Bad News Travels Fast
Posted on Thu Apr 1st, 2021 @ 7:35am by
Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
517 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure
Cara Starfire hd decided the best place to get the story was in the bar, so she had gone there in an attempt to get one, and she sat there watching a woman with very short red hair getting very drunk. When the bartender, Charlie, finally walked sexily over, she asked, "So what's her story?"
Charlie normally wouldn't give the media jackal the time of day, but she saw no harm in telling her, "Got off the phone with her sister's ex boyfriend, father of her baby, she's fighting her for custody again." Charlie said, "Why?"
"Well, that's about the fifteenth Scotch she's put down since she's been here, so I was curious." Cara shrugged, feeling a little out of place amongst all the short haired women here, "That's all.''
"Well, yah concehn is touchin', I mean that." Charlie answered, her thick Boston accent readily noticable, "But leave heh be."
"I didn't plan on bothering her." Cara giggle, "Jeez, lighten up a little, huh?"
"I'd find it easiah to be lightened up if you wehen't gonna go bother heh." Charlie complained loudly, "She has enough trouble without you, okay?"
"Okay, okay, geez." Cara sighed, Charlie was going to be impossible it seemed, "I won't ask her anything, I'll ask you. Whats her name?"
"Her name is Gallia Norris, she's a member of clan Simon Frasier, makes her Lady Lovat." Charlie informed her of Gallia's nobility, "She left for a while, now she's back. Baby's name is Tayalas."
"Tayalas you say? That's not a Scottish name." Cara stated the painfully obvious, "Where'd she get it?"
"Her mother, duh." Charlie sighed and rolled her eyes at Cara, for someone with the last name of Starfire she didn't burn too bright, "Her birth mother. Gave her that name when she was pregnant with her.''
"Birth mother?" Cara asked excitedly, "Any reason she's not with her birth mother? Birth mother have problems?" She was hoping for something juicy.
"Yeah," Charlie answered, "she's dead. That a big enough problem for you?"
"Oh, wow." Cara felt shame at her questions now, not to mention it wasn't what she had been shopping for, she'd hoped for a drug problem or something juicy, instead had gotten a tear jerker of a story, "Wow."
"Yeah, now leave her alone." Charlie repeated, in case Cara Starfire was as dim as she seemed, she hoped she wasn't, she'd hate to have to kick the ass of one as pretty as that.
"Okay, like I said, I wasn't going to bother her.'' Cara sighed, she was getting nowhere with Charlie, apparently getting the tabloid trash label after writing her book, though she had all she needed.
"Okay, lemme get you another." She said, going to get another mimosa for Cara.
"Right." Cara smiled prettily and readily, perhaps a little too readily, but it was a sincere smile, one based on a hope that she could help the pretty redhead, even if she couldn't. But, that was not her fault or even in her mind, all she needed to do was write it and let it happen.