy with the shears, I knew I liked you." Spider said, then quickly cut off Gallia's ponytail, "Okay, there's the first step, no backing out now."

"Who's backin' oot?" Gallia said, in mock indignation, "I wanned this."

"Alright." Spider giggled, she was having fun with this, "I'll do it."

Gallia looked at the tattered remains of the hair she'd been growing since the 17th century, glad it was off, but still kind of sad. She hadn't literally been growing it out for over six hundred years, but it definitely felt like it.

"You know what? This does not look good, not even." Spider stated the painfully obvious, "So, what do you say to letting me use my imagination?"

"Aye, have fun." Gallia laughed, though her smile turned into a grimace when she heard Spider warming up her clippers.

"Don't worry, your not in for it, sister not a sister." Spider laughed, combing through Gallia's red hair, "So, what do you say to a 3/4" pixie cut?"

"Aye, I can take that." Gallia laughed, relieved.

"Okay, you said you could handle it, so here we go." Spider laughed, a semi evil laugh at worst, and pushed the clippers right down the center of Gallia's head, "Okay, now it's starting to look good."

"Ach, ye didnae give me much time te change me mind." Gallia said, looking at the mirror in disbelief at the freshly mown patch in the center of her head.

"Of course not." Spider laughed hard, "The ones who look the prettiest with haircuts like these never get them, when they agree to it, don't give 'em the chance."

"Well, finish the job." Gallia laughed, sitting in the chair while Spider buzzed her head, "Hope this looks as good as ye say it will."

"Oh, it will look great." Spider reassured her, buzzing another swath less than an inch long, "Great."


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